Mackenzie Wright
Mackenzie Wright has been freelancing since 2002 in the realms of writing, painting, photography, crafts and teaching the arts. Her writing has been featured in publications such as the "Saint Petersburg Times," "South Florida Parenting Magazine" and "Home Education Magazine." She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and education.
By Mackenzie Wright, eHow Contributor
Remove all the hardware, such as hinges, door and drawer handles, if you can. Most of the dirt and grime will embed around the edges of the hardware and the drawer handles. Make a solution of 1/4 cup ammonia and 2 cups of warm water. Place the hardware in the solution and soak it for 15 to 30 minutes. Scrub the items with an old toothbrush or a rag to get them clean. Hand-dry them with a towel.
Basic Cabinet Solution
Mix 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water. Dip a clean, lint-free rag in the solution and rub the cabinets down. If you have natural-wood cabinets, wipe them up and down in the direction of the wood grain. Wipe well on the corners, around the edges, and where the hardware attaches. Use a cotton swab to get into the screw holes where the hardware attaches if grime is built up in them. Be sure to wear protective gloves, as vinegar may irritate cuts or abrasions in the skin. Allow the vinegar solution to air-dry on the cabinets.
If there is any stubborn, stuck-on grime, or if any parts of your cabinets feel gummy or tacky, use an abrasive. You can simply use a pot scrubber made of plastic, dipped in pure vinegar. If you prefer, wet a clean rag with plain water and wring it out. Sprinkle baking soda or Borax on it and rub the stubborn areas. A toothbrush will also work well in removing any caked grease. Rinse the cabinets by going over them again with a clean rag and plain water.
If you cannot remove the hardware, use a toothbrush to scrub around the edges of the hardware, where it meets the cabinets. Dip the toothbrush into the ammonia solution to clean the hinges and handles. Wipe it away with a rag dampened with clean water.
Avoid using harsh household cleaners such as Fantastic or bleach-based detergents on cabinets. On wood cabinets they can break down any varnish, stain or paint and make the surface tacky. To keep grime, soot and grease from building up on your cabinets, wipe them down once or twice a week with a gentle solution of 1 tablespoon of dish detergent to one cup of water.
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