Annabel Crabb's recipe for a family that works

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Crabb is the ABC's chief online political writer, a television and radio commentator, columnist for the Fairfax Sunday papers, prolific tweeter, author and cook, and also the mother of three children, Audrey, 7, Elliott, 4,   and Kate, 18 months.

She began to think about her book a year ago when Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, announced a cabinet with only one female minister, Julie Bishop, stirring debate about why there are still so few women in politics.

"One of the factors that's often missed," says Crabb, "is that male politicians tend to have these fabulous spouses who juggle their work and take on a disproportionate share of domestic duties and play a quasi-political role at functions. I reckon if women had half a chance of getting a spouse like that more of them would go into politics."

When Crabb wrote a column along those lines, she was overwhelmed by correspondence from working women who echoed the wish, "I need a wife!" She found that in 60 per cent of Australian families with children under 15, the father works full-time and the mother works part-time or not at all. But a surprisingly low 3 per cent do the reverse.

While unequal opportunities, income, mentoring, parental leave and childcare arrangements play a part, Crabb deduces that men and women behave as they do largely because everyone else does. Women feel guilty if they don't carry the burden of housework and childcare, and men are not encouraged to step back from work.

"Australians are weirdly attached to the male-breadwinner model," she says. "It's a tragedy because a) men miss out, b) the family misses out and c) women end up overstretched stress-heads."

Crabb is a dervish of efficiency, an impressive success at work and at home, where she bakes cookies and makes cards to go with her perfectly wrapped gifts. Yet there are sacrifices.

With three children she gave up commuting to Canberra, "which I'll always miss".  At home, "You've got to let things go. I'm well paid and I've got a cleaner who sorts through the worst excesses of the filth I live in. I get lots of help."

She has a live-in au pair and a husband, Jeremy Storer, who works some flexible days as a lawyer so he can be a hands-on father.

Even so, Crabb is up at six each morning to make breakfast and often bake a cake. "When my son goes to playgroup with the babysitter I feel terrible about that, so I send along a cake. I like baking cakes and I use them as communication."

She usually walks her daughter to and from school, and in between, catches the train to the ABC or returns to her home office to write, then does radio interviews and tweets while making dinner.

"We're all busy but we do bits to make life easier for the other," she says.

A new series of Kitchen Cabinet airs from October 21, with Crabb enticing confidences over a home-cooked meal from Bob Hawke, Bill Shorten, Mathias Cormann, Anna Burke, Andrew Robb and Mary Jo Fisher.

You won't get the recipe for jellied breast-milk there. But when asked she says, "It's easy", and gives precise, deadpan instructions on how to soak gelatine leaves, mix with heated milk, store in a jar, "and feed to your unsuspecting kid".  

Annabel Crabb's recipe for a family that works
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