MDF or Wood Cabinet Doors for kitchen - Houzz - Home

MDF or Wood Cabinet Doors for kitchen
I need some help on a kitchen remodel. My husband and I consider ourselves to have a "Transition" style, which I guess is a cross between traditional and contemporary. That being said, we love how people are designing their kitchens with white or lighter colored cabinets. We are leaning towards MDF Shaker doors in off white or beige, with a wood island in dark stain. My sister, the realtor, flipped.

She said that we were crazy not to do wood and when this "trend" is over we will wish we could sand and stain our cabinets rather that redoing them... And that it would be an issue if we sold in the future. Keep in mind she is my older sister and loves to have this affect on me. :)

So what are your thoughts?
How do we get our off white cabinets without going the MDF route, or is there another way? Or is MDF fine and has plenty of future options?
Or do I ignore her once again and trust my own choices?

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MDF or Wood Cabinet Doors for kitchen

I need some help on a

kitchen remodel

. My husband and I consider ourselves to have a "Transition" style, which I guess is a cross between traditional and contemporary. That being said, we love how people are designing their kitchens with white or lighter colored cabinets. We are leaning towards MDF Shaker doors in off white or beige, with a wood island in dark stain. My sister, the realtor, flipped.

She said that we were crazy not to do wood and when this "trend" is over we will wish we could sand and stain our cabinets rather that redoing them... And that it would be an issue if we sold in the future. Keep in mind she is my older sister and loves to have this affect on me. :)

So what are your thoughts?
How do we get our off white cabinets without going the MDF route, or is there another way? Or is MDF fine and has plenty of future options?
Or do I ignore her once again and trust my own choices?

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