Kitchen Cleaning - Cleaning Tips

Read these 74 Kitchen Cleaning Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Cleaning tips and hundreds of other topics.

When going about your regular kitchen cleaning, you don't want to overlook your garbage disposal. Especially if food is scraped into the disposal when regularly washing the dishes. To clean grease and leftover food from your disposal and sharpen the blades at the same time, sprinkle liberally with baking soda and pour white vinegar over until it bubbles. Let set ten minutes. Rinse with hot water. Put two or three ice cubes in the disposal and grind. Rinse again with hot water. Now your disposal is clean and odor free.

If you have a clogged drain and cannot run out to the store to get a commercial drain product, try this remedy.

1) Remove all water from the sink. You may have to dip it out of the sink with a cup and place it in a bucket.

2) Pour one cup of baking soda down the drain.

3) Follow that with one cup of table salt.

4) Next, pour one half cup of white vinegar down the drain.

5) Allow the drain to set for ten minutes than flush it with two quarts of boiling water.

During the course of your kitchen cleaning, you'll want to clean the exterior of your microwave oven. You can do this using baking soda and wate which should remove any residue without harming the finish. You may also want to wipe down the outside with vinegar after scrubbing. To thoroughly clean the inside of your microwave oven, add two tablespoons of lemon juice to a cup of water in a microwave safe bowl. Heat the mixture and allow to boil for approximately five minutes. Wipe out the inside with a sponge. For a quick and simple method of cleaning, wet a dishcloth and place in the center of your microwave. Turn on high and allow the cloth to heat for about 30 seconds. The steam that this creates will help loosen any hardened spills and you can use the heated cloth to wipe the inside clean. Be careful, the cloth will be really hot! If you have some difficult stains inside your microwave oven, there are two things you can try to remove them. First, you can cover the sides of your microwave with a cream cleanser, something like VIM. Put a microwave safe container with water in it on the turntable. Microwave it and make plenty of steam. Wipe out the interior with paper towel, and be sure to rinse thoroughly. If this doesn't work, you can take a three cup glass microwavable container, fill with one cup water and one cup white vinegar. Microwave for five minutes uncoverd. Then wipe down with warm sponge. To freshen up and deodorize your microwave, place a bowl of water in the oven and add three or four slices of lemon. Cook on high for thirty seconds. You can also try putting a little vanilla in a bowl, place it in your microwave and turn your oven on High for one minute. Repeat if this doesn't remove the smell after one try.

Drip type coffee makers should be made a party of your regular kitchen cleaning routine (at least once a month). Dried coffee oils can ruin the taste of even the best blend. In addition, if you have what's considered "hard water", minerals can build up inside your coffee maker. An alternative to commercial coffee cleaners is to run a solution of half white vinegar and half water through the coffee maker to dissolve scale. The heated solution may have to be run through the unit one or more times if buildup is heavy. Thoroughly rinse all parts of the unit. Run plain cold water through a cycle to remove all traces. If you still have your owner's manual, check it as well for instructions specific to your model. The glass pot, filter container and other removeable components can be cleaned when you're washing the dishes.

If you're not careful when washing the dishes, food particles can get caught in the drain, creating a clog. To clear a clogged sink, pour one half cup of baking soda follwed by one cup of vinegar down the drain. Wait one hour and then chase it with a kettle of boiling water. You can also try putting three Alka Seltzer tablets down your clogged drain, followed buy a cup of white vinegar. Wait a few minutes and then run hot water. If the sink is clogged with grease, pour a cup of salt water and a cup of baking soda into the drain followed by a kettle of boiling water. The grease will usually dissolve immediately and open the drain.

For an all-purpose non-polluting kitchen cleaning product, add two tablespoons baking soda to one quart of warm water. This mixture should clean almost any surface safely and without any fumes. If some areas are more difficult, simply use plain baking soda in place of a scouring powder, it works just as well, does not contain any chemicals, removes any odors and is far more economical. This mixture can also be used when washing the dishes, causing your plates to shine!

No doubt, the person in your home who handles washing the dishes knows a thing or two about removing baked on food from pans and casserole dishes. Still, this kitchen cleaning tip might be appreciated. If, when washing dishes, one encounters a pot or pan with burned on food, one should put the scrubbing brush away. Instead, place a dryer sheet in the pan, fill it with hot water and let it sit overnight. In the morning it will just need to be sponged clean. Apparantly, the anti-static agents loosen the bond between the food and the pan while the fabric agents soften the baked-on food.

When washing the dishes, you want them to look and smell fresh. For a fresh smelling dishwasher, try placing a lemon half in the utensil container. Run your machine through a normal cycle, and your dishes and dishwasher will come out smelling fresh and lemony. Lemon is great for all kinds of ktichen cleaning as it leaves everything smelling wonderful!

The first method you should try to remove odor from your cupboards is to place a box of baking soda inside each cabinet. Baking soda will take care of most odor problems. However, if the baking soda does not alleviate the problem, take everything out of your cabinets and wipe down the inside of your cupboards with a heavy mixture of white vinegar and water.

The vinegar odor will be strong when you are applying it, but when it is dry it will not be noticeable.

Even though we put it off, we'll probably end up cleaning the range hood during the course of our kitchen cleaning. To clean accumulated dust, grease and grime from the metal filters or screens of your range hood, simply spray with oven cleaner, let sit 15 minutes and put them through a normal wash cycle of your automatic dishwasher. For best results use a soap recommended for washing dishes that are greasy.

Every now and then you come across a pot or a pan with a stain that can't be removed by routinely washing the dishes. These stains take a little time to remove. Stubborn stains can be removed from non-stick cookware by boiling 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 1/2 cup vinegar, and 1 cup of water for ten minutes. Before using the pan again, season it with vegetable oil.

There are plenty of cleaners on the market for cleaning up your copper cookwear- but if you want to save a few bucks, be kind to the environment and don't mind a little elbow grease, then head for the fridge and grab the ketchup! The acids in ketchup will eat tarnish up!

Give your cookware a light coating and wait. (Depending on how tarnished we're talking here, you're looking at 5 minutes all the way up to 30 minutes.) Then rinse and dry!

If you can't wait, add a little salt to the mixture and lightly go over the surface- as not to scratch- with a soft rag. Rinse and dry.

Kitchen cleaning also means having to remove cooking or generally unpleasant odors in your home, you could try : 1) Simmering a potful of stick cinammon, orange peel, whole cloves and water on your stove. 2) Place small bowls of vinegar around the room, as it absorbs any lingering odors. 3) Sprinkle some cinammon on a cookie sheet and warm it in the oven.

If after washing dishes you find little marks on your stainless steel sink, don't panic for this is simple to clean.To remove water spots from a stainless steel sink, rub it with a cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol.

Stuck on grease is usually a sticky goo-ish type substance that is best dealt with by using a soapy kind of cleanser- namely a degreaser along the lines of 409- and a heavy duty nylon scrubbing pad.

A warning however:
Depending on how heavy the build-up is, it usually requires a little bit of elbow grease to get rid of it. The problem with that is you have to be careful not to ruin the finish of whatever that build-up has latched itself onto. If you're not concerned about the surface, scrub away with a heavy duty nylon pad and degreaser. If the surface is a concern, forgo the scrubbing pad. Spray the area with degreaser (testing a small patch for colorfastness first) and clean with a rag dipped in the hottest water possible. (Gloves may be a good idea here.) Wring out your rag in fresh hot water often- and change rags when necessary.

If the build up is really, really heavy, soak the area in degreaser and scrape off the build-up with a putty knife. Then use the heavy duty scrubbing pad and/or the 'hot rag' method.

Before washing dishes, scrape off any leftover food particles into the garbage. If we don't do this, we risk getting these particles into our drain which will cause the food to rot and clog the drain. Pouring a solution of water and salt (1/2 cup salt per quart of water) into sink drains every other week, removes grease and prevents odors.

When washing dishes, add a little vinegar to the water. The vinegar prevents water spots from forming on the dishes.

If you stored a tomato based product, such as pasta, in a plastic container, chances are your Tupperware is stained. If you heated the pasta in the microwave using the same container, chances are your plasticware is stained permanantly. Washing the dishes will help, but your containers may be stained beyond repair. To avoid this, spray your bowls or containers with a no stick cooking spray before each use to keep your plastic containers from getting stained from red sauces.In addition, one should never place a tomato based product in the microwave if one is using a plastic container. Because the plastic is so pourous, the tomato gets embedded in the pores. If a container is already stained, you have to get a little creative when washing the dishes. Your first option is to fill the bowl with hot water and drop in a couple of denture tablets. Leave for a couple of hours and when you come back the stains will hopefully be removed. You can also try soaking the container in one part bleach to two parts of water. Make sure you give the bowls a thorough rinse, maybe even a run through in the microwave, before using again.

You may think that since your dishwasher uses soap for washing dishes, its inside is spotless. This isn't always the case however, as dishwashers can take on yellow stains. to quickly remove these, first allow your empty machine to fill for a wash. Then add a package of flavored orange crystals (the kind that make instant orange beverages) and allow the wash and rinse cycle to complete. How's that for a kitchen cleaning tip!

The best way to clean stove burners is to gently pull them out of the stove top, and wash with warm, soapy water. Use a gentle detergent such as that used to wash dishes. Do not submerse them or allow the electrical connection to get wet. If there is food or burnt particles stuck to them, use baking soda as a cleanser. Use it as you would a cleansing scrub, or if you have stubborn stains you can make a paste with baking soda and water and let it sit for 30 minutes, then scrub. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly with clear water. Depending on the condition of the burners you may not get them just like new (if they are scratched, worn, etc.), but you should be able to get them thoroughly clean. To prevent buildup and burned on food, wipe burners thoroughly during your regular kitchen cleaning ritual.

A very effective kitchen cleaning product for stainless steel is baking soda. If you have burnt on spots, cover the stain with baking soda, cover with water and bring to a boil. Let it cool, then wash and the stain should come off easily. You can also make a paste of baking soda and water and let is sit on stains overnight. To polish and shine the outsides of your pans, you can use rubbing alcohol, but be sure to thoroughly dry them before using or heating them.

Remove your brass handles from your kitchen cabinets and put them in a small saucepan of ketchup- just enough to cover the handles will do. Bring the temperature to a boil and immediately turn down the heat. When the handles are nice and shiny, take them out and give them a gool polishing!

The acids in ketchup work wonders when it comest to removing tarnish and buildup from metals such as brass and copper!

When cleaning kitchen cabinets of touch cooking grease,, there are a few commercial products that are very effective Be sure to read the back label to find the kitchen cleaning product that best suits your needs. You can also try using baking soda for a more environmentally friendly alternative or a mild detergent, such as that you would use to wash your dishes, to cut through grease. You can also try cleaning kitchen cabinet doors by combining a half cup borax, two tablespoons laudry detergent soap flakes, one tablespoon ammonia, and one gallon of warm water. Use full strength in spray bottle or add two cups to a pail of warm water. If any stickiness remains, try using baking soda as a scrub agent. Apply it directly to the area - it should remove any residue without harming the finish.

You can remove a soap film left on glassware in a dishwasher by rinsing them with vinegar. If this is a continuous problem for you, you may want to add a half cup of vinegar the next time you wash the dishes. This will remove soap scum from both the dishes and the inside of your dishwasher. You may also want to try using less detergent than recommended if your water is soft, which is often the cause of soap residue.

Removing the build-up from wooden salt and pepper shakers is done in much the same way as you would clean glass shakers. Be sure to empty the shakers out and then submerge them in warm soapy water for three to five minutes.

After the salt and pepper shakers have soaked, scrub them gently with a coarse sponge until you've removed all the grime and build-up. Then rinse the shakers and place them in the dish drain to dry.

Once the shakers have dried thoroughly, you can put fresh salt and pepper into the shakers and use them as you normally would!

A chrome tea kettle doesn't look good unless it's bright and shiny. It's not as simple as washing the dishes, however. There are several effective options for cleaning chrome. For simple shining, rub the kettle with dry baking soda or flour. For more thorough cleaning, use rubbing alcohol on a soft cloth. This will remove drips and grease. Then dry thoroughly. You can also clean chrome by rubbing it with a ball made from crumpled aluminum foil, or by using Murphy's Oil Soap (2 tablespoons in a gallon of water).

Vinegar is not only a great product to use for general kitchen cleaning. It will also work to remove strong odors in your chest freezer by washing it out with vinegar. If any odor remains, fill shallow pans with either ground coffee, activated charcoal or baking soda and place on the bottom of freezer. Close the lid, and let sit for 2 to 3 days.

When going about your kitchen cleaning, you want your white kitchen sink to shine when you're through. To get it to sparkle, place paper towels across the bottom of the sink and saturate it with bleach. Let it stand for 1/2 hour then rinse.

You would likely have success in removing the rust by using a commercial cleaner such as CLR, or an equivalent that is available in your area and states on the label that it is designed to remove rust. However, if you would prefer a more natural alternative, especially since you are washing dishes which you will need to eat off of, you might want to try using lemon juice. Lemons are usually a very effective yet gentle treatment for rust stains. If you do not have any fresh lemons on hand, lemon juice from the bottle works just as well. Try applying lemon juice to the stains, then cover the the lemon juice with salt and let dry for an hour. Rinse off, and wash. If this doesn't work, you may be stuck using the commercial cleaner for washing the dishes.

Stainless steel kitchen appliances look best when they're clean and shiny. To clean tough stains and cooking grease, and give them a dazzling shine, try the same detergent you would use when washing the dishes. One formulated to cut grease works especially well.This also works well for general kitchen cleaning.Waterless hand soap also works great as a polish, simply rub on, and polish - no rinsing.

If food isn't scraped from your plate before washing the dishes, there's a good chance it will go down the drain and cause it to run a little slow. Run hot water through the slow drain and chase it with a couple of cups of vinegar. Dump about a quarter cup of baking soda into the drain, follow with another cup or so of vinegar. Let sit at least 10 minutes and flush with hot water.

Try cleaning kitchen cabinets using baking soda and water. Baking soda is a very effective, yet gentle cleaner and it will remove and grease, food, and other materials without scratching the surface. The streaks on your cabinets are likely caused by detergent build-up from regular kitchen cabinet cleaning. If they're thoroughly rinsed, the streaks should disappear. If not, try using a vinegar/water solution, as vinegar very effectively removes streaks and soap residue. You could also try using window cleaner.

To get stubborn tea stains off the inside of the pot (this works great for stainless steel and glass-lined thermoses and coffee pots too) , simply put a cup of bleach in the pot, and swirl around. You will see the stains disappear immediately. Wonderfully effortless, and leaves the pot sparkling clean - like new! Don't forget to wash the pot before using! You can also try washing the dishes with white vinegar to get the stains out.

If your home uses hard water, your dishes can incur a mineral deposit buildup. You can remove mineral deposits by washing the dishes with white vinegar. Make a paste using baking soda and water, apply to the glasses, let sit for a few hours, then scrub lightly using the baking soda.

The best brand of sponge to use for washing the dishes and general kitchen cleaning depends on you, and may take a little trial and error. Most brands vary little, except in price. I would recommend using a cellulose sponge, as they rinse easily as you work, and can be washed in the dishwasher (place them in the silverware caddy so they don't fly around during the cycle). Another helpful hint with sponges is to "color-code" your sponges, and use one color for the floors, another color for the toilet, and a third for washing dishes, so the sponges will not get mixed up, and you accidentally use the toilet sponge in the sink.

Aluminum pans can't always be cleaned in the same manner as you would when regularly washing the dishes. You can clean aluminum pans by combining a auarter cup each of cream of tartar, baking soda, and vingar to make a paste, then stir in two tablespoons of powdered laundry detergent. Rub it into your pan and scour with a plastic scrubber. (Be sure to never use bleach or ammonia on aluminum as it will cause discoloration.) To restore color and shine to an aluminum pan, boil some apple peels for a few minutes, then rinse and dry.

Be careful when placing your plastic containers on or near a glass electric cooktop or you may end up with a kitchen cleaning nightmare. Acetate will remove melted plastic from a glass electric cooktop. If it doesn't work on the hardened plastic, try reheating the area to soften the plastic if possible. Reheating should make it much easier to scrape off and you should be able to remove the residue left behind with the acetate. Use extreme caution, however, as acetate is highly flammable. Scrubbing with baking soda may also work and is not flammable.

Cleaning the good china can turn washing the dishes from a routine kitchen cleaning chore, to one that's more time consuming as we gingerly handle plates and teacups for fear of breakage. There's good news though. Most modern china can be washed in the dishwasher using a mild detergent that does not contain lemon or bleach. To prevent breakage, place pieces so that they do not touch each other. Turn your dishwasher on to the "china" or "gentle" setting. Once it's clean and dry, allow the china to cool completely before removing from the dishwasher. Certain types of china can become even more fragile when heated, so it's imperative the china cools before storing. For this reason, only warm soapy water should be used when handy washing fine china.Use a mild dishwashing liquid. Hand painted, metal trimmed, or antique china should always be hand washed. To protect china when washing the dishes, place a dishtowel or protective mat on the bottom of the sink before beginning to clean. If cups have stubborn coffee or tea stains,dip your sponge in some baking soda and rub gently to remove the stain. To protect china during storage, place a coffee filter or paper plate between each bowl or dish before stacking. China should be stored in temperature and humidity controlled areas to protect the glaze. Take your china out of storage at least once a year and wash the pieces to keep impurities from impregnating the glaze and keep the glaze strong.

When washing the dishes, you'll want to remove stains from aluminum cookware. To do this, boil a quart of water with three tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice inside the cookware. Follow this with a light rubbing using a soap filled scouring pad.

Certain items present a challenge when washing dishes. Consider the grater, with all of it's holes and crevices, it can turn a sponge to shreds. Try this kitchen cleaning tip: To clean a grater, brush the wrong side with a toothbrus. You might also try grating a potato after grating cheese which will help to dislodge and cheese that is stuck in the tiny holes. Sharpen a grater by rubbing with sandpaper.

The best part of a large family gathering is the food. The hostess may not feel the same way however, especially if she will be stuck with washing the dishes. Anyone who has ever had to contend with a messy broiler pan, might reconsider future entertaining. Or, at the very least, a menu change. Not to worry, kitchen cleaning help is on the way. To remove the cooked on food from your broiler pans put them in your self-cleaning oven. If your oven is not self-cleaning, you can saturate the pans with oven cleaner and put them into garbage bags overnight. In the morning the food should slide right off. Repeat the process as often as necessary. You can also try dipping a piece of raw potato in baking soda and use it to scrub your pan clean.

While it's always a good idea to wipe the outside of your range hood while doing your regular kitchen cleaning, the inside doesn't require your attention as often. Clean or replace your range hood filter every six months. Try running the filter through your dishwasher for a few cycles, but always check your manufacturer's care instructions first.

You probably didn't count on cleaning superglue from your countertops when going about your regular kitchen cleaning. What to do? Nail polish remover with acetone should remove super glue from most kitchen countertops without harming the surface, as should WD-40. If neither of these products work, you'll want to ask the advice of a countertop installation professional.

There aren't too many kitchen cleaning products on the market for cleaning marble. Especially since the newest technology uses peroxide and detergents to penetrate soiled areas. Simply spray a product such as Bio-OX Citrus Concentrate on the marble countertop, allow it to penetrate for a few minutes, and wipe clean. Baking soda can be sprinkled on for a more abrasive kitchen cleaning action. Repeat if necessary. Marble can also be cleaned using warm, sudsy water (a mild detergent such as a grease cutting dish detergent or laundry detergent is fine) or a solution of borax and water. Thoroughly rinse and buff dry. To remove stains from marble, make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide or baking soda and Bio-OX Citrus Concentrate and cover the stain with the paste. Cover the paste with a damp cloth, leave overnight, then wet down and scrub with a nonmetallic scrubbing pad. Rinse thoroughly. Wipe up any spills as they happen so they don't soak in. If this occurs, you'll need to have your counters professionally rebuffed. Always use a cutting board with a towel underneath it, when working with acidic foods such as lemons, vinegar or alcohol (which can damage the natural shine of marble in a matter of seconds) and foods such as beets or red wine (which can discolor the surface). The marble can be sealed with a commercial sealant or carnuba wax. You'll need to test the seal after a few years of use. Simply apply a few droplets of water to the surface. If the water beads, your countertop is maintaining its seal. If the water soaks into the countertop, consider reapplying the sealant. Always dry the counter thoroughly after washing the dishes to prevent water damage to the marble.

When kitchen cleaning, don't forget to defrost your freezer! Place a pan of hot water inside a manual freezer to speed defrosting. Soak up water with an old bath towel. Wipe with a baking soda and water solution to help deodorize. After defrosting, you can wipe the inside of the freezer compartment with a cloth dampened with glycerin. When it is time to defrost again, the chunks of ice will drop right off.

To clean your oven window, you will have to pull your oven door off of its hinge posts. You should consult the owner's manual that came with your oven to see if your oven's door is screwed into the hinge posts or if it will simply pull off of the hinge posts. If there are screws, simply unscrew them and lift the door free.

Lay the oven door on newspapers or an old towel.

Look for the screws around the door's perimeter and remove them. This will separate your oven door into two halves. Be sure you label or mark which half is the front and which half is the back. This will save confusion when it comes time to reassemble the door.

Next, clean the glass panels with dish liquid and very warm water. If you have spots that are very tough to remove, you may want to use a nonabrasive cleaner on them.

When your glass is clean and dry, reassemble the door. Make sure all parts are placed back into their original position.

If defrosting a chest type freezer factors into your kitchen cleaning, try this tip. Use a clean mop to swab the hard to reach bottom of the freezer. After all the water has been mopped up, mop the bottom again - but this time with a solution of baking soda and water. This will help keep the freezer smelling fresh.

Chances are, your favorite kitchen cleaning product isn't formulated to clean marble counter tops. Marble can be cleaned using warm, sudsy water or a solution of borax and water. Thoroughly rinse and buff dry. To remove stains from marble, make a paste of baking soda and bleach and cover the stain with the paste. Cover the paste with a damp cloth, leave overnight, then wet down and scrape off residue. Rinse thoroughly. You could also try a paste made from 20% hydrogen peroxide and powdered whitening from the paint store, using the same method. A commercial marble cleaner is another alternative. You may want to seal the marble to make future cleanings easier either with a commercial sealant or a coat of high quality automotive polish.

Whether or not you can salvage a non-stick pan after an oil fire depends on the amount of damage. Sometimes, no amount of kitchen cleaning will remove burns and scorches. You can make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the pot and allow to sit overnight. Use the paste to scrub it in the morning, and if it seems to be working repeat the process as many times as necessary. You may also want to try soaking the pot with hot water and dishwasher detergent (powder). If neither of these work, you may need to get a new pot.

You should be able to keep your black refrigerator looking like new by cleaning it with the same detergent you use for washing the dishes. Add it to some water and clean using a sponge. Rinse the fridge with vinegar to remove any residue and keep the shine. Dishwashing liquid actually makes a great all-purpose kitchen cleaner.

Washing dishes by hand is not really a very complex task, just slightly tedious. As with the rest of your kitchen cleaning tasks, the job will be much easier and and quicker if you wear rubber gloves. This will be especially helpful because you will be able to use hotter water, and the dishes will clean easier.Always start with the least greasy items first - glasses, then cutlery, then plates, and save pots and pans for last. If you have a two-part sink, wash in one section and fill the other with hot water for rinsing. If you have a single sink, fill a container with hot water and pour over the freshly washed dishes to rinse. Good quality dish detergent is much more effective than the less expensive brands, and usually ends up costing less, since you can use less with each wash. It is also best to go about washing the dishes as soon as possible after using them, so that the food does not have a chance to dry on.

Kitchen cleaning is more than washing dishes. One also must also consider cleaning kitchen cabinets and counters, which can become stained if not properly maintained. To remove a yellow bleach stain from your countertop, \ try using a paste made from baking soda and water. Let it sit for half an hour, then scrub the area with a damp nylon sponge. Bleach causes a permanant reaction however, so your efforts may be futile.

By April F

Everyone believes that running the dishes through the dishwasher is more sanitary than washing dishes by hand. However, if you look closely, you may find that the appliance that you are trusting to sanitize your dishes is a filthy breeding ground for bacteria. You should clean your dishwasher regularly to ensure that your family's dishes are as clean as possible. Not cleaning the dishwasher can lead to food particle, hard water and soap buildup in your dishwasher.

To clean your dishwasher, you will want some rubber gloves, vinegar, a scrubbing brush, a flat-head screwdriver and a toothbrush. You will also want to wear messy, comfortable clothes, since you will be spending a lot of time kneeling on the floor.

First, open the dishwasher and remove the bottom rack. Kneeling on the floor, stick your head in the dishwasher and examine it closely. You should especially notice the crack right below the dishwasher door. This is a common place for gunk to build up. Using the rubber gloves and the scrubbing brush, remove as much gunk as you can. You will want to scoop out the filth and throw it away. Many dishwashers that have never been cleaned before have gobs of filth in this area.

Next, examine the sprayer in the bottom of the dishwasher. If you can figure out how to remove it, take it apart to expose the filter in the bottom of the dishwasher. Clean this with the toothbrush and vinegar. Wipe down the entire interior of the dishwasher with the vinegar. Examine the sprayers to make sure they are not clogged. If they are, clean them with a toothpick.

In the doors of many dishwashers is a small vent or filter type thing. Using the screwdriver, try to gently pry up this filter. You will probably be amazed at the amount of gunk inside it. Scrub it with a toothbrush and rinse it well.

Pour about half a gallon of vinegar in the bottom of the dishwasher, and start it on its hottest setting. Then, stop the dishwasher to allow the vinegar and water to soak for about an hour. Finally, allow the dishwasher to complete the cycle to rinse away all of the nastiness that you dislodged.

Repeat this process every few weeks to keep your dishwasher in the best working order, and to have the cleanest dishes possible.

Washing dishes creates moistures and moisture creates mildew. This only makes your kitchen cleaning more unpleasant. To remove mold and mildew from your dishwasher, try using a solution of one part bleach to three parts water, increasing the bleach content as necessary.

General kitchen cleaning or even washing dishes on a regular basis can cause a porcelain sink to incur scratches. A pumice stone, available at most hardware stores, should remove surface scratches from your porcelain sink. Fill the sink with water, then scour the scratches with the wet pumice stone to smooth them and clean the porcelain. However, it will not help with deep scratches. The pumice stone should be soaking wet or it may scratch the porcelain, too. It will wear away rather quickly, but that is the nature of the stone.

Hard water can leave ugly spots on your pretty glassware. A dishwasher rinse aid should shine things up. Your dishwasher probably has a special receptacle for liquid rinse aid. Otherwise, get rinse aid that comes in a little basket. You attach this to an upper rack. If you're still getting spots, turn up the water temperature and be sure to use the heated drying cycle. Use a dishwasher detergent formulated to reduce spotting. Be sure not to spill detergent on your glassware. This can cause dark spots.

After you're done washing the dishes, take the silver items and dry them thoroughly. To prevent them from tarnishing, you can store them in specially treated cloth bags or chests lined with special fabrics sold in jewelry shops, the silver department of a department store and sometimes even in hardware stores. Fabric stores also sell specially treated cloth which you can use to wrap up your silver. You can also buy anti-tarnish strips or camphor squares that can be stored with - but not touching - your silver. Some people recommend wrapping your silver in plastic wrap, but over time this may trap moisture and cause spots on the silver.

If you're not cleaning your kitchen cabinets regularly, those made with material such as formica can turn yellow. If this has happened, of course you'll want to restore them to their original white color. Formica counters and cabinets can be cleaned with mild liquid scouring cleaner, a light duty cleaner, baking soda, or a glass cleaner. Wipe them with a damp sponge, rinse and wipe dry. For stubborn spots, try a shot of laundry pre-wash spray or a paste of baking soda and water. Let it sit for half an hour, then rub with a nonmetallic scrubber. For a greasy stain, you can use a little rubbing alcohol for your kitchen cabinet cleaning.. If the Formica has yellowed, it is likely the discoloration is caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. A bleach based kitchen cleaning product used with a soft nylon scrubbing pad or a soft toothbrush might turn your cabinets back to white. If that doesn't work, you can try sponging on a bleach and water solution, but don't leave it on there too long, just a minute or so, then rinse well with clean water. (Make sure to wear rubber gloves and old clothing when working with bleach and be sure to protect surrounding surfaces from bleach drips.

The soap you use for washing dishes may clean your cups and plates, but it may also leave a film on the inside of your dishwasher. Try this kitchen cleaning tip for a film free dishwasher: Fill washer with dirty dishes but make sure you have not included any silver or other metals. Place a bowl with 1/2 cup of bleach on the bottom rack and allow the machine to run through the wash cycle only. Fill the same bowl with 1/2 cup of vinegar and this time allow the machine to run through a full cycle.

Don't use an ordinary kitchen cleaning product to clean granite. The newest technology uses peroxide and detergents to penetrate soiled areas. Simply spray a product such as Bio-OX Citrus Concentrate on the soiled area, allow it to penetrate for a few minutes, then wipe clean. Baking soda can be sprinkled on for a more abrasive cleaning action. Repeat if necessary. Granite can also be cleaned using warm, sudsy water (a mild detergent such as a grease cutting dish detergent or laundry detergent is fine) or a solution of borax and water. Thoroughly rinse and buff dry. To remove stains from granite, make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide or baking soda and Bio-OX Citrus Concentrate and cover the stain with the paste. Cover the paste with a damp cloth, leave overnight, then wet down and scrub with a nonmetallic scrubbing pad. Rinse thoroughly with clean water. Wipe up any spills as they happen so they don't soak in, and always dry coutertops after washing the dishes.

Washing the dishes isn't one of the more favorable kitchen cleaning tasks. Cleaning pots and pans makes washing dishes even less attractive. Still, if they're not properly maintained, pots and pans, especially those made of copper, can tarnish. If this has happened to you, you can rest easy knowing there are options.The simplest option is to rub the copper with a lemon dipped in salt. You can also fill a spray bottle with a solution of vinegar plus three tablespoons of salt and spray that onto the tarnished area. Let sit for a little while and rub clean.

Straw placemats are an attractive addition to any place setting. If not cleaned properly however, they can turn a festive table into one that looks dull or messy. A sponge dipped in mild detergent, such as the type you use for washing the dishes, will keep the placements clean and fresh. Another solution is to fill a quart jar with warm water and a cup of salt. Dip a sponge or cloth in the liquid and wipe the placemat clean.

The oven has to be on the top of every home maker's list of undesireable kitchen cleaning chores. The best way to keep one's oven clean is to avoid getting it dirty in the first place! To do this, make sure casserole dishes aren't overfilled, or put them on a cookie sheet. Put pies inside a large cake pan or on a cookie sheet, and make a foil tent over roasting meat. This should lessen the frequency of oven cleaning in your home. In addition, not filling your casseroles as high, will make washing the dishes easier because food isn't spilled over the top and burned onto the side of your dishes.

To remove the wax from a kitchen pot, you will need to either heat the wax or freeze it. If you heat it, you should be able to use paper towels to absorb the majority of it. If you freeze it, you should be able to chip out most of it with a plastic spatula. In either case, you may need to repeat the procedure several times. To remove any residue, wash in hot water with a detergent for washing the dishes designed to cut grease.

Wam milk is wonderful for relaxing before bed. Heating it up in the microwave doesn't have the same comfort level as that which is warmed over the stove, however. The problem with warming up a little bedtime milk is the clean up. Milk scorches easily and no one wants to spend their down time washing the dishes. Especially if the task is going to take a while. If your stainless stell pan has become a victim of milk scorching, try this time saving kitchen cleaning tip. Add about a cup of cold water while heating the scorched pan over a low flame. Start with a flat edged metal or wooden scraper or spatula to loosen the burned food as it heats. Add a few drops of dish washing liquid.The scalded milk should loosen in no time. Adding some salt to the water will remove the smell of the scorched milk from the pot. If the scorched milk is being uncooperative, turn off the heat and leave to soak overnight so you're not spending the entire night washing dishes.

When you're going about your kitchen cabinet cleaning, you may notice odors from food or cooking. You'll want to neutralize these odors before they're passed on to the food and dishes that reside in those cabinets. To do so, begin by removing everything from the cupboards and carefully place open bowls of household bleach or white vinegar throughout the cabinet. Leave them there for about a week, then carefully remove. This should leave them smelling fresh. If your cupboards are porous, such as those that are unpainted wood on the insides, the musty smell may be coming from inside the wood, and will likely continue to return, unless you replace the wood.

Here's an important kitchen cleaning tip for those who are thinking of purchasing a waffle iron. The cast iron on a waffle iron needs to be seasoned to make it non-stick. Coat it liberally with oil or lard and bake it in a slow oven. Never ever clean it again with anything resembling soap. Even the soap you would use for washing dishes. Wipe it clean after each use, after it is seasoned nothing should stick. When you make waffles you will add amounts of oil to the recipe which will keep your irons seasoned. Meanwhile, scrape off the mess as best you can without using soap or cleansers. Using salt as a cleanser should help remove any waffle residue without removing the seasoning on the finish.

Preparing fish can be a kitchen cleaning challenge. It's easy enough to clean, but the smell permeates into the cutting board creating a stink that's hard to get out. To keep a fish board fresh and odor free, clean it first with soapy water and then scrub it with mustard powder. Leave for a few minutes and then rinse. In addition, you can rub the board with baking soda, which will neutralize the odor. Leave overnight and sponge off in the morning.

Kitchen cleaning is when you find the most interesting household clean up projects. Take for example, adhesive on marble. While it may be an ususual stain, it's not one that's difficult to clean. To remove adhesive from just about any surface, spray it with WD-40. Let it sit for a minute and wipe clean

If you're doing your kitchen cleaning and have noticed melted wax on aluminum, gently scrape with a spatula or straight edge such as a credit card. After you have removed as much wax as possible, clean the area with whitewall tire cleaner or aluminum jelly. Rub in with a soft damp rag, rinse rag and wipe again.

Chores such as cooking, kitchen cleaning and washing the dishes can leave odors behind on our hands. Nothing is worse than garlic, however. When it comes to removing garlic from your hands, prevention is key. A good way to eliminate this problem is to wear disposable rubber gloves, like surgical gloves, keeping a stock in the kitchen. If you choose not to wear gloves, wash your hands in cold soapy water, since hot water tends to seal in the odor. Rub your hands with either a cut lemon, baking soda or table salt, then wash them again with cold soapy water.Rubbing your hands over a stainless steel bowl or utensil under cold running water or rubbing your hands on the stainless steel faucet of the sink will also help. Washing dishes in a lemon-scented dish soap and warm water also helps to remove unpleasant odors from hands.

When cleaning kitchen cabinet counter tops made from arborite, almost any kitchen cleaning product will do. In addition one can use vinegar or a mixture of baking soda and water. For stubborn stains, you can make a paste from baking soda and water, apply it to the stains and let sit for thirty minutes before washing. If, during the course of your kitchen cleaning, you encounter a scorch mark, try lightening it with peroxide, or a peroxide based cleaner such as Bio-OX Citrus Concentrate

Sometimes while washing dishes, we're called away from the sink. When this happens, any undissolved detergent can dry on plates and cups. When you resume washing the dishes, remove the dried on detergent by soaking for a few minutes in warm water. If this doesn't work, try soaking the dishes in hot water with a half cup of white vinegar which works well to cut through dried detergent.

Microwaves are great for convenience. Heat up your food in a flash without having to use the more time-consuming oven or stove. All microwave users know that they can get really dirty, really fast. Try these tricks to remove stuck-on food from yours:

*Fill a deep, microwave-safe bowl half-way with water
*Add ¼ cup of vinegar
*Add the juice from one lemon, or 1/8 cup prepackaged lemon juice
*Place a damp washcloth in the microwave
*Place the mixture in the microwave on top of the washcloth
*Heat until boiling (about two-three minutes)
*Let solution sit for an additional five minutes in the microwave (do not open)
*Open microwave, carefully remove bowl and washcloth
*Use washcloth to wipe down the softened, stuck-on foods

This method works great every time, and you should hardly have to scrub at all. The vinegar and lemon juice contain acid, which when mixed with water help to remove those really dirty spots.

Kitchen Cleaning - Cleaning Tips
Kitchen Cleaning Tips. Read these 74 Kitchen Cleaning Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created

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Good Housekeeping has speed-cleaning tips to quickly and thoroughly clean your kitchen sink.

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Kitchen cleaning tips and stain removal help. Professional house cleaning tips by Mrs. Clean USA House Cleaning and Maid Services.

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