- bgcolor=#ccccccName | Author(s) | Description |
A bad day for the Allies | ||
Aboriginal Resistance | Kronicsunflower | 1788 saw the First Fleet of Britain land on the shores of Australia. Owing to the disorganization of the Aborigines, there was no collective resistance to this threat in our timeline. In this history the Aboriginal tribes had long since joined together and the resistance was far more effective. |
Abrittus | Salvador79 | Roman Emperor Decius survives and wins the battle at Abrittus against the Visigoths in 251 AD and continues to persecute Christians. A splintered and radicalised Christianity sparks armed rebellion in the Eastern part of the Roman Empire, which will ultimately bring about a strong, democratic, but isolationist Second Roman Republic which survives the Huns` invasion of Europe. World history is deeply altered by the absence of a feudalist medieval period in Europe. |
Abya Yala | Chlewey | In 200 BC, a trading network begins to develop in the Caribbean. Americans discover Africa before 600 AD, and had circumnavigated the world by 800 AD. |
Arctic Empires | ||
A change for the Persian. | Teonod | The Persian Empire conquers the Greek peninsula in 480 BC. Their weakened army continues west, but gets caught between a massive Illyrian invasion force and a Greek uprising. After paying a Phoenician fleet commander to take them to Anatolia, a storm lands them in Apulia. The Romans never rise, Carthage never falls and Pontius Pilatus isn't there to kill Jesus. |
A Change in Plans | Ariosto Marzani | The German Spring offensive of 1918 never occurs. Instead, half of those troops are sent to the Italian and Salonikan fronts, where they prove the decisive factor. |
Adams Dies 1797 | Dstafne | US President John Adams dies in his first month in office, and the new President Jefferson sides with the Directory-led French Republic against Britain. |
Adelsverein | ||
Adfinitas genesis | A world where history diverges several times: with no one single event establishing it as different from our time line. | |
A Different 2010 | Gen_Patton | A study in the butterfly effect, A Different 2010 visualizes a world where Indonesia completely conquers the island of Borneo in 1963, and conquers the whole of Paupa (Papua?) shortly thereafter. These small changes lead to increasingly dramatic effects on world history, leading to a vastly "Different 2010." |
A Different World | ||
A Different World War II and Cold War | Azecreth | Instead of wheeling to the east of Paris, Kluck's army brushes aside the division guarding Paris, taking the city and ending WW1 way earlier than normal. |
Advancement | User:Eastward Expansion | The Dark ages end 200 years early, resulting in a world 200 years more advanced than our own... |
A fractured America | ||
A Federation of "Equals" | User:99KingHigh | A Federation of "Equals" is a Alternate History composing of information based off the Victoria II Interactive After Action Report, written by theAhawk. It explains the history of the Danubian Federation, a nation born from the fires of Revolution in the old Hapsburg Monarchy, and the subsequent affairs, legislation, and wars of the state. |
A history of a world | zagoria | An alternative timeline where there are many PODs that begins in 1509. The modern day global superpowers include the UK, Columbia, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, and Castille. |
Ætas ab Brian | C II R | :After Ptolemaic Egypt was driven out of Greece, split in half and conquered by 750 AUC, the mastermind behind Rome's victories roams the countryside in Judea and returns with an adopted son. |
Age of Darkness | wanderingmagus | The world has collapsed and reformed politically. Throughout the various continents new powers are rising, but the main concern remains survival in most places. Will civilization survive, or will the world fall into an Age of Darkness? |
Age of Kings | Monster Pumpkin | When the United States wins the battle of Fort Cumberland and the battle of Miramichi, the Maritime provinces fall under American Control, while nationalism rises continuously throughout the world. |
Age of the Turtle | | The Turtle, a very early attack submarine, successfully sinks several British ships. Many other countries begin this new kind of warfare, thus beginning the Age of the Turtle. |
A Greater America | ||
A History of the CSA Victory | Emanresu11 | |
Ahtobiton | Dr. 8-Bit | Germanic tribes unite and conquer much of Europe in 200 BCE; Lithuania remains a world power. |
A Kingdom and a Horse | Nekromans | Richard III defeats Henry Tudor at Bosworth Field, leading to Wacky Personal Unions (c) and Alternate American Colonisation (TM)... |
Alas, Poor Harry | Cprhodesact | In 1967, Australia's Prime Minister, Harold Holt, disappears without a trace while swimming. This timeline depicts a Harold Holt who lives much longer, though the life he leads is still tinted with tragedy and scandal. |
Alaska Forever! | Gws234 | The United States never successfully integrates Alaska, and it develops its own separate identity. This ultimately leads to a razor's-edge independence referendum. |
Alexander Empire | Joechao, TimeMaster | Alexander the Great dies at age 86 and unifies most of the known world, including the Roman Republic and Carthage. He cements an empire spanning from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean. |
Alexander the Great | | |
Alien Presence | | Space exploration reveals an inhabited Venus and Mars, and has massive implications for the Cold War. |
Allied Nations | ||
Alternate Africa | Mikhail Voronov | Africa. A tribal continent until roughly 100 AD, when the Kongo Empire made contact with the Axum Empire. We start our tale from 0, the supposed birth of Jesus, to modern times. |
Alternate Asia | Mikhail Voronov | The world today, but changed. Asia suffered drastic changes throughout history, from putdowns of Communism to global war. |
Alternate Imperialism | Mscoree | Old feuds and alliances lead to a different shuffling of European powers. |
Alternity | Airwolf fanatic94 | Multiple divergences throughout history create a world both radically different and oddly familiar to our own. |
Alternative 2014 | DannyCity | A study in the butterfly effect, Alternative 2014 visualizes a world where there was no August Coup, Atlantis exists and never sunk, Lake Bonneville is still there, Kerguelen never sunk, the United Kingdom purchased Alaska for Canada, Cuba is a U.S. state along with the Cayman Islands and Bermuda, Britain purchased the Territory of Oregon for Canada, and that the USSR, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia still exist. These changes lead to increasingly dramatic effects on world history, leading to a vastly "Alternative 2014." |
A Little of America | ||
All Under Heaven | Marshall of the Templars | After the untimely death of the Yongle Emperor in 1404, China descends into 14 years of economic depression. When the 15 year old son of the Yongle Emperor ascends to the Dragon Throne in 1418, a chain of events starts that will ultimately result with the Ming Empire as the world's dominant faction. (Under construction) |
Al Smith Victorious! | Orion-5 | By some miracle, Al Smith defeats Herbert Hoover in the 1928 U.S. presidential election and is the first Catholic Irish-American president. This puts a new spin on the outcome of the Great Depression and, inevitably, the rise of Hitler and World War II! (Open for editing) |
America The Fallen | What if? | In the years following the American Revolution, the Articles of Confederation remains the single governing document and the US Constitution is never written. The federal government is significantly much more weakened as a result and, within several years, the American colonies have returned to self-governing city states. |
American Commonwealth | NyBob85 | The American Revolution is put down early on with General Burgoyne's decisive victory at Saratoga. America carries on through history as Britain's most prosperous colony, eventually achieving Commonwealth status and facing down a powerful Mexican Empire for control of the continent. |
American Revolution Fails | The American Revolutions fails as Britain uses her powerful navy to strangle the 13 colonies. A much different world emerges... | |
American Empire | | The entire earth is united by the United States. |
American Expansion | Emanresu11 | After the assassination of President McKinley by an anarchist President, Roosevelt realizes that the United States must increase its influence across Latin America, and eventually across the entire world. |
American Expansion Campaign | ||
American Expansion Failure | ||
American Foreign Legion | ||
American Union | Jeffrbenn | Lord North resigns after the Battle of Saratoga, leading to an independent United States within the British Empire. |
Americans acquire all of Mexico | Mavisman | The United States conquers all of Mexico, and things turn out diferently. |
A New America | Mikhail Voronov | A lone warrior from the fictional Hecan Tribe unites and conquers the OTL area of the USA, in 4,000 BC. From there on she has to build an empire to stand the test of time. |
A Modern Confederacy | ||
A More Powerful United States | ||
The Ancient Powers | Cucumberoclock | The Indo-European Powers fight, and a massive war starts. |
The Andean Wars | Henneth | Christopher Columbus has his journey to the New World delayed 6 months, and his ships are destroyed in a hurricane. Civil war is waiting in Spain, and the Ottomans won't be very friendly... |
An African People | EmperorCuolec | Africa is today a write-off continent, fraught with war and poverty. But, what if it was different? What if history changed, and the African continent came to dominate the world? |
An Earlier War on Terrorism | Sleeper23 | By 2005 the so-called "War on Terrorism" is approaching its twentieth year. |
An Early October Revolution | Marcpasquin | The Russian October Revolution take place 12 years earlier than in our timeline. |
Angevin Union | ||
Anglo-France | | England wins the Hundred Years War but becomes weak, and it is under attack from all sides... |
Anglo-German Alliance | WAg500 | Instead of improving relations with the British Empire during his reign, Napoleon III focuses more on making alliances with Austria and Russia. This leads to an alliance between the British and German empires, and furthermore, allows the centuries-old Anglo-French rivalry to continue into the 20th century. |
Anglo-Welsh war | ||
An Independent in 2000 | YNot1989 | A billionaire of the dot-com boom successfully upstages Al Gore and George W. Bush for the Presidency in the 2000 election, wining a plurality and changing the course of the New Millennium... |
An Mhaidín Mhaith sá Chionn tSáile | Denten007 | In 1601 the Irish army of Hugh O'Neill and Hugh O'Donnell reach Kinsale before the English. They meet the Spanish army there and defeat the English forces, thus quelling the English appetite for a colonial empire for quite some time. The power sphere of western Europe is greatly reduced on the world stage in the modern era. |
A North American Cold War | Emanresu11 | The CSA secedes 10 years early in 1851. By 1950 The USA and CSA are the two most powerful nations on earth thus paving the way for a much different Cold War. |
A Non-Nazi 1936-2000 | LegoKopek | The Nazis never come to power after WWI, setting off a chain reaction with Soviet conquest. |
Another Day That Will Live in Infamy | ||
Antarctica Farther North: The Rise of Khyropyten | ||
Anse Aux Meadows | Louisiannan | The Nordic settlement of the Americas did happen successfully. |
Apocalypse | ||
Apocalypse 1985 | ||
A Progressive America | Riley.Konner | A rich scientist wins the 1912 presidential election, as a progressive candidate. |
A Peoples History of the Third Great Patriotic War | | USSR wins the Cold War and is faced with a war on terror. |
Aquila | ||
Arabic Unity | Marcpasquin | A pan-Arab state is created in the early years of the Cold War when Egypt and Syria merge to form the United Arab Republic. |
Archimedes Invents Gunpowder | | Archimedes, the famed scientist, discovers gunpowder before his death, and when it is rediscovered during the reign of Constantine it has drastic effects. |
Ardennes Disaster | Das Taub | Adolf Hitler's Final Gamble succeeds beyond his wildest dreams, changing the course of the War. |
Ard Marjhoola | Mikebloke | Ibn Aswad's journey to supposedly new lands is taken seriously, and leads to the colonisation of South America in 933. |
A Red Century | World Master | Ayatollah Khomeini dies in 1978, the Islamic Revolution fails, Iraq and Israel goes to war, and the Soviet Union survives as a superpower. |
Arrival | Fegaxeyl | An extraterrestrial race of refugees arrives on Earth in 1963, completely revamping world politics. |
As A Glass Darkly | Mamercus | George Willett, Jr.'s twin brother survives, allowing George Sr. to disinherit George Jr. when he runs off to join the Barnum & Bailey Circus. |
Asian Empires' Triumphants | ||
Assassins | Denten007 | The Hashshashin survive as an underground society into the modern era. They are no longer an Islamic sect. They are not assassins for hire. They instead choose to kill certain individuals to shape the world to their specifications, and to keep the world largely at peace. |
Asteroid Impact Timeline | ||
A Stronger Loving World | ||
A Thousand Russian Years | RGB531 | |
Athenian Legacy | 99KingHigh | The Athenian Empire and Delian League are able to defeat the Spartans in the Peloponnesian War, forever changing the course of civilizations founding father. |
Arthropod Intelligence | ||
Atlantic Islands | | World geography is a little different and there are a few more islands in the Atlantic Ocean. |
Atlantis TL | ||
Austrian Germany | Semyon Edikovich | Austria wins the Austrian-Prussian War and excludes Prussia from the German Federation. (In OTL, the opposite occurs.) |
Austria and others | Collie Kaltenbrunner | |
A Cautious Decision | PESTICIDE | The allies overcome the trench warfare on the hills of Gallipoli, going on the capture Constantinople, changing the run of the war. |
A United Front | Marcpasquin | The Spanish Civil War spills out into the rest of Europe. |
A Very British Civil War | Emperorjames | King Edward VIII marries Wallis Simpson. This alienates the British public, and war erupts between several factions. |
A World Divided | Kennelly | After Mikhail Gorbachev is killed just prior to him assuming power in the Soviet Union, the Cold War continues until today, and many people meet a different fate. |
A World Apart | Masakuni | Humankind develops on a completely different continental map than OTL Earth, causing human society to develop utterly differently. |
A World in Chaos (The Great World Wide Earthquake of 1977) | Onmybelief | |
A Worse Black Plague | Ed9306 | In the XIV century Black Plague devasted the European continent. In the next 700 years, Islam and China will compete for world domination in the declining European culture. |
A World Without America | Platnia101 | A disaster at sea causes the world to lose hope in ever finding a Trans-Atlantic passage to East Asia, and therefor leaves the new world to slowly cultivate to become actual cometition against the old world when it is "discovered" in 1951. |
A World without Rome | ||
A World Without Hitler | SovietBritain | Adolf Hitler is killed in World war 1, leading to slightly different outcomes in 1930s Germany and World War 2. |
Axis Powers | ||
Axis Reign | ||
Axis World | NyBob85 | The Confederacy wins the American Civil War and slowly transforms into a fascist colonial empire, setting history down a radically different course and eventually culminating in a World War II that the Allied Powers lose. |
Aztec Empire | | The Aztecs successfully defeat the Spanish at the gates of Tenochtitlan in 1521. The Aztecs then begin an intense period of isolationism, until a second invasion by the Spanish forces them to find an ally in the form of the newly United States of America. Meanwhile, the Inca empire is destabilised until the 1930s, when it is seized by a fascist dictatorship and, after allying with Germany, Italy, and Japan, seeks revenge... |
- Babylonian War
- Balance Point
- Banana World
- United Fruit (later Chiquita) and Standard Fruit (later Dole) maintain their strangleholds on the Latin American nations, bringing a quite literal definition to the term "Banana Republics".
- Banat Republic
- The tiny Banat Republic that emerged after WWI is not invaded by Serbia, and so it remains independent until WWII, and it regains independence after the collapse of Yugoslavia.
- The Barbarian Empire
- The first part of A Thousand Russian Years, this alt-hist was based on a game of Crusader Kings. During the collapse of the Byzantine Empire under the Dukids, a young warlord - Vladimir Monomach - unexpectedly finds himself in charge of a small army that's about to create a big legacy. Follow the rise and fall of a medieval Graeco-Russian Orthodox superpower.
- Barony of France
- Basileus' Interference Timeline
- An extremely involved, far-reaching, and complex timeline of human history from the times of Jesus onwards, to a newer, stimulating possible scenario. Its development can be followed at: the AH.com forum.
- Battleground Germany
- The Battle of Caldbeck
- North of Hastings, 1066. This neglected footnote in the early career of Harold Godwinson could have turned out very differently indeed. It is perhaps best remembered today for the comical name of Harold's opponent, William the Bastard, Duke of Normandy. Had William triumphed, the horrors of the feudal system would have been visited on this island.
- Bella Gerant Alii
- A world with numerous (mainly European) points of divergence - the defeat of France in the Hundred Years War, the absence of a unified Spain, no execution of Mary, Queen of Scots etc., which effect the rest of the world in greater proportions
- Bermudas United Nations
- Winston Churchill, with European support, establishes the Headquarters of the United Nation(s) on the middle North Atlantic island of Bermuda, in response to the creation and growth of the World Bank/Internacional Monetary Fund in the USA. That becomes a non-USA-puppet organization with a more utopian result. (Stub) (Open to adoption)
- Between Iraq and a Hard Place
- Political turmoil in the UK means that the US is forced to go it alone in Iraq. It is militarily more than capable, but is left politically isolated...
- Beyond the Ocean
- In 1223, a mistake causes Jebe and Subutai to lose the Battle of the Kalka River. Angered, Genghis Khan aborts an invasion to Europe, demotes Jebe and Subutai to a lower rank in the imperial court, and decides to focus on exploring the ocean to the east of China.
- Bicentennial Divergence
- Biden vs. Bush
- Delaware Senator Joe Biden wins the Democrat nomination for President in 1988. What happens when Vice-President George H.W. Bush has to face off against the "common man" candidate for the Presidency?
- Big Benito
- Mussolini gets nicer and starts a new Roman Empire that is greater than Germany or Britain.
- The Bishop Royal
- Prince August Frederick (1773-1843) follows his youthful ambition of being ordained.
- Black American Revolution
- In the 1930s, before WW2 starts, in the USA black/negro peoples are segregated. At some point, a group of blacks take control of a military base in a southern state, a civil conflict arises, and that end with the acceptance of self-goverment of a new republic in North America for the "enemies" of the USA. (Open for adoption, preferably by an American citizen)
- Black Death - Thirteenth Century
- What if The Black Death happened a century earlier?
- Black Magic Rituals on Easter Island
- Blond Death
- A new plague pandemic occurs in the late 20th century. It is called "the blonde", and it ravages, basically, Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand. "The blonde" kills a quarter of the population of Europe, but is present in the minus range around the world. "The blonde" is present, like a flu, in many people, but with the oddity that the flu kills a high percentage of white, blonde people with clear eyes that are infected. The social scale of the world changes forever.
- Blue Dream
- What if Chiang Kai-Shek could defeat the communists early on? How would China be different from today? Well, in this alternate history, discover the challenges and rewards of maintaining a Nationalist China and the woes with the nations around it. More importantly, see how China deals with being a sleeping dragon under American domination and influence!
- Blue Mars
- Bolshevik Bleeding
- A wiser and more watchful Alexander Kerensky avoids the rise of the Bolsheviks, and the October Revolution never occurs, making the way free for democracy in Russia.
- Bolivar's Dream
- Bolivar is able to unify all of Hispano-America.
- The Boulanger Era
- A proto-fascistic regime emerges in 1890s France.
- Brian Felled Brodir
- Brian Boru wins the Battle at Clontarf and unifies Eire.
- Breitenfeld and Luetzen
- Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden leads his troops to victory in both Breitenfeld and Luetzen, and survives to carry the banner of the Reformation still further.
- Britain's reconquest of America
- Britannia not United
- The early medieval nations of Britain don't unify, and thus England is never born. The countries then face external invasion from powerful France and Ireland.
- British Baltimore Win
- Major General Robert Ross survives the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812.
- British Civil War
- British Empire
- British Empire Glory
- Neutral British
- The British do not enter World War One and remain the dominant power into the 21st Century.
- British Empire Triumphant
- Biggger British Empire
- After some major wars, the British do not lose their colonies; as a result, the empire gets larger and larger.
- British Supreme Power
- The British create the greatest empire by not joining WW1.
- British Louisiana
- Disease in 1762 prevents the British takeover of Cuba, preventing the Spanish loss of Florida. Britain takes Louisiana instead.
- Brittanese-Speaking World
- Anglo-Saxon Britain competes with the Scandinavian Vikings over the settlement of Vineland and eventually succeed in colonizing North America.
- Business Plot
- The Business Plot succeeds as originally planned.
- Bull Moose
- Former President Theodore Roosevelt wins the 1912 Republican Party nomination for President, after convincing President Taft to step down as the nominee. Roosevelt goes on to defeat Woodrow Wilson and reshapes the U.S. political landscape, the map of Europe and, consequently, world events.
- Burgundy Survives
- The kingdom of Burgundy survives to the present day, and becomes a colonial power.
- Bush is Betrayed; Unity '04
- Butterfly of Quebec
- US forces win the battle of Quebec, leading to a butterfly effect which changes the world forever.
- Bye Bye Belgium
- Formation of the Belgian Leterme I federal government lasts even longer and is even more hopeless than in OTL, leading to the RTBF-hoax scenario becoming fact rather than fiction.
- By Grace of God Protector of the Commonwealth
- Byzantine Khazaria
- The Byzantine Empire prevents the Seljuk Turks from encroaching into western Asia Minor under the rule of Alexios I Comnenus. The Byzantines then focus their conquests on Russia, namely Khazaria, home to the Asiatic tribe known as the Khazars, and go on to become a dominant power in Europe.
- Byzantine Empire Triumphant
- Byzantine Glory
- A small and insignificant war in Central Asia leads to a revolution in Constantinople, setting the Byzantine Empire on a path of glory, survival, and becoming the world's most powerful nation.
- Byzantine Gunpowder
- A trader inadvertently takes some gunpowder down the Silk Road and into the Byzantine Empire. With new weapons, a new age of Byzantine rule begins.
- Byzantine World
- The conversion of Mohammed to Christianity prevents the Arabic conquests of Byzantine lands and allows the Eastern Roman Empire to flourish much longer. The shape of Western Europe is also changed considerably.
- Cabotia and Brasil
- The Castillian queen does not support Christopher Columbus, who is not lucky in France, either. The English and the Portuguese discover the Americas before 1500, though.
- Call Me Carter
- Operation Eagle Claw is successful, and Jimmy Carter is elected to a second term.
- Canadian Independence
- The Quebec Act of 1774 is never passed, which results in a greater rift between Quebec and the rest of British Canada. The invasion of Quebec is successful, and Canada has achieved independence by the 1780s.
- Capitalists of the World, Unite
- The German railroad car smuggling Lenin into St. Petersburg is intercepted by Tsarist forces. Russia bleeds itself dry by the end of the Great War, but Communism never takes root. Equally pulverized against the Russian anvil, Germany sues for peace in 1917.
- The Capitol Burns
- The September 11 attacks never take place. Instead, the Al-Qaida network chooses a bigger, and more deadly, target. On January 29, 2002, during George W. Bush's State of the Union address, an airliner dive-bombs into the U.S. Capitol building. 97% of the members of Congress are killed, and so are most of the cabinet, including the President and Vice President. The Presidency passes to Interior Secretary Gale Norton, who presides over the beginning of the end of American democracy.
- The Clontarf Split
- After the Battle of Clontarf in Ireland, the land is split into two kingdoms - one ruled by the High King of Ireland, and one ruled by the Vikings.
- The Cold War continues and is cancelled in 2001
- Gorbachev's reforms work in the Soviet Union, so much that the Communist world survives into the 21st Century, along with the Warsaw Pact. Then when the September 11th Attacks come, the Cold War is cancelled, as the Communist and Capitalist world unite in the face of terrorism.
- Caeser lives
- The assasination attempt of the Ides of March fails.
- Caroline Era
- A series of PODs leads to the continuation of a 1970s-style world into the 1980s and beyond.
- Cecil's Society
- Cecil Rhodes' secret society is set up to try and rule the world, but America is not so subservient to the society, which leads to a world war between the Old World and the New World/China. Now an open timeline.
- Celebrity World
- The election of Ronald Reagan as President in 1968 starts the United States, and the world, off on a celebrity kick. From then on, every U.S. President is an actor, musician or other non-political celebrity prior to entering politics, the entire U.S. Senate is made up of celebrities, and this craze has spread to other nations as well.
- Celtic Empire
- Celtic tribes are able to repel Roman invaders, and after the repulsion, they establish a very powerful nation thoughout Europe.
- A successful rebellion against the English in the early 17th century results in Wales becoming the dominant power in Great Britain. Wales then leads Europe in the "Age of Exploration".
- Celtic Rules
- The Celtic tribes throughout Europe are never suppressed by other peoples, yielding a highly Celtic-influenced Europe with numerous Celtic nations, and languages, spreading all over the continent.
- Central powers Shift East
- Germany allies with Russia and Austria-Hungary to form the Central Powers. Britain, faced with the prospect of war, blackmails the United States to join the Entente. With the major players shifted, World War One turns out differently.
- Central World
- The Central Powers win World War I.
- Chamberlain's Legacy
- Joseph Chamberlain, the father of Neville Chamberlain. In OTL, he is a footnote in history, an obscure radical imperialist who started as one of the rising stars of the Liberal Party and ended a man who split his party and joined the Conservatives. Instead, in the new timeline, he becomes Prime Minister in 1886. The results today: a world with five Superpowers- the United States of America; the United Britannic Commonwealth; the United Federation of Europe; the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China.
- Chaos TL - A world without Genghis Khan's conquests
- This long, finished TL starts with the death of Genghis Khan in the year 1200 and goes until 1993. It has more than 350 pages in this wiki, of which more than 100 are about the nations alone.
- Charlottic Era - One Princess' Life could save Europe.
- Charlotte of Wales died in 1817 of post-partum complications. The only child of George IV her death led onto the ascension of her uncle William IV and ultimately, Queen Victoria. In this TL Charlotte does not die, going on to reign through the industrial era of the United Kingdom. While a seemingly minor detail Victoria does not go on to see her children spread throughout the royalty of Europe. Charlotte's two children compared to Victoria's nine make less of an impact on an ever changing world.
- Cherry, Plum, and Chrysanthemum
- China's industrial-age space program
- In 850, the Chinese alchemist who discovered gunpowder by accident, instead of adding honey to his concoction of sulfur, realgar and saltpetre, adds animal dung, and subsequently discovers explosives.
- Chinese America
- Chinese Meiji
- China starts a modernization program in the 1840s, overthrows the Qing dynasty, and sets up a constitutional monarchy. The result is a drastically different 20th century, where Germany dominates Europe and the Middle East is one of the most stable regions in the world.
- Chinese World
- A divided China partially resists the Mongol invasion, while the Mongols devastate western Europe. At the downfall of the Mongols, the Chinese states are ready to conquer the unknown world.
- Christ Dynasty
- Jesus Christ takes a less peaceful approach, but still emphasizes himself as Messiah and as the son of God. He leads a rebellion and establishes an empire.
- Clash of Empires: Han meets Rome
- Clausewitz Lives!
- Cliche CSA Victory Timeline
- The many cliches of a CSA victory timeline in one easy to use timeline. Watch as a victory of Gettysburg changes the destiny for North America...again.
- Clinton Who?
- Bill Clinton's disastrous 1988 Convention speech does more harm than previously thought. His bid for the nomination in 1992 ends disastrously as well, when the Gennifer Flowers tapes are released before the Iowa primary, Clinton ends up in the single digits there and in New Hampshire. Paul Tsongas wins the nomination.
- Clinton Assassinated
- While campaigning in Iowa in 1996, Bill Clinton is assassinated by a religious zealot. Gore is sworn in as President and is nominated in his place.
- Cold Phoney War
- An Allied partial victory in Norway convinces Hitler of the near impossibility of invading the British Isles, keeps Chamberlain in power, and gives the Allies a position to fight the Soviet Union directly over Finland.
- Cold War actually slightly Chilly War
- Stalin dies near the end of World War II, causing a different Yalta Conference, along with different post-war politics. Tensions between the Soviet Union and the west remain, however.
- Colón Pact Victory
- Gran Colombia survives, Mexico keeps central America, and an alliance is made that will bring the Revolution to all the opressed proliteriat of the world, and not even the opressive Japanese Empire can stand in their way.
- Commonwealth of America
- The American Rebellion fails. When Canada gains self-government in 1867, America follows suit as a free, democratic constitutional monarchy, consisting of the 13 original colonies plus the captured Louisiana territory. With no United States to threaten its existence, Mexico flourishes until it is torn apart by unrest and civil war.
- The Compromise of 1856
- Though having won a decisive plurality of the popular vote, James Buchanan fails to win a majority of the electoral vote. As the election moves to the House of Representatives, division occurs over the issue of slavery, with the representatives being equally divided between Fremont and Buchanan. Eventually, a compromise is reached, today known as the Compromise of 1856.
- Confederacy Survives
- Confederate Provinces of Canada
- The Confederate Utopia
- The Confederates win the Civil War with ironic results.
- A Confederate Victory
- General Lee makes a crucial decision at Gettysburg that alters the course of the Americas.
- Conflict in the SouthWest
- After being defeated in the short but bloody Mormon War, the citizens of the Deseret region of Utah, Nevada, Western Colorado, Southern Idaho and Wyoming, and South Eastern California, are angry. Tempers simmer until they flare up in 2003, causing the Deseret Conflict.
- Conservative Century
- William McKinley survives Leon Czolgoz's attempted assassination, leading to over a century of peace and prosperity worldwide.
- Controversy: A Universe in Parallel
- Cotton Party
- Jefferson Davis wins the 1860 elections; the North secedes from the South, forming a Northern 'Dixie',
- Country Kennedy
- Joseph Kennnedy wins the election of 1952.
- Crescent & Cross - A Norman Egypt
- A timeline from AH.com exploring the consequences of Normans under Robert Guiscard conquering Egypt in 1083. The spiritual successor to the Hauteville Empire.
- Cromwell the Great
- Charles I is executed in 1649. He is Britain's last king. Following his death, Britain becomes a republic, known as the Commonwealth - governed ostensibly by Parliament but, in reality, by the dictator Oliver Cromwell. With the monarchy abolished, and the 'pretender' Stuarts never again to return to the throne, there is no revolution in the American colonies, and Cromwell and his successors lead a very different kind of British Empire.
- Cross of Gold
- William Jennings Bryan wins the election of 1896, and as President tries to change the morals of a nation.
- Crusader World
- Saladin's forces are badly beaten at the battle of Hattin, and King Guys army recieves help from the landing Crusader armies of France and England. After besieging Jerusalem for 2 years, Barbarrosa's huge German army arrives and enters Jerusalem. Saladin surrenders and retreats to Baghdad, but the Crusaders widen their claims until an early form of Colonialism takes place. Meanwhile, the Mongols are defeated by the Russians, and great power arrises in Eastern Europe.
- The Curie Bomb
- After her children were killed in a German gas attack in 1916, Marie Curie takes revenge, by working with the French government to develop a dirty bomb, which is dropped behind German lines in 1918, irradiating part of Northern France and decimating the German army, leading to a surrender. With other discoveries in the 1920s, a new cold war begins with many more players.
- D-Day Disaster
- Dae Han Jeguk: an Alternate History of Korea
- Korea modernizes in the 19th century. The world today looks much the same, and different.
- Dai-t-a
- The Japanese Empire decides not to invade Pearl Harbor, leading to a completely different world order.
- Damned Marxies!
- Dark Brazilian Empire
- The 1889 Republican coup fails. In 1957, during the Cold War, a absolute monarchy, based on dictatorship, is born in Brazil.
- Dawn of Hope
- Hitler sucessfully becomes a painter, and a much more competent leader takes his place, making his way to world leader, and he establishes a dystopian version of the UN as a world state.
- Day of Glory
- Starting with New-France never falling to the British, a domino effect creates a timeline where the balance of power is held by the Gallican Republic and the United Royal Provinces.
- Death of an Empire
1905 The British Empire collapses from nations declaring independence and civil war in its member nations. France and Russia step in to fill the power vacuum. WWI never happens until 1938.
- Death of the old world
- Death of a Queen
- Queen Elizabeth II's plane crashes during the 2007 state visit to the USA, she survives but is very badly injured.
- Death of a President - 2003
- Death Years
- Decimalisation of the Shilling
- Decimation at Dunkirk
- Hitler never orders his armor to halt, and they obliterate the allied armies at Dunkirk before they can be evacuated.
- Defenders of the Fang- a Dinosaur Althist
- Dinosaurs never go extinct. Civilization begins a couple hundred thousand years earlier, and there are a lot of other big changes.
- Deluge
- The world suffers under a global flood that shows no signs of stopping.
- Democratic Afghanistan
- Ahmed Shah Massoud establishes a stable Afghanistan in the aftermath of the Soviet withdrawal, thus preventing the rise of the Taliban.
- Democratic Century
- Harry Truman once again beats the odds, winning a 3rd term in office, beginning a long period of Democratic dominanace in national affairs, and a great many events occur earlier or later then OTL. Operates jointly with "Republican Century".
- Democatic Republic of the Balkan
- The people in the Ottoman Empire gain independence, and they form a nation.
- Die Deutschen Seigreich
- Hitler thinks out his battle plans, gets superior technology, and WW2 starts in 1955 and has a much different victor....
- Die Sonne geht im Reich nie unter...
- The Central Powers win the First World War, and Germany goes on to become a worldwide colonial superpower.
- Different Same Union
- Scotland becomes the main power in the United Kingdom.
- Divergence Factor -0.229
- The year is 1860. The point of divergence is 1784. The Republican Party is never formed, John C. Breckenridge is elected President, and New England secedes from the union, leading to civil war.
- Divided Japan
- Harry S Truman does not argue as forcefully for possession of Japan as he does in OTL, and he does not order the dropping of the Bomb in 1945. The war ends the next year, and Japan is partitioned like Germany.
- Doctor who isn't cancelled in 1989
- The TV show "Doctor Who" is not cancelled in 1989. (in progress)
- Domahn Ceilteach
- The Angles form the Anglo-Burgundians. The Saxons invade Normandy, and all the British Isles remain a thoroughly Celtic nation. UP FOR ADOPTION.
- Downfall of the Old World
- America stays out of World War I. (WIP)
- Dragon Awakens
- A fire in the Forbidden City caused the young future Chongzhen Emperor to wonder the streets of Beijing, where he meets a man named Xu Hongzu who offers to become his tutor.... The Empire of Ming grows to become the largest empire to ever exist on the face of Earth.
- Dry
- DSO (Demokrata Socialisma Organizo / Democratic Socialist Organization)
- Dunkirk Disaster
Eagle of the Nile
- Nasser decides to work with the Ba'ath Party to ensure the continuity of the United Arab Republic through the present day.
Early World War I
- The Dodger Bank incident isn't solved diplomatically, and it causes the Russo-Japanese War to expand into an earlier World War I.
Eastern Collapse
- During the decline of Rome, The Eastern Empire (Byzantium) becomes the first to fall instead of the West. (Open for edits)
Easternized World
- The Tang Dynasty lasts into the late 10th century. After a new dynasty takes over, China takes over much of Asia.
- Election 1952
- Adlai Stevenson wins the 1952 Presidential Election after Robert Taft takes the Republican nomination away from Dwight Eisenhower. This has a huge effect on history and future elections.
- Emperor Belisarius
- 540 - Belisarius accepts the title of Western Roman Emperor from the Ostrogoths.
- Emperor Sejanus
- 37 - During the fragile early years of the Roman Principate, the fate of Sejanus, Prefect of the Praetorian Guard, friend and ally of the second Emperor, Tiberius, is sealed in OTL upon the latter's decision to favour his nephew Gaius for succession, commonly called Caligula. In the new timeline, water runs thicker than blood, and Sejanus succeeds in succeeding Tiberius.
- Emperor George I (not done yet)
- Empire of Forever
- The Spanish Empire makes its way to survive until the Twentieth century.
- English Empire
- l'Empereur Est Mort
- 1812 - Napoleon dies during an unsuccessful attempt to conquer the British Isles. This causes the French Empire to survive to this very day.
- Ericson's Vinland
- Leif Ericson encourages Greenlanders to settle Vinland after he discovers the island and stays there for a winter. After the Greenlanders create several successful settlements, word gets out to Iceland that a more hospitable land than Greenland has been found. This encourages Icelandic settlement and the establishment of a permanent colony.
- Erin Go Bragh
- Ireland begins the fight for their independence one hundred years before it does in OTL.
- Eryr Wen
- Eternal Migration
- 65 million years ago - A gigantic meteor hits the Earth. This kills off the dinosaurs and many other species... but not mammals. The meteor hit, however, causes the Earth to change its speed of rotation, so it is almost locked with the sun (i.e. one side always faces the sun), However, it is slightly off. Now, it takes 1000 years for one point on Earth to move all the way around to the same position relative to the sun. The human race evolves anyway, and, coincidentally, many OTL historical people appear, but all are subject to the ETERNAL MIGRATION.
- Ethelred the Pious
- 871 - Alfred does not take charge of Wessex forces at the Battle of Ashdown, and the Danes take over England, eventually making it a thorougly Scandinavian country.
- Eurasian Alliance
- 1921 - One year after a successful Kapp Putsch: Disappointed how she was treated by the Allies after World War I, an authoritarian Germany seeks new allies for her revenge: the Soviet Union and the Nationalist Republic of China.
- Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft 1919
- In 1919 a victorious Germany establishes a free trade zone in Central Europe, consisting of Germany, Finland, The Baltic Duchy, Poland, Austria-Hungary, and Ukraine. This lays the groundwork for future European integration and the European Confederation.
- Eureka!
- In 1854, at the Eureka Stockade in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, the leader of the miners, Peter Lalor, is killed in battle. His martyrdom turns a small conflict into a big one, the Eureka Rebellion, aided by a charismatic and brilliant commanding general, and Australia is transformed into an American-style republic.
- Evading Destiny
- The first POD starts during the rise of king Agron. As people evade their destiny (i.e. OTL) new events unfold and a new world is created.
- Explorers and Empires
- Columbus sails for Portugal in 1485, leading to Portugese domination of the Americas, a Venetian colonial empire, Inca survival, and a Jewish republic in the New World, among many other changes.
- Eye of the Storm
- The rise of the Confederate States of America, following their victory over the Union in the American Civil War, sees a new world order emerge without the presence of the United States.
- Failed American Revolution
- The American Revolution is swiftly quashed, and America expands much more quickly under British rule.
- Failed Continental Congress
- The 13 English colonies in North America manage their independence, but they cannot agree on a common government.
- Fall Grün
- The Czechoslovak government refuses to abide by the Munich Agreement, sparking a German (and later Hungarian) invasion of Czechoslovakia on October 1, 1938.
- Fall of the East
- The Eastern Roman Empire falls, due to barbarian invasions, and most of the Western Empire survives unscathed.
- Farewell My Canada
- Quebec separates from Canada in 1995, leading to a wave of separatism.
- Fascist Britain
- Britain loses World War I and turns to Oswald Mosley.
- Fascist Coup Britain
- The British Union of Fascists launches a coup, overthrowing the British government and establishing an Fascist Dictatorship.
- Fascist USA
- Franklin D. Roosevelt dies in 1921. Al Smith wins the 1932 election and becomes President of the United States. Smith proves just as incapable of pulling the United States out of the Great Depression, but is less successful politically than OTL Roosevelt, and the result is that Smith is overthrown by a fascist coup in 1936. The fascist United States then allies with Hitler against the Allies in Europe, but conflicts with Japan in the Pacific lead to a very different World War II...
- Fashoda Timeline
- In 1898, the Fashoda incident escalates into a fullscale war between the UK and France, leading all other major powers in Europe to take a side in the conflict. Two more world wars follow with different winning sides, leading into a cold war between the USA and Japan.
- Faster Space Race
- Fatherlands
- In 1941, the United Kingdom and China join the Axis, the Soviets surrender in 1943, and so the Axis win World War II. After that, the Cold War begins between the Allies and the Axis...
- FDR Follows his Platform
- Franklin D. Roosevelt follows his platform of 1932, repudiating the reckless big government policies of Herbert Hoover. America recovers from the Great Depression and enters a boom. America remains isolationist, resulting in a longer World War II.
- February's Legacy
- The Russian Provisional Government is not overthrown by the Bolsheviks.
- Federalist Failure
- The Federalists fail in their attempts to ratify the new Constitution and the United States falls apart, leading to the rise of a Virginian "empire".
- Federalist Republic of Louisiana
- Alexander Hamilton is never born, and thus he is unable to stop Aaron Burr's plot to form a Federalist republic in the Midwest.
- Federation of Nations
- Federalist America
- The Federalist Party, led by Alexander Hamilton, wins re-election in 1800 and achieves dominance as the United States' primary political faction. The following two centuries are the product of the country's gradual centralization and western dominance.
- Fidem Pacis
- The Roman Empire converts to Islam of its own accord. The Arab conquests never get started, and as a result the world today looks very different.
- Field of Honor
- Dueling still affects US politics in a parallel world.
- Fight Forevermore
- Fifth Burmese Nation
- Five Element Earth
- First Contact: 1213
- First One Hundred Days of the Obama Administration IN SPACE
- Five Nations
- Although the OTL Battle of Gettysburg is seen as the turning point in the American Civil War, it is actually much closer than it might seem. In the Five Nations timeline, Jeb Stuart does not go off on a glory-grabbing raid; instead, he provides intelligence to the Army of Northern Virginia. The Confederates are successful in getting artillery to the summit of Big Round Top to enfilade the Federal lines. The second days plans are executed properly on the Confederate side. The battle and the war, and thus the world, turn out differently.
- Flak in the Falkland
- An escalation in the Falkland War lead to the involvement of more countries.
- Florida voted Blue
- Some chads fall off in Florida in 2000, and its 25 electoral votes go to Gore. Explores the first four years of a Gore Presidency - his responses to September 11, the invasion of Sudan and the prospect of four more years.
- Flood Basalt Eruption
- There is a massive flood basalt eruption under Hawaii.
- Foreign Ambassadors
- For Queen and Country
- For the Fatherland
- For Want of a Heimlich
- George W. Bush chokes on a pretzel in 2002, drastically changing the next seven years.
- For want of an Inch
- Hitler dies in the trenches.
- Forward century
- Forward and Backward
- Four Policemen
- The Grand Alliance of World War 2 continues through the 1950s, as the Soviet Union and United States join together to end Imperialism.
- Fourteen Points
- Four-way Cold War
- Franz Lives!
- Gavrilo Princip's gun jams, thus delaying WW1, resulting with a constitutional Monarchy in Russia that lasts to the present day, a much more powerful USA, and a very strong British Empire, all of which are racing for the stars.
- Franz's World
- Franz Ferdinand survives an assassination attempt in Sarajevo and goes on to see his dream of a United States of Greater Austria come true.
- Frederick the Great
- America's Empire
- Free Catalonia
- Prats de Molló uprising succeeds. A newly independent Catalan State is proclaimed.
- Free Polish State (1939-1991)
- French Canada
- Following the French-Indian War, the French keep Canada, while the British claim Louisiana instead.
- The French invasion of Germany-1939
- French Empire (CS-1)
- Napoleon does not attack Russia and is not defeated in Europe... resulting in the First French Empire surviving to the present day.
- French Waterloo
- Napoleon wins the Battle of Waterloo, altering the world forever.
From Dixie to World War
The Battle of Gettysburg ends in a stalemate, with both sides establishing long-term trenches. The Confederates launch a sneak attack up to the Potomac, besieging Washington. The British Empire and the French Republic recognize the CSA. In desperation, Lincoln offers the Oregon Territory to Russia if they distract Western Europe. This creates a cascade of alliances and wars that have nothing to do with the American and Civil War, other than their common origin.
- Gaeldom
- Gate of Heavenly Peace:The Third Chinese Revolution
- The Tienanmen Square massacre escalates into full-scale civil war.
- Gaul Rising
- The Gallic Empire is able to permanently remain independent from the Roman Empire and becomes a major power in Europe.
- Gaul survives
- After Caesar conquers Gaul, an uprising a few years later permanently frees it from Roman rule.
- Germanian Empire
- Germany Waits
- In this althist, Adolf Hitler waits five years, then blitzkriegs Poland. Europe falls under his clutches, and America struggles against falling too. But a civil war arises in 2009...
- Gekim
- The Gekíun Empire, known in the native language as Gekím, is originally founded as several, separate colonies and refugee sites from multiple independent countries, near the Bab el Mandeb Strait. This is the history of the culture of the artificial Gekíje language.
- Gemeo
- A pair of Mid-Atlantic islands, unknown in OTL, exist.
- Germanic Power
- The Franks and Visigoths hold more staunchly to their languages, thus developing Frankish, Hispagothic, and other Germanic languages, eliminating Spanish, French and Portuguese, but allowing the Langue d'Occ and Catalan come to the fore as independent languages.
- The Gipper Goes Down
- Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President of the United States, is assassinated in 1981 by John Hinckley Jr. His Vice President, George Bush, assumes the Presidency and is bombarded from all sides by the Iran-Contra scandal, which brings him down and his administration with it.
- Give Them the Bayonet!
- General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson is not shot by his own men at Chancellorsville. The battle becomes an even greater victory for the Army of Northern Virginia. The Northern desertion rate climbs. The two armies collide in Gettysburg in similar fashion to OTL, but with an outcome unlike our past's. The history of North America is rewritten.
- Glenn McArthur
- Glenrowan Affair
- Alternative cause and effect of event's to Ned Kelly's 'final stand' at Glenrowan, Victoria, Australia.
- Global Implications
- The Dutch retain New Amsterdam from the English and build-up a powerful nation in the Northeast.
- Global Soviet Union
- As the Great Patriotic War is won, Stalin seeks to bring about the Communist Revolution to all the world.
- God eu Mac
- The languages and religions of Earth never split up, leaving a few (slightly) peaceful nations, such as Usicuw.
- Goddard's legacy
- Robert Goddard gets more funding for his rocketry and the space race, the world, is forever changed.
- God-King Era of Britain
- A series of Kings, taking the name of Ancient Gods (hence this Era's name) rule Britain with ruthlessness and totalitarianism.
- Castille invades Portugal during the Reconquestia. As a result, the history of Spain turns out more differently than ever.
- Goodbye Portugal
- GOP Congress
- Grand French Empire France has gained a lot of land from the 100 Years War, and lost almost no troops. But as Russia conquers East Europe, will a Grand French Empire be formed from the following wars?
- Great Alliance
- The Wampanoag, the Aztecs, and the Incas and various tribes join together in the Great Alliance. From civil war to touring operas and "The War to End All Wars", history is changed forever.
- Great Germany
- After the reunification of East and West Germany, the succesive presidents and Chancellor of Germany discuss their plan in unification with Austria and other official German-speaking nations of Europe. This results in a early euro currency develovment, and a more German-centered European Union. In 2009, "The United Republic of Great Germany" has a gross domestic product bigger than Japan.
- Greater America
- Global Chaos 1954
- Glorious Trebizond
- Greater Australia Union
- Greater Britain - All territories
- Britain wins every single independence war, and it keeps every territory it ever had. How would Britain look today?
- Greater Colombia
- San Martin manages to convince Bolívar he still has a role to perform in South America, giving Bolívar more room to prevent Venezuela seceding from Colombia and to concentrate in freeing the Caribbean islands.
- Great Solar Flare (1992: Doomsday)
- Great Solar Flare (2004: Doomsday)
- Near-extinction of the human race caused by fatal solar flares and solar winds.
- Greater Russia
- The assassination attempt on Alexander II fails and creates a stronger Russian empire, which lasts to the present day.
- The Greater Iraq War
- The Great Utah War
- Great White South
- 20,000 years ago an unknown even took place in the southern hemisphere, causing Antarctica to warm up. Despite the fact that the continent remains cold and dark, it is now inhabitable enough for Humans to live in.
- Greka Democracy
- Groß-Deutschland
- Germany allies with Great Britain in the 19th century, and completes the Großdeutsche Lösung, taking a more moderate course than our history.
- The Gulf Coast Alliance
- H5N1Z
- Avian Flu virus mutates in Western Europe, causing deadly effect to both population and politics.
- Habitable Mars
- As often imagined in science fiction, on July 14, 1965, the "Mariner-IV" Mars probe reveals that the Red Planet is truly habitable with a breathable atmosphere and moderately cool temperatures.
- Have you heard about the Habsburgs
- The Habsburgs' reign goes on much more better resulting in one of the largest empires in the world.
- Hail Mighty Joan
- Joan of Arc escapes from English captivity, returning to her countrymen and leading them to victory. But, even as France celebrates, the Pope declares her a heretic against the Catholic Church...
- Under construction and open.
- The Hanfstaengl Effect
- Hanover- the millstone around Britain's neck
- Happy History
- Everything goes right from the late 1500's onward. The Roanoake colony doesn't fail, Hamilton and Burr make peace, Abraham Lincoln isn't assassinated, and WWII is never started.
- Harold II Godwinson
- Hastings: Godwin's Victory
- It is the year 1066, and the Norman counter-attack during the Battle of Hastings that in our world unltimately resulted in King Harold's death failed, and the Normans fled the battle.
- Hauteville Empire
- A world where Norman Sicily survives. A reposting of the timeline from the AH.com discussion board.
- Henry II Dies In 1100
- The early demise of Henry II causes a drastic change in succession in the royal houses of Scotland, England, and France, greatly affecting the politics of western Europe.
- Henry IX
- Hephaestion The Conqueror
- Alexander The Great's lover, Hephaestion does not die of a fever and is named by Alexander as his successor, keeping the Macedon Empire together and drastically altering the course of history. Vinnland is established and grows into a large empire in America. The Mongol Empire does not collapse.
- Here we go again
- The acception of the Albany Congress, and a renaissance in China leads to a world somewhat different to our own.
- Hinter dem Ostwall
- What if Hitler had focused more on scoring victories in North Africa and the Middle East?
- Historia Punica
- History of Rome-After Ætas ab Brian
- Taking the history of Ætas ab Brian way to far. Starting in 803AUC(50) and continuing on so far up to 2192(1439).
- History of the Kingdom of the United States
- The History of the Progressive Party of America
- A America centric alternate history of an alternate political landscape. It focus is on Presidential and Congress elections. When the progressive Roosevelt and socialist Eugene Debs form a coalition in the 1912 election it causes a cascade of events that leads to a much different political landscape in America.
- Hitan Republic
- Hitan Republic, also Khitan Republic in English (Mongolian: Hitan Uls), is a country in Manchuria. Originally a nation-state designated for/by the Manchu nationality, it is also home to Mongolic and other Tungusic ethnic groups. It borders the Chinese Union to the south, Heilongjiang of Chinese Union to the north, Southern Mongolia of Mongolian Union to the west, and the Yellow Sea to the east.
- Hitler Holds Back
- After being informed by Britain and France that they would not tolerate an invasion of Poland Hitler decides against the move, keeping content with the occupation of Czechoslovakia and the anschlus of Austria.
- Hitler an American Citizen
- Hitler a British Citizen
- Adolf Hitler is born and raised in England.
- Hitler is an American---Version 1
- Adolf Hitler is born and raised in North America, thus, WWII as we know it does not occur, because Hitler is an American. In this version he is conservative.
- Hitler is an American---Version 2
- Adolf Hitler is born and raised in North America, thus, WWII as we know it does not occur, because Hitler is an American. In this version he is very liberal.
- Hitler Dynasty: U.S Presidents Adolf Hitler and Charles A. Hitler
- Adolf Hitler is born and raised in North America, thus, WWII as we know it does not occur, because Hitler is an American. He has a very large family, and adopts his last son, a young man named Charles Manson. In the thirties Hitler is elected President He grows up as Charles A. Hitler, and would continue his father's legacy.
- Hitler's Mediterranean Strategy
- In 1941, Hitler decides to attack the Brits instead of invading the Soviet Union.
- Hitler's Almost Immortal
- Hitler is almost immortal except for one weakness discovered at the end of his reign.
- Hoch Himmel Flotte
- In 1848, a genius is born in Prussia. He is an orphan and starts small, but he has a huge destiny.
- Homo Sapiens Idaltu Survives
- Homo Sapiens Idaltu avoids extinction and survives into the modern era.
- Hoover Reelected
- Following the revelation of FDR's extramarital affairs and an impassioned RNC acceptance speech from the president, Herbert Hoover is reelected in a shocking upset.
- A House Divided but Strong
- Following the Confederate victory at the Battle of Bulls Run, the US congress sends a peace treaty to the CSA instead of adopting a stance of further war.
- How Much Does One Vote Count?
- The United States Presidential Elections from 1872-1888 were some of the closest and most controversial in American political history. This examines the presidencies of the victors of those elections, in each of their respective timelines.
- Hunnica: The Barbarian Rome
- The Huns win at the Catalaunian fields and conquer Gaul. Rome is absorbed by Attila's empire. But Hunnica undergoes a "Romanization" and Rome rises anew.
Independent States
US states of California, Texas, Florida and Nevada become independent nations after seceding from Spain and Mexico and never join the US, UK takes control of the Oregon Territory and Alaska, and Hawaii stays independent. How will the USA be different when its only half the size as in OTL and how will this affect the rest of the world?
- I am the walrus
- John Lennon avoids his assassination.
- Icarus Reality
- If both Asteroids hit the moon
- If You Want Something Done - Do It Yourself
- East and West Germany defied the Allies and recognized each other as legitimate, independent, and foreign states.
- Impact
- An asteroid that missed the Earth in 1989 instead strikes it.
- Impact Antartica
- Imperial glory
- Part of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacts central Antartica
- Imperial Machines
- What if Earth reached robots in 1900s beginning? click on Imperial Machines to read history.
- Imperial Might
- Central Powers victory, including a United Kingdom of Sweden and Norway that never split up.
- Imperial States of America
- At the beginning of the 20th century, a newly empowered America begins a policy of overseas expansion that has world wide consequences.
- India United
- The 20th and 21st centuries were the home to some of humanities bloodiest wars. In no other universe is this truer than in that of Interfaced Reality 04, when forbidden sciences gave the Humans of the Interfaced Reality 04 access to extradimensional power. As a result, Hitler's Third Reich and the United States of North America stare each other down in a shorter Cold War, before the Reich eventually crumbles. The Freedom League emerges in the 1990s to police and protect the world, when a sinister undercover threat known as The Entropy Axiom (Backed by Axiom Technologies), emerges, and launches a full scale invasion.
- ===US states of California, Texas, Florida and Nevada become independent nations after seceding from Spain and Mexico and never join the US, UK takes control of the Oregon Territory and Alaska, and Hawaii stays independent. How will the USA be different when its only half the size as in OTL and how will this affect the rest of the world?===
- Infinite Possibilities
- The multiverse exists and adventure awaits.
- Interfaced Reality (Primary PoD 1940)
- International reorganization
This shows many different situations in history like: the foil of the 1889 Brazilian coup, the Second Spanish-American War, the Chilean War, etc.
- Invasion
- 1940. France has been defeated and Hitler turns his eyes to Britain. The RAF is completely destroyed in a daring raid. The invasion of Britain begins.
- Iran Nuclear Weapons
- Islamic Spain
- Island of east Africa
- A Genoese officer transforms a region of divided city-states into a world power during the French revolutionary wars. The Latin Empire eventually rules the Mediterranean and finds its place in the sun. Now an open timeline.
- Italy Victorious
- James Dean Lives
- JFK Lives
- Japanese Alaska
- William H. Seward does not survive the assassination attempt, April 14, 1865. As a result, the United States does not buy Alaska from the Russians, and it ends up in Japanese hands.
- Japanese Victory
- Japan wins World War Two and goes on to become a world power.
- Japanese victory at midway
- Jaredia
- What if Earth was tilted in another way? If Africa was icy, but Antarctica was tropic?
- Jauna Pasaule Zvani
- The Duchy of Courland's colony on Tobago is successful.
- Jazz Greats Who Didn't Die Young
- Five legendary figures in jazz history did not die in their 20s or 30s. Instead, they went on to ever greater achievements, sometimes not in jazz.
- Jesse and Elvis Presley - Kings of Rock and Roll
- Jesse doesn't die at birth but lives on. - open for adoption.
- Jewish Hitler
- what if Hitler embraced his alleged semitic origin. The POD is funding by his Jewish grandfather's family which encourages him sufficinetly to pass the entrance exam in Vienna.
- Joan of Arc Beaten
- What if Joan of Arc lost, leading to the rise of Burgundy? Started at This Day in Alternate History, where Tom Veil also maintains the timeline.
- John List Becomes President
- What if John List had used his false identity to become president of the United States?
- Johnston Victorious!
- Journeymen
- In 1982, President Ronald Reagan approves of a military applications program, meant to allow supplies to be deployed safely to locations all around the globe. However, unexpected problems occur, that in the end lead to large benefits. The Trans-Universal Research Project (TURP) is born.
- In real life, Joseph P. Kennedy Jr, elder brother to JFK and RFK, was expected to fulfill the Kennedy family's political hopes. Unfortunately, he died in 1944, a victim of war. The JPK timeline supposes that he didn't, and did indeed become the American President his father so desperately wanted him to be.
- Just a Few More Years
- What if the pro slavery Southerner, John C. Breckinridge, became president in 1860? How would slavery be taken in the 1860's and 70's? Could Lincoln come back and get the presidency? And will there be a civil war?
- King of America
- Prince Henry of Prussia accepts the offer to become King of the United States, forming a fourth branch of government. The ascension of the Prussian Prince as King of America would lead to a close relationship between Germany and the United States, leading to a very different World War I.
- The Kaiser's New Clothes
- Britain never intervenes against Germany in 1914, leading to a German-dominated Europe, a weakened Russia, a more isolationist United States and a civil war in Ireland.
- The Kalmar Union
- What if Cnut hadn't inherited all of England in 1016? What if both Norway and Sweden had never been properly unified in the 10th c.? What if the Norse hadn't abandoned Vinland? It all leads Europe and the world to a very different place.
- The Kazakhstan Meeting
- A disease kills off the Huns during the rule of Diocletian, and the Eastern European tribes never have to move. The Roman Empire expands until they come into contact with China.
- The King and US
- Elvis Aron Presley does not die in 1977, and kicks the drugs, gets in shape and stages another comeback. But this time, the comeback leads him into a political career, winning the White House but finding the business of government harder than he thought...
- The Killing Machine
- K.A.: The Kingdom of America
- George Washington accepts the suggestion to turn America into a monarchy. The Senate is dissolved, the Continental Congress has little power, and the king has more power than anyone in the country.
- Kingdom of Puerto Rico
- The Kingdom of Scotland
- King Charles leads one last rebellion in an effort to reclaim the throne of England.
- King for President
- Knightfall
- Ögedei Khan doesn't die in 1241 and the Mongols go on to conquer much of Central Europe and devastate it. The plague follows soon after, mopping up the remains of much of Europe.
- The Knights Resurgent
- The Knights Templar rise to power and unite Europe under one banner.
- Korea Invasion 2012
- The North Koreans decide that enough is enough and attempt to reunify the Korean Peninsula. The United States and other nations get involved and WWIII breaks out, turning Nuclear on May 29th, 2012.
- Korean Invasion
- Korean Nuclear War 2011
- Korean War Spills Over
- Kornilovshina
- General Lavr Kornilov begins his coup earlier, and is successful. Russia fights on to the end of World War One, with various changes major and minor throughout the world.
- La Republique Populaire
- Victor Hugo leads France into Socialism and intensive industrialization in preparation for Revanche against the imperial Germans...
- Latin American Meiji
- After Portugal is removed from Brazil, they decide to modernize in order to consolidate their position, alongside Argentina, play a major role in world politics, from World War 1 to the present day. Thus, there are 3 superstates in South America: Gran Colombia, Argentina and the Brazilian Empire.
- Later outbreak of HIV/AIDS
- HIV jumps the species barrier in the 1980's rather than the 1950's.
- Liberal Ronald Regan
- Regan never endorses Eisenhower and never abandons his liberal political views.
- The Lion of Britain
- The British Empire reaches to some very new heights.
- Lincoln Lives!
- Abraham Lincoln narrowly escapes assassination and goes on to finish his term as president.
- Live History
- A series of different timelines all presented in the format as ongoing news stories.
- London Event
- On June 30 of 1908, a meteor destroy London and kill almost her population, poppe say is a punished of god and europeans sacking London ruins and land ocupation start by decretation of German Emperor Wilhelm II. 1908-1912 almost a First World War. 1908-1917 english/british diaspora. (in OTL that meteor is "Event Tunguska" in a low populated zone of Siberia Russia).
- London tornado swarm
- December 2006 - a swarm of 8 tornadoes travel through downtown London.
- There are four Points of Divergence, one in Europe, one in China, one in North America, and the last in Mesoamerica. Openly seeking willing and respectful contributors.
- Long Live The Czar
- Czar Alexander II survived the attempt on his life, resulting in the passage of his reforms, gardually leading to a democratic Russia and a very different Geopolitical situation UP FOR ADOPTION.
- Long Live The King!
- The Point of Divergence of the Long Live The King! is 24 september 1902. on which Ayattollah Khomeyni was never born. it cause that Iranian revolution of 1979 never happens and shah of Iran never flee the country. It changes a lot of things in history.
- Long Live the Qing Dynasty
- China started to produce great technology borrowed from the West. They soon became an Asian power.
- Long Live Kaiser Friedrich III!
- Friedrich III lives, leading to a very different Great War.
- Long live the Qing!
- Lord Macartney's diplomatic mission was a great success - enamored with Western technology and innovation, Qing China modernises... but not politically. A powerful military could resist the Western powers, yet nonetheless, Great Qing is bound to fall. Various domestic tensions accelerate the process of the Chinese Revolution.
- Long Live the Sultan!
- The Turks win at Vienna, and remain a world power to this day.
- The Louisiana Independence Timeline
- What if Jefferson decided to let Louisiana become independent? How would that affect his career? What will Burr do? The U.S. and Mexico collapse into many countries. France and Prussia form an unbeatable alliance. The world is very different in terms of borders.
- Lucus
- The Arabs fail to conquer Persia, but discover America (or rather Almarevia).
- The Norse colonize Vinland, and things go differently in Ingland after 1066.
- Luna: Earth II
- The Moon's core is 960 kilometers in diameter instead of a mere 480 kilometers. This lead to a stronger gravity, a magnetic field, and eventually, its own lifeforms.
- L'Uniona Homanus
- Lysander the Great
- The great Spartan general-admiral Lysander takes advantege of new ideas in both land and sea warfare and makes Sparta a superpower.
- Majors Mistake
- Andrew Jackson is killed when captured by the British as a child and a Majors strikes through his heart.
- Magic World
- A world with a history similar to OTL, but with a few spots of divergence and convergence. Oh yeah, there's magic.
- Magical race
- A genetic mutation grants prehistoric man paranornal abilities.
- The Many Nations of North America
- After a victorious civil war for the South and a mysterious plague, the United States and CSA crumble during the 30's into a wide array of countries.
- Map Games
- A collection of collaborative alternate history games played on this wiki.
- Maple Uprising
- A successful uprising of the Canadas in 1840
- Master of Rome
- Mark Antony wins in the Battle of Actium and destroys Octavian's military power before proclaiming himself Emperor of Rome. A different Roman Empire rises.
- The Maxim
- A shipment of 2 steam boilers gets mixed up, resulting in the death of Hiram Maxim in 1865. He never invents the machine gun. Anthony Duram, a ship wright is not killed by his faulty boiler and advances naval technology greatly.
- Mexico Huertista
- Mexico stays under the Huerta Regime for a slightly longer time, and leads to Mexico agreeing to the Zimmermann Telegram. The agreement leads to a new World War II and different world as we know it.
- Mexican Axis
- 1917: The Zimmermann Telegram is never picked up by Britain intelligence, and Mexico, after negotiation with Germany, declares war against the United States of America. They are defeated, and later become an Axis power in World War II.
- Mexican Empire
- Agustin de Iturbide never abdicates and Mexico remains a monarchy that later goes on to become a major world power.
- Mexico Grande
- Britain's attempts to keep the North American colonies fail, and they eventually evolve into weak and loose confederation, while the Federal Republic of Mexico becomes the leader of the Western World.
- Mid Century: 1933-1970: From The German Civil War to the Eastern War
- Mighty China, Bad Japan
- Parallel universe of western ideas in China and Japan.
- Mighty Europe
- Millennia
- The Y2K bug causes an accidental nuclear launch from the United States, prompting an international response and finally, a nuclear apocalypse.
- The Mirror That Never Broke
- Britain taxes the American colonies much more to prepare for an invasion of Spanish colonies in North America. The American Revolution happens earlier and larger, and the Imperial "Mirror" in the Americas never breaks...
- Mission Un-Accomplished
- President Bush dies in a plane crash on his way to the USS "Abraham Lincoln". Dick Cheney becomes President and runs for re-election with Condi Rice as his Vice-President.
- Monarchy World
- A world where monarchy was the only form of government to ever exist.
- Monkey Smashes Heaven
- The mystical rebel Monkey God- Sun Wukong returns to earth in the form of Mao Zedong. He leads Sun Yatsen's People's Army in a Long March to Mongolia. His Godlike strength and intelligence radically shapes the Russian Revolution and 20th century science and technology leading to a World Communist Soviet Republic.
- Montezuma's Revenge
- Cortez and Pizarro fail in their conquests of the Americas and to this day the powerful Aztec and Incan empires exist. The Mississippian Mound-Builders remained strong, and with the support of a technologically vitalized Aztec Empire fended off the attacking western cultures. Also, the enigmatic Anasazi exist to this day... somewhere in the Southwest.
- Morgen die ganze Welt
- Otto Ambros dies in an accident. Now there is nobody to stop Hitler from using nerve gas. this leads to a much longer and more bloody world war.
- Mosley's Britain
- Explores the rise and fall of the British Fascists under Sir Oswald Mosley. Examines in detail their rise to power in 1935, the London Pact between Hitler, Mosley and Hideki, the Anglo-German invasion of France and the carving up of Europe between London, Berlin and Tokyo. Describes the disintegration of the Empire, the American invasion of England and the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbour and San Francisco. Witness the downfall of Mosley at the hands of the United States and the crumbling of Europe in the face of a Soviet invasion. Visit England today, defeated but proud, carved up into her component parts and subjected to the whim of the United States.
- Mr Madison's War
- What if the British had executed Madison in addition to burning down the White House?
- Much ado about Nonsuch
- Explores a union of England and the Netherlands in the late sixteenth century, and the repercussions of this.
- Multiple American Republics
- In this timeline the United States loses the civil war and the nation divides into different republics. With the nations on the west leaving the United States and Texas leaves the Confederate States of America.
- Mussolini the Iron Caesar
- Mutant Rebellion
- Myers Way
- Following the event of The Capitol Burns. September 11, 2001 attack not come, but in January 29, 2002: The Capitol building is destroyed when a Boeing 474 hijacked by Islamist terrorists during The State of the Union address. President Bush, Vice President Cheney, all but two of the Cabinet and most of Congress are killed in the attack. The survivors are Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton, who was not present, and Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony J. Principi, who was present but survived. Norton Become US President by Succession Line and elect Richard Myers to vice president.
Name | Author(s) | Description |
Vn | User talk:Mikhail Voronov | Ancient history as we know it is totally changed. The Achaemenid Empire marched triumphant upon Athens and Sparta after the crushing defeat of the Delian League at the Battle of Salamis. What followed was a history dictated by the Achaemenid Empire, and a forever changed Earth. |
Napoleonic Deviations | ||
Napoleon's World | KingSweden | In 1813, Napoleon conquers Russia. By 1815, France wins the Napoleonic War and controls most of Europe. In 2009, France is the only superpower of the world. The other major powers are China, Turkey and United States. |
Napoleon's America | Casquis | Instead of launching his ill-fated invasion of Russia, he sends troops to America, where the colonies of New Spain and Quebec are annexed and joined by Louisiana. After Mexico achieves its independence, it emerged as a world power since it became independent while being an economic powerhouse and militarily important place for the French. Later on the USA becomes a power as well, and France looses its American possessions after loosing WWI |
Napoleon's Australian Victory | Callumthered | What would happen if the New South Wales convict rebellion had been successful? As well as other minor PODs. |
Native Revolution | What would happen if the Tarascans discovered gunpowder and advanced sailing and much more? What if they had resisted colonization by Europe? What if they colonized North Africa?? | |
Nat Turner's slave rebellion | ||
Nazi Alliance | ||
Nazi Assault (1988-1990) | ||
Nazi Nukes | In the world of Nazi Nukes Hitler never exiled his Jewish scientists, including Einstein. This led to the Americans not being able to develop the nuclear weapons, but more importantly, the Nazis were able to develop better weaponry, including nuclear weapons during the war. And by 1941 with the help of the Jewish scientists the Nazis had developed their first nuclear bomb. | |
Nazi Victory | ||
Nationalization Gone Wrong | The year is 2009 and America is falling apart, the economy failing, much of the military is engaged in UN and NATO peacekeeping operations, and the nation isn't exactly moving towards energy independence. Then the final blow is struck, on February 8th 2009, Missouri senator Kit Bond is killed in an automobile accident while on his way to his office in the morning. The governor of Missouri, Jay Nixon, a Democrat, appoints a democratic to the senate to replace Bond, giving the Democrats a fillibuster-proof majority. One week later, on February 13th, former Secretary of The Treasury Alan Greenspan requests permission to meet President Obama. During their meeting, Greenspan suggests that the only way that the government will be able to get the nation out of the recession is to nationalize the banks, unlike in OTL, where Greenspan's suggestion was ignored, President Obama takes his advice and proposes a bill to congess regarding the nationalization of all banks in America. Opposition and support are met by both parties, but in the end the vote passes by a vote of 60-39, with the Minnesota senate seat still disputed between Franken and Coleman. The next day stocks tumble to the lowest ever recorded, and the economy is almost effectively shut down, history repeats itself, and Americans turn to revolutionary leaders that they would normally dismiss as radicals, losing all faith in the federal government, the majority of citizens support rebellious secessionist movements and the United States is effectively dissolved. | |
Never Ending Great War | Mitro | World War I never ends. |
Nieuwe Wereld | EzraNYC | On August 27, 1664, at a time of peace, four English frigates sailed into the harbour of the Dutch colony New Amsterdam (now New York City). Without a single bullet being fired, the Dutch surrendered New Amsterdam to the English. But what if the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam never become New York City? What if the English never took control of New Amsterdam? What if instead of surrendering New Amsterdam to the English peacefully, the Dutch fought back; and won? New York City as we know it today would not exist. This AltHistory wiki explores what North America and the rest of the world would have been like if the Dutch fought back. |
New Albion | The British find San Francisco Bay in the 1590s, and their west coast empire expands. They judge their claim to be very valuable, and take the Mexican cession in 1848. | |
New Empires | Idontknow9797 | After aliens from an alien invasion left Earth in the year 2000BC, 6 groups of people were left in various places across the planet. These were the only people left so colonised the whole planet. |
New England, Republic of | Following a loss in the War of 1812, the New England states see their chance to break free come. This is the history of the Republic of New England. | |
New England Secession | After President Roosevelt looses reelection to Alf Landon in 1936, and a series of blunders by the Democratic Party, the only remaining place left of center place in the country is New England. Feeling they are no longer a part of the United States, New England takes matters into it's own hands... | |
Newfoundlantis | What if the seamounts in the atlantic, the Keregulene Plateau, and the Zealandia Plateau were just a little higher? | |
New Germany | In 1943, the Nazis attack and conquer Hawaii and other islands in the Pacific that belong to the USA. President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders all of the US army to fight back, but are overpowered, leading to all of the American Continent being ruled by the Nazis. | |
New Israel | ||
New Romanov Dynasty | The Children of the tsar survive the killing of Nicholas II | |
New Wessex 776 | A group of Anglo-Saxons cross the ocean in 776 and settle along the Wiko Miki River, in what would have been southern Maryland. | |
New World Order | ||
New Zealand Two Way | In 1840,the French establish the settlement of Akaroa on the NZ South Island. *There*, they send a larger,ambitious contingent protected by military. The English fail to repel the French, and with Maori tribes joining either side, a Two Way New Zealand dividing the two Islands emerges. | |
Nixon Assassinated | Arthur Bremer succeeds in his attempt to assassinate Nixon on April 14th, 1972 in Ottawa and therefore doesn't attempt to assassinate George Wallace the following month. This event leads to the rise of a 4-party system in the following years. | |
Nixon's Early Resignation | Nixon's lawyers talk him into resigning before he has chosen a replacement for Spiro Agnew. | |
Nixon in '56 | In 1956 Eisenhower, knowing he is getting old announces that he will not seek reelection. Vice President Nixon runs instead and is elected president in November. | |
Nixon's War | ||
Nordic Empires | Joe Peacock | King Gustav I of Sweden exploits negativity towards Danish rule in Norway, aiding rebel forces to expel Denmark. A war ensues between the crowns of Sweden and Denmark. |
Nordic Federation | Little Ice Age never occurs Nordic Federation and China become dominant powers. | |
No Abraham | Smith | The Biblical Abraham dies as a young boy, leaving a world without the effects of all Abrahamic religions. |
No Communism | Michael Douglas | Lavr Kornilov wins the Russian Civil War and defeats the Bolsheviks, creating a world without communism. |
No Jacobite pretender | ||
No Napoleon's Elba | Eastward Expansion | Napoleon makes peace with his enemies, and kepts his empire. |
No 22nd. Amendment | what if the 22nd. Amendment creating a two-term limit for US presidents had never been passed into law. | |
No Barbarossa | Hitler decides not to attack Russia, and as a result, a very different WW2 and a cold war occur. | |
No Belgium | The Belgian Revolution is a bust, and the World Wars differ greatly. | |
No Civil War | Abraham Lincoln is defeated in the 1860 election, finishing in 4th place, and the House of Representatives has to choose between Northern Democrat Stephen Douglas, Southern Democrat John Breckenridge, and Constitutional Unionist John Bell for the new president. As a result, the Civil War is averted and the slavery issue is eventually resolved peacefully. | |
No Destiny | 13 colonies dream independence, fight alone for that, w/o help of France, Spain, Netherland o any other european, they take Independence in 1786, but war is hard and later independence US citizens and government not agree the idea of Manifest Destiny and don´t run to the west of north america, the original thirteen United States still be just thirteen in the east cost of north america and not (tries or obtains) grow up against the Treaty of Paris in 1783, not conquest Florida, Canada or the west of Missisipe river in her early history. A world with a real peacefull and not militarist USA. An Under Construction and Open for Editing or Adoption Timeline | |
No Draft | In 1918 The Supreme Court rules that the draft violates the 13th Amendment. | |
No Christianity World | Jesus of Nazareth is released by the governor of Judea, Christianity dies out by around AD 100. | |
No Eastern Bloc | Alternate history where the Easten Soviet Bloc was never created, the countries that were "liberated" by the USSR were directly annexed instead. | |
No FDR | While shaking hands with Miami Mayor Anton Cermak, at Bayfront Park in Miami, Florida, on February 15, 1933, President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt was shot in the lung and seriously wounded when Giuseppe Zangara, alleged at the time to be attempting to assassinate Cermak, hit Roosevelt instead. He dies on March 2nd from the wounds at Walter Reed General Hospital. John Nance Garner is sworn in as the 32nd President of the United States. | |
No Gettysburg | The Confederacy successfully sues for peace after Gen. Lee remains on the defensive, rather than invading the North and meeting the Union Armies at Gettysburg. It survives into the present day. | |
No Gold Rush | James Marshall dies of malaria in the early 1840s, and there is no one to discover gold in California. | |
No Halo | Bungie scraps the idea for the Halo video game. | |
No Islam | In this time line Islam was never created. | |
No Lewinsky | In 1995 Monica Lewinsky accepts an internship with the Oregon Governor's office and Bill Clinton never faces impeachment. | |
No Marx | ||
No More! | ||
No Napoleon | Napoleon dies in 1797 during the French Revolution, causing a simpler peace in Europe, a causing a turn in history for colonialism, and greatly differing World Wars. | |
No native American's | The ice sheet does seperate not allowing the population to arrive from Asia. | |
No Nintendo | Nintendo makes the mistakes Sega did in OTL. | |
No Nuclear Weapon | In 1921 promising German theoretical physicist Albert Einstein dies in his first visit to the USA. He never makes contact with Ernest Rutherford or Leó Szilárd and the Manhattan Project never born. A world without useful atomic energy or nuclear bomb, a world without the Person of the Century. ACLARATION, No Nuclear Weapon plot was created sow many time before of Octuber 28, when Red Alert 3was released | |
No Punic wars | Chicagoan | In this timeline the Sons of Mars Pirate group raids a different town. In this town they are anihilated by the Romans and that results in no Punic wars, which results in two major mediterranian powers. |
No Reagan | After bombing a speech at the 1964 Republican National Convention Ronald Reagan decides not to go into politics. | |
No Rome | Mscoree | Romulus and Remus are executed as babies on orders of Amulius of Alba Longa. Rome is never founded, leading to a different world, where Europe's culture is much different. |
No Video Games | Kernigh | This timeline has no video games, because no one has the idea to apply computer technology to games. |
No World War 1 | Archduke Franz Ferdinand doesn't make a wrong turn, so the Serbian terrorists never get a 2nd shot to assassinate him and World War 1 never happens. As a result, the misery caused by Communism and Fascism is prevented. | |
No Xi'an Incident | XterrorX | The counter-revolutionary activities of generals Zhang and Yang are discovered and both are apprehended by the military police. As a result, premier Chiang and other politicians evade abduction in Xi'an and the "united front" between the Republic of China and the Communist rebels is never formed. |
No Rape of Nanking | General Tang Sheng-chi of the Chinese Republic Army ignores Chaing Kai-shek and agrees to a three day cease-fire with Japanese forces seiging Nanking on December 9, 1937. The result is a relatively peaceful occupation of the city and few atrocities committed by the invaders. There is no world-wide outrage and small, if any impact on Japanese-American relations. | |
North American Union | The Colony Crisis of 1776 is resolved peacefully. North America remains a part of The British Empire. | |
No Schlieffen Plan | General Moltke refuses to use the Schlieffen Plan thinking it too risky. Belgium is not invaded by the German Empire and Britain does not enter the war. Europe's other nations are worn down by the war while Britain remains a world power. | |
No Shay's Rebellion | John Hancock never gets struck by gout, so he runs for re-election as governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1785. As a result, Shay's Rebellion never takes place and the 13 states remain independent. | |
No Term Limits | George Washington never creates the tradition of term limits. | |
No Perot | Ross Perot never runs in 1992 or 1996 and the American political landscape is forever changed. | |
No Star Trek | Gene Roddenberry is killed in the line of duty as an LAPD officer in 1947. "Star Trek" is never created. | |
No Zimmerman Note | ||
Non Lente | A timeline where many of the legendary empire never exist, but technology advance at a rapid pace. | |
Norse Superpower | ||
Nothing Changes | The Greeks adapt positional math notation and the number zero from the Babylonians. | |
Not One Step Back | The Soviets fail to hold Stalingrad, thus triggering a meta-POD. You can add your own scenarios or edit existing ones. | |
Not so dark ages | ||
November Tragedy | A 1963 plane crash changes the course of American history. | |
Nuclear Realisation | Albert Einstein changes his mind over his support for Nuclear Weaponry in 1939. | |
Nullification Crisis | The South Carolinian Nullification Crisis over the 1828 Tariff of Abominations explodes into an early American Civil War during Andrew Jackson's presidency. | |
Nought Earth | Mister Sheen | Rome and China never develop past 0 BC, which has major effects on the rest of the world. |
Nuclear Apocalypse | NaruKeyblade | A declaration of wars turns out to be a mistake. The survivors of the apocalypse are building new and old countries. Will it happen again? |
Nuclear Winter |
- October Plotters
- Ohga Shrugs
- In the aftermath of Nintendo's betrayal, Sony decides to let it go, meaning the PlayStation brand is never created.
- Ohioamerica
- Ok Stalin
- 1945 - At the Potsdam Conference, Churchill and Truman accept Stalin's demand of an Allied invasion of Spain, in revenge for that country's volunteers fighting for Germany in Russia.
- Olympic Terror in Athens
- One Small Step for a Socialist...
- Wernher von Braun is executed by the Gestapo in 1944; while Sergei Korolyov survives his hemorrhoid operation and leads the Soviets to a lunar landing in July 1969.
- One of Many Deaths
- Hitler is killed in the First World War, leading to a very different Second World War
- One-Term Limit
- George Washington decides not to seek re-election and therefore sets the one term precident.
- One World
- A successful League of Nations manages to unite the world.
- Operation Nordlicht
- Operation Valkyrie Succesful
- Orbis Romanum
- Antonius arrives just in time to stop the assassination of Julius Caesar. Rome is spared the civil wars that would have resulted.
- Oriental Unity
- King You of the Zhou Kingdom never leaves his wife for the beatiful Baosi. This ensures that his kingdom never falls as early as it did in OTL.
- Oswaldia
- John F. Kennedy wasn't assassinated, the shot missed and killed Governor Connally instead. Because JFK was around to see the Space Race to completion, it took a very different route ...
- The Great Ottoman Empire
- Osman I and other sultans created the greatest Muslim kingdom of them all.
- The Ottoman Empire sides with the allies.
- The Ottomans are won over by the Allies during World War I, as opposed the Central Powers, and reconquers the Balkans before the end of the war.
- Out of One, Many
- The United States disintegrates into several independent countries soon after the American Revolution.
- Over By Christmas?
- Pac Never Got Shot
- Tupac Shakur wasn't shot five times on the night of November 30, 1994. So there never was a feud between him and Christopher "Notorious B.I.G." Wallace.
- Padenie Gruzii
- Georgia does not give up after Russia's invasion.
- Papatlaca
- A major fatal disease develops in precolumbian Mesoamerica. As the New World is ravaged by smallpox, the Old World suffers from papatlaca.
- After the capture of Constantinople, Mehmed the Second takes a more tolerant stance towards other religions. Shortly after, an early conquest of Belgrade brings about a manpower shortage. Recruiting more Byzantine Christians into the army, this only speeds up the now inevitable Ottoman westernization.
- Patton Lives
- Patton does't die in an automobile accident in 1945. The United States goes on to invade Russia in 1947.
- Pax Columbia
- With a weakened English Empire and a stronger Spanish Empire, South America becomes the world's hegemony in the late 20th century.
- Pax Romana
- Rome becomes a superpower
- Peak Oil 1996
- In 1956, Marion King Hubbert predicted that the peak of global oil production would occur shortly after the start of the 21st century. Unforeseen at that time was the tremendous economic growth in Asia. Thus, the Oil Peak occurred in 1996. More than 10 years later, civilization is in danger of becoming but a memory, as people now agree that Peak Oil was more momentous than the Black Death, Black Thursday, or the World Wars in human history, and much more devastating.
- Penda Dies
- In 642, Oswald of Northumbria kills Penda of Mercia at the Battle of Maserfield. Northumbria remains under one king, Oswald does not become a martyr.
- Permian Extinction: Civilization
- Sapient, or intelligent, life evolves shortly (some 90,000 years) before the Permian Extinction, which wipes out 95% of all life on Earth, like that extinction does in OTL (it is the biggest extinction ever to strike Earth). Civilization arises 11,000 years before the extinction, starting near the mountains in the middle of the Pangaean supercontinent. By the time of the extinction, airplanes ply the Tethys Ocean from and to the lands surrounding it and the larger Panthalassic Ocean is being explored, and there is a high level of technology. Then the Siberian Traps eruptions begin anew, releasing great clouds of methane (thus triggering the extinction)... how will the people react?
- Petropavlovsk
- Vice Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov does not die in 1904, leading to a very different outcome for the Russo-Japanese War.
- Persian Meiji
- In preparation for the Great Game, the Shah begins modernising Persia. As a result, it not only gets a bigger slice of Central Asia, it also becomes a major power to the present day with the Shah still in control.
- Political Goths
- Theodoric the Great has a son resulting in the creation of Wistr and a change in the view of politics.
- Plague II
- A new flu plague breaks out killing millions and affecting the entire world
- Plan Aurora
- Planet of the Lemmings
- Lemmings take over the planet led by Mr. I.M.A. Lemming
- Plan 17 Succeeds
- At the beginning of the First World War, Plan 17 of the French army succeeds, and Germany is succesfully invaded in the first months of war.
- Pragfreden
- Sweden withdraws from (what we know as) the Thirty Years' War in 1635. The war ends much earlier, and the Swedes move on to conquer much of Prussia.
- President Blackthorne
- San Antonio Millionaire Allen Blackthorne is arrested for assaulting his soon-to-be ex-wife, Sheila in 1986. After receiving a deferred judgment, he gets counseling and changes his life around. After a chance meeting with Newt Gingrich, he considers a career in politics.
- President Blagojevich
- Rod Blagojevich is elected President in 2004 in a close race over Bush. Discusses how the country is affected, his 2006 impeachment, and the makeup of the 2008 election.
- President Bogart
- After Casablanca flops, Humphrey Bogart is disillusioned with acting and considers a career change..
- President Cheney and the Second American Civil War.
- President Churchill
- Lord Randolph Churchill, at the urging of his new and very pregnant wife, emigrates to the United States. His son, Winston, is born in New York, NY in 1874.
- President Cobain
- Kurt Cobain stays in rehab and eventually beats his drug addiction. In 2000 he enters politics by becoming the Governor of Washington and in 2008 is elected president of the United States.
- President Dahmer
- Jeffrey Dahmer becomes a born-again Christian after his father discovers one of his dissected cats. He becomes an ordained minister and later goes into politics.
- President Davis
- Jefferson Davis against all odds wins the Democratic nomination for president in 1852 and wins the general election subsequently becoming the 14th president of the United States of America. Examines the impact on the civil war,slavery and the Republican and Democratic parties.
- President Dewey
- Thomas E. Dewey wins the 1948 presidential election in a landslide after Dwight Eisenhower agrees to become his running mate.
- President Dobbs
- Disgusted with the political scene on both sides in 2004, CNN anchor Lou Dobbs makes a presidential run of his own as an independent. He doesn't win because of his late entry, but after garnering a lot of grassroots support he vows to try again in 2008...
- President Dole
- In 1996 Bob Dole is elected president of the United States of America.
- President Dukakis
- Michael Dukakis wins the 1988 presidential election against George Bush and becomes the 41rst President of the United States of America.
- President Elway
- After losing the Super Bowl to the Atlanta Falcons in 1999, John Elway retires and runs for the U.S. Senate seat in Colorado as a Republican.
- President Elbridge Gerry
- After the shocking decision of James Madison not to run in 1812, Elbridge Gerry is elected president over DeWitt Clinton in 1812.
- President Gingrich
- Bill Clinton and Al Gore are assassinated in 1995 therefore Republican Newt Gingrich must assume the Presidency.
- President John Glenn
- After a narrow defeat by Walter Mondale at the 1984 Democratic Convention, John Glenn becomes the frontrunner for the 1988 Democratic Nomination. Vowing that he will not run for the office again unless it is for reelection, he manages to win a narrow victory over George H. W. Bush.
- President Gore
- Al Gore narrowly wins the 2000 presidential election. Examines his presidency through the view of a news article in the New York Times.
- President Franklin
- After Washington refuses to be the first president, Benjamin Franklin, despite his age, is drafted for the job. Examines his brief tenure in office and how America was affected.
- Gaitan, President of Colombia
- In 1950, Gaitán is elected president of Colombia. A populist leftish government, but supported by the CIA as a way to prevent true communism to become a major power in Latin America, Gaitan is neither one of the best or worst presidents. But butterflies from him surviving 1948, also prevented Castro to become leader in Cuba.
- President Gary
- After the tragic death of Vice President Al Gore when Air Force Two crashes in 1997, President Clinton appoints a new VP. When Clinton resigns in 1999, that man is elevated to the presidency.
- President Goldwater
- In 1964 Barry Goldwater is elected the 37th President of the United States.
- President Hendrix
- After Jimi Hendrix survives an overdose in his flat in 1970, Hendrix decides to enter rehab and eventually meets Ron Paul, who suggests a new avenue of work...
- President Holly
- Because of his wife's misgivings about the flight, Buddy Holly cancels the next stop of the tour for a few days until the weather is better for flying. After playing a concert at Duke University in 1960 he meets a very young Ron Paul and becomes interested in politics...
- President Kemp
- Jack Kemp returns to California after football and runs for Congress.
- President King
- In a bold move, Vice President Humphrey picks Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King as his running mate immediately after President Johnson decides not to seek another term. After King's near-assassination in April, the outpouring of support is enough to carry Humphrey and King to the White House. King would become the first black president after Humphrey steps down because of poor health.
- President Kerry
- In the wake of a pointless, illegal war, George W. Bush is defeated for re-election in November 2004. Explores the American political climate six months into the Kerry Presidency.
- President Lee
- Robert E Lee fights for the north rather than the the south in this time line and is elected president of the United States in 1876.
- President LeMay
- When America is hit by a nuclear terrorist attack, the whole presidential line of succession is killed except for one: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Curtis LeMay.
- President Lieberman
- Joe Lieberman secures the Democratic nomination for President in 2004. He goes on to defeat George W Bush for reelection and thus becomes the first Jewish-American President of the United States.
- President Limbaugh
- After winning the Noble-peace prize over Al Gore in 2007, talk show king Rush Limbaugh enters the 2008 presidential race and wins in one of the most unconventional elections in U.S. history.
- President MacArthur
- Douglas MacArthur wins the 1952 GOP nomination as a dark-horse candidate, and goes on the become one of the most revered and hated presidents in American history.
- President McCain
- After Senator John McCain defeats Governor George W. Bush in the 2000 Republican primaries, he is elected President in November 2000.
- President McEwen
- Instead of withdrawing from his 1988 bid for the U.S. Senate, Congessman Bob McEwen decides to stay in the race and wins the election. He will continue to move higher and higher until he reachs the presidency.
- President Manson
- Charles Manson is more successful in his music career and eventually turns to politics.
- President Mao
- Mao Jen Sheng, interested in leaving China, moves to America with his heavily Pregnant Wife. Their son Zedong is born on December 26 1893, in Los Angeles. Now an open timeline.
- President McCormack
- Oswald scores a triple in Dallas and assassinates President Kennedy, Vice President Johnson, and Senator Yarborough. With the president and vice president both dead, Speaker of the House John McCormack is sworn in as president.
- President Mondale
- Most believed the 1984 presidential election would prove to be an easy victory for Incumbant Ronald Reagan. But Walter Mondale proved all doubters wrong.
- President Nader I Presume?
- The political suprise of the century would come with Ralph Nader won the election over the Democrats and the Republicans, breaking the "American Duopoly".
- President Paul
- With anti war moods growing within the Republican party and the economy beginning to go into a tailspin, Ron Paul manages to win the Republican nomination. When the primaries tak a different direction Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton. With the youth vote on his side in November Paul manages to defeat Clinton for the presidency.
- President Pelosi
- After President Bush and Vice President Cheney both resign over the Valerie Plame scandal, Nancy Pelosi is elevated to the oval office. Explores how effective (or ineffective) her administration would be. Now an open timeline.
- President Perot
- Ross Perot does not temporarily drop out of the 1992 Presidential election and after rising in the polls is elected President in November.
- President Quayle
- The press expects that it won't have Dan Quayle to kick around anymore after he is dumped from George Bush's re-election ticket in 1992, but it turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to him.
- President Russert
- This timeline is a tribute to the now-deceased Tim Russert, who truly was a prince among men and a fine journalist in OTL. In the timeline, the POD occurrs when he decides to stay in politics in 1984, instead of going into journalism.
- President Scalia
- After completing law school, Antonin Scalia decides to run for Congress.
- President Simpson
- After getting arrested for domestic violence on his ex-wife and assault on her friend Ron Goldman, OJ Simpson receives a huge wake-up call. After getting off, he meets Ron Paul and considers running for office.
- President Sinister
- Max Sinister is elected President in 2000 and immediately nominates the country for deletion because it has been abandoned for months and has little or no content.
- President Tsongas
- James Carville gets a headache and never comes up with the "comeback kid" description for Clinton. Tsongas wins the nomination and beats Bush in a squeaker.
- President Ventura
- Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura is elected President as an Independent in 2000.
- President Welles
- After the failure of Citizen Kane, The Magnificent Ambersons and The Lady from Shanghai Orson Welles turned to politics instead of filmmaking. He won over Eisenhower and was elected President of the United States in 1956.
- Prime minister John Smith
- leader of the Labour Party John Smith doesn't die of a heart attack in May 1994, No PM Blair and what could have happened?
Prime Minister Mosley- Sir Oswald Mosley unseats Neville Chamberlain in the 1924 election. He rises to become leader of the Labour Party. There is no Second World War and the Cold War is between the forces of Democracy and those of Fascism.
- Princip Arrest
- Serbian terrorist Gavrilo Princip is arrested before his assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. WWI is delayed and results in a rich Africa; a democratic Socialist government in Russia; and an isolationist, agrarian USA.
- Progressive USA
- Roosevelt does much better in the 1912 Presidential election, not enough to win it but its enough to establish the Progressives as a viable party. This is in part due to a coalition with Eugene Debs. From 1912 to 1916 the Progressives make step by step gains in the House and Senate, and in both years get more votes than the Republicans, although they are defeated by the Democrats.
- Project Cairo
- Proud East Roman Empire
- The Byzantine army won the battle of Manzikert.
- Protectorate Paramount
- England is Taken over by a Facist party called the 'protectorate of England' led by the 'Lord Protector', and a very differnt World War Begins.
Prussians in Paris
- Prussia resists Napoleon's Russian campaign and eventually defeat the French Empire.
- Psychic America
- In 1865, a psychic predicted and prevented President Lincoln's assassination. As a result, Lincoln created a Cabinet post called Harbinger-General. This Harbinger-General's job was to predict natural and man made disasters and he ended up being so successful that Americans came to believe in psychic abilities. Thus, the U.S. of this world has averted the disasters that befell alternate Americas and the so-called "harbingers" are highly regarded.
- Publick Occurences
- The first newspaper in North America is not scrapped after the first issue in 1690.
- Pure Arabica
- The Bubonic Plague decimates Europe, killing nearly 2/3 of the population and reducing the Renaissance to ashes. The world was ill prepared for the Arab aggression and resurgence.
- Republic of Quebec
- October 30, 1995, Quebec. The yes vote is declared the winner with 50.80%. What happens to the newly-independent Republic of Quebec?
- Quetzalcoatl's World
- Christopher Colombus executed for heresy. What will happen in this new world?
Qu'il Tous
A battle in India in the early 19th century with a single extra casualty leads to France becoming the greatest nation in the world.
Raging Bear
- Stalin heeds allied warnings of Operation Barbarossa.
- Richard the Lion Hearted
- Richard creates one of the Most powerful empires the world has ever seen
- Ready for the Mother Country
- Tsar Alexei II takes command of the White Army and rallies them to victory over the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War. The restored Tsarist government rules over the country which eventually comes to dominate the European continent.
- The real Invincible Armada
- The Invincible Armada left Spain but it was the English fleet which was destroyed by cannons and storms. The Spanish army managed the conquest of England. English people had to find another land to live.
- Rebellion of 61
- This althist has two primary PODs. In the first, the nascent Confederate States of America is defeated at the (First) Battle of Bull Run, ending the brief Rebellion of '61. In the second, the Komei Emperor of Japan lives several decades longer than in our time line.
- Red Alert
- Hitler dies in his attempted coup, altering the course of history.
- Red Cold War
- The Soviet Union emerges as the victor of the Cold War after an Italian Civil War changes the course of history.
- Red Germany
- Hitler dies in World War I and Germany becomes the Communist Republic of Germany, allies with the Soviet Union, and is much more successful at fighting World War II. They establish a large communist empire which lasts until the present day.
- Red Guardian
- A new leader brings an early end to the Cultural Revolution causing an early start to Chinese economic reform meanwhile China faces off a massive Soviet invasion
- Red Scare World
- Adolf Hitler dies in 1916 when he is struck by lightning, resulting in the Nazis never coming to power. Due to the delay of World War Two as well as the Great Depression continuing well into the 1940's, the Soviet Union led by Stalin was able to continue its military buildup as well as influence the course of several communist revolutions before staging an attack on the West.
- Red victory
- When the Axis powers do not enforce Operation Barbarossa and invade the Soviet Union the Soviets convince the Allied Powers to invade and occupy Germany, so World War 2 ends in 1943. After a series of events the Soviet Union succeeds in the Soviet-Afghan war. In 1984 the United States admits defeat in the Cold war and dissolves in 1992.
- Referendum to Republic
- What if the 1999 Australian referendum to become a republic get's passed, and Australia becomes a new republic at the dawn of the new Millennium.
- Reoccupied France
- France is occupied by the Allied following the Second World War
- Republic of Rome
- The Roman Empire never fell and grew into a large nation and still exists today.
- Republican Century
- Dewey wins in 1948, albiet narrowly,beginning a long period of Republican dominance in national affairs, and a great many events occur earlier or later then OTL. Operates jointly with "Democratic Century".
- Revolution '68
- The general strike and protests in May 1968 in France leads to the toppling of the French government, the first anarcho-syndicalist country, and a third front in the Cold War.
- Rise of India
- Rise of Manchuria
- After the Puppet State of Manchukuo rejoins China, a new leader emerges, claiming glory for Manchuria. Manchuria once again rises and declares independence. This time they're not backing down.
- Rising Sun
- The Japanese manage to secure a victory over the Americans at the Battle of Midway in 1942, thereby crushing the American Pacific Fleet.
- Roaring 'Thirties
- The Wall Street Crash is prevented and the world enters a new age of prosperity. Without economic depression to propel him into power, Hitler remains on the fringe on Weimar democracy, and World War II is avoided, with serious repercussions.
- Robert Kennedy Survives
- Robert Kennedy is not assassinated in 1968 and goes on to be elected the 37th President of the United States.
- Roma Invicta
- Augustus conquers Germany, causing drastic changes.
- Roma Delenda Est
- Hannibal manages to conquer and raze Roma in the scond Phoenician War. Without Roman influence, the world looks much different.
- Roman Printing
- A lead pipe manufacturer invents single letter printing. This practice is taken up by Augustus and printing acquires an association with the Roman Imperium.
- Roman Superiority
Althistory if the Roman Empire was never weakened and destroyed by barbarians (Coming Soon!)
Romance Britain
After the Romans leave Britain the Romano-British culture survives and the Angles, Saxons and Jutes are driven out of Britain
- Rome Never Splits
- Rome Slowly Dies Off
- Ronald Reagan stays an actor
- The Gipper decides to stay in his career as an actor, and there are far-reaching political consequences.
- The Roswell Incident
- The US Army fails in its attempts to cover up the discovery of a crashed "flying saucer" and the government is forced to admit the existance of alien life.
- Royal Christian Empire vs. Islamic Republic
- Instead of accepting their home country, Christians and Muslims begin to unite the world under their respective religions. The two great alliances cannot co-exist, leading to the Great War of Religion, the last war on Earth.
- Royal Prerogative
- A timeline with many points of difference, beginning with James VI of Scotland being raised Catholic, continuing through Frederick the Great's unification of Germany, Alexander II surviving the attempt on his life and the Dutch failure to give independence to its Far East possessions. The world becomes a very different place, with different wars and the forging of new nations.
- Royale: The Second Great War
- In the most critical moment of World War I the United States are knocked out of the conflict by an unforeseen disaster resulting in a completetely different World Order.
- RPFDan's Alternate History of Sports
- RPFDan's collection of sports related alternate history scenarios.
- Rule Byzantium
- A timeline in which the Comnenus Dynasty never died out, ultimately leading the the Fourth Crusade never sacking Constantinople and Byzantium Surviving, causing major changes throughout all of Europe and, later on ,all of the world.
- Russian America Expansion
- This is an alternate history in which Catherine II of Russia decides to send an expedition into OTL Alaska. This expedition travels father into Russia than the Russians would have done for many years, and on this expedition many useful resources are discovered making Russia expand farther into North America. This eventually leads to the creation of the independent nation, Yavukia.
- Russian Commonwealth
- An althist in which the Russian Empire survives World War One, a Commonwealth like organisation emerges as Russia relinquishes its territories, it competes with the other world superpower; the USSSWE, United Soviet Socialist States of Western Europe.
- Russian Georgia
- Russian Rise
- Rossiskaya Imperiya KD
- Rule, New Britannia
- The famous crossing of the Delaware River goes disastrously wrong, stopping the fledgling Revolutionary Army in its tracks and changing the world forever...
Name | Author(s) | Description | |
Sacrifice of Angel's | A time rift opens up shortly before WWII, and bombs from a nuclear war fall through. Later, a deadly disease ravages the globe, and is only stopped by a winter that kills many more. As a result, Hitler is killed, the US collapses into civil war, and Russia is totally depopulated. | ||
Sacrum Romanum Imperium | The establishment of the Holy Roman Empire goes differently leading to a more unified Europe. | ||
Sassanid Empire | |||
Savior of Pompeii | An explorer discovers the future eruption of Vesuvius and saves Pompeii. | ||
See Paris and Die | Field Marshal Erwin von Witzleben successfully assassinates Hitler in May 1941 during a military parade in Paris. | ||
Seeing Red (Army, that is) | The Soviets go pre-emptive and attack Germany in late April of 1941. | ||
September 11, 1777 | Events at the Battle of Brandywine change slightly, rewriting the history of the United States. | ||
Seven Days to the River Rhine | Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin develop a friendship which leads to the USSR becoming a member of the Axis Powers, changing the outcome of World War II | ||
Seven Roman States | The late Roman Empire divides into seven separate nations just before the dawn of the Middle Ages. A shattered and splintering Roman Empire then survives to Modern times through these rump states. | ||
Shattered Steel | Germany and Italy do not declare war on the USA. | ||
Shock and Awe: The Second Korean War | Clinton makes up his mind to teach Kim Jong Il the hard way that developing a nuclear weapons program isn't as easy as it looks. | ||
Short-lived US | An extended War of 1812 ends with the British Empire annexing the United States of America. | ||
Shrewsbury Aflame | Henry, Prince of Wales, is killed during the Battle of Shrewsbury and so never goes on to be Henry V of England. | ||
Sino-Australian Conflict | Kevin Rudd die on 4 of January 2007, not become elected as Prime Minister of Australia fluent in Mandarin favorable to Sino-Australian relations. Xenophobic incident in Australia result in a requisition of indemnización to chinese republic. The "hiperpopuler" China have some posibility of "Occupation" of the "not habited" Australia. | ||
Slovo Althist | See here | ||
Socialist America | Marx moves to America instead of France, and authors his Manifesto with Charles Dickens. The rise of the communist movement in the New World. | ||
Socialist Workers Reich | The Strasser Brothers and SA pre-empt Hitler with a bloody coup and establish a new regime lead by Reichbishop Martin Heidegger | ||
Socialist World | Communism and Fascism gains world domination. | ||
So Long America | |||
Southern Social Democracy | |||
Soviet defeat | Moscow falls to the Germans in the 1941 offensive, drastically changing WW2. | ||
Soviet West | Doctor261 | Soviets invade the West Berlin, causing a 2-week war, but changing the history more than much. | |
Soviet Invasion | Communism sees a significant rise during the 1980s, which enables the Soviet Union to increase its military power. In 1988 Ted Kennedy is elected president and then eventually surrenders the United States to a Soviet invasion, which allows the Soviets to dominate most of the world. | ||
Spartacist Victory | In 1918 after an uprising begins Rosa Luxembourg immediately joins Karl Liebknecht in supporting the communist revolution in Germany. In addition several members of Germany's Social Democratic Party in Parliament defect and join the revolutionaries leading to increased support & final victory for the communists in 1919. | ||
Split | When Hitler breaks the Treaty of Versailles by joining with Austria, Britain and the Livre Coalition decide to stop the German's getting more powerful, resulting in a very different planet. | ||
Stalinless | Stalin dies many years before the October Revolution leading to a different state apparatus and international relations. | ||
Stephen King of England | King Stephen's descendants maintain a grasp on the throne of England, while Matilda and the Angevins rule over Normandy, and later Aquitaine. | ||
Successful German Socialist Revolution | Friedrich Ebert, the head of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), dies in an automobile accident. Germany ultimately becomes socialist and the USA (an Axis power) decides to nuke Berlin. | ||
Suez War | User:Sergei791 | Britain, France, and Israel take back the Suez Canal in 1956, toppling Nasser and ultimately reasserting themselves as world powers. | |
Sultan Stalin | As Lenin leads Russia, Stalin separates the Muslim regions from the Soviet Union and creates an Islamic Empire. | ||
Super China | China agrees to adopt Western Influence and become dominant power in the world to the 21st century. | ||
Superfortress | Truman decides not to use nuclear weapons on Japan, In a last minute attempt to rattle the allies Japan orders a mass attack on China, Asia devolps differently and the world follows. | ||
Sundered Veil | Oerwinde | A British occultist group tears the barrier between the natural and supernatural allowing magic into our world in 1415 | |
SuperHombre | 1983 a spaceship fall in a (spanish) South America town, with a infant in there, that is discovered and adopted by a police and his wife, the child is raised as Carlos Gonzalez and imbued with a strong moral compass. Not very early he started to display superhuman strong/strength, which upon reaching maturity and develov fly skill he resolved to use for the benefit of humanity. Not sow superman, whit a max speed of 52 km/h for longes times. NOT Superhuman stamina, durability, senses, intelligence, regeneration, longevity, super breath, heat vision and x-ray vision. | ||
Superpowers | Red_VS_Blue | Following three major PODs the world comes to be shaped not by the countless small empires of OTL, but is dominated by several world superpowers. The Roman Golden Age of the IInd Century continues on for another two, leading to the Roman Empire becoming the most powerful nation of Earth The Mayan city states are joined together by one of their own genius inventors, and so a continental power came to dominate the New World before European influence, of the Romans, could arrive to crush it Genghis Khan develops a closer relationship with his son Jochi and so a clear line of succession is made. Furthermore, because of this relationship, Genghis Khan focused more on his conquests on Central and Eastern Asia, further solidifying the position of his empire on the continent | |
Survival of the Roman Empire | Emperor Julius Nepos is successful in retaking the Western empire and reestablishing Rome as the capital. The barbarian tribes are tamed and the empire survives into the modern times. | ||
Swede Victorious | In 1708, the rising Swedish Empire led by Charles XII destroys Moscow and Russia falls into decline. Sweden soon becomes a rival to Britain to rule the OTL Victorian Era. |
See how the world would have changed if the Vikings had conquered Canada! Will remain an open timeline until adopted.
The September 11 attacks destroy the Capitol building, and Bush dies of a heart attack upon hearing the news. Dick Cheney becomes President.
Erick the Red lived to a ripe old age contray to reality, In the 1009 Expedection Thorvald sends envoy to Scandanavia of an ripe land, ready for taking, a large fleet arrives, the manfiest destiny of finding the heavens took hold of the Scandanvian World. Through Valour Leif Erickson becomes King of Norway and the colonies
The Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China intervene in the Korean War, just as the North Koreans are about to capture Pusan.
After hearing an argument presented by the German navy commander Erich Raeder and Major General Alfred Jodl, Adolf Hitler decides to postpone the invasion of Russia and focus on neutralizing the British. This culminates in a brutally efficient campaign in the Mediterranean that subsequently changes the outcome of World War II.
Starting in the year 1205 this is a do it yourself history. Very fun and highly reccomended. Inspired by The Original Map Game. Play it now!
The empire of the pacific.
As a result, France and England form the League of Kings, and the Iberian Peninsula is divided between the two forces.
Alien Space Bats aid Hitler in Operation Sealion in 1940.
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Alternative History:List of Althists Edit Classic then nominate it at the Featured alternate history page. Featured alternate histories will have the chance of
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Commonwealth of America Edit "134 original colonies".is it really 134? --JWSchmidt 14:42, 27 Aug 2005 (UTC) Future Althists Edit. Can you add an alternative
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Alternative history is a community site that anyone can contribute to discover, share and add your knowledge!Alternate history wiki
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http://althistory.wikia.com/wiki/Alternative_History:List_of_Althists. Name Author(s) An alternative history of the 19th century where wolves have migrated to
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introduction uchronia the alternate history list Posted on December 28, 2014 | No Comments What is Alternate History? Simply stated, an alternate history is the
List of Althists Alternative History a Wikia wiki
List of Althists Alternative History a Wikia wiki; Alternative History:List of Althists - Alternative History This is a list of Alternate histories existing on this site.
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Read more on Alternative history:list of althists alternative history. Uchronia: the alternate history list is a bibliography of over 3200 novels, stories, essays and
List of alternate history fiction - Wikipedia, the free ...
This is a list of alternate history fiction, sorted by type. Contents. features an alternative history of World War II where Germany invades North America.
Uchronia: The Alternate History List - Official Site
Uchronia: The Alternate History List is an extensive bibliography of novels, stories, essays and other printed material involving the 'what ifs' of history. "
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Alternative history, Alternative history is a community site that anyone can contribute to. discover, share and add your knowledge!. Alternate history
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