kitchen - definition of kitchen by The Free Dictionary

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1. A room or an area equipped for preparing and cooking food.

2. A style of cooking; cuisine: a restaurant with a fine French kitchen.

3. A staff that prepares, cooks, and serves food.

[Middle English kichene, from Old English cycene, probably from Vulgar Latin *cocna, from Late Latin coquna, from feminine of Latin coqunus, of cooking, from coquus, cook, from coquere, to cook; see pekw- in Indo-European roots.]



a. a room or part of a building equipped for preparing and cooking food

b. (as modifier): a kitchen table.

[Old English cycene, ultimately from Late Latin coquna, from Latin coquere to cook; see kiln]


(kt n)


1. a room or place equipped for cooking or preparing food.

2. culinary department.

3. the staff or equipment of a kitchen.


4. of or resembling a pidgin language, esp. as used for communication between employers and employees who do not speak the same language.

[before 1000; Middle English kichene, Old English cycene « Latin coquna, derivative of coqu(ere) to cook compare cuisine]

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:


noun cookhouse, galley, kitchenette, scullery eating a snack in the kitchen

Kitchen equipment

Aga (trademark), bain-marie, baking tray, barbecue or (Austral. slang) barbie, batterie de cuisine, blender, bottle opener, bread knife, cafetiere, cake tin, carving knife, casserole, chip pan, chopping board, chopsticks, coffee grinder, coffeepot, colander, cooker, cooling rack, corkscrew, deep fat fryer, dessertspoon, double saucepan or (U.S. & Canad.) double boiler, egg beater or egg whisk, fan-assisted oven, fish slice, flan tin, food processor, fork, frying pan, grater, gravy boat or sauce boat, griddle or (Scot.) girdle, grill, ice-cream maker, icing bag, jelly bag, juicer or juice extractor, kettle, knife, masher, mould, ladle, lemon squeezer, liquidizer, loaf tin, mandoline, measuring jug, mezzaluna, microwave or microwave oven, mixing bowl, mortar and pestle, nutcracker, olla, oven, pastry cutter, peeler, pepper mill, percolator, poacher, pot, pot-au-feu, ramekin, ricer (U.S. & Canad.), rolling pin, rotisserie, saucepan, scales, sieve, skillet, spatula, spoon, spurtle, steamer, strainer, tablespoon, tagine, tandoor, teapot, teaspoon, tenderizer, timbale, tin-opener, toaster, toasting fork, whisk, wok, wooden spoon



modif [knife, table] de cuisine
kitchen cabinet n



kitchen scissors

pl Küchenschere f, Haushaltsschere f

kitchen-sink drama

n Alltagsdrama nt, Wohnküchendrama nt


2. adj (cupboard, equipment) da cucina


(kitin) noun
a room where food is cooked. A smell of burning was coming from the kitchen; (also adjective) a kitchen table. kombuis , cozinha kuchyn die Küche; Küchen- køkken; køkken- cocina köök keittiö (de) cuisine kuhinja konyha dapur eldhús cucina ; da cucina virtuv virtuve dapur keuken kjøkken kuchnia cozinha buctrie ; kuchya; kuchynský kuhinja kuhinja kök mutfak bp
kitchenette (-net) noun
a small kitchen. kombuisie kitchenette kuchyka die Kochnische tekøkken cocina pequeña väike köök keittokomero petite cuisine kuhinjica teakonyha dapur kecil eldhúskrókur cucinino virtuvl virtuvte; neliela virtuve dapur kecil keukentje kjøkkenkrok, tekjøkken kuchenka kitchinette bu­ctrioar, chicinet kuchynka ajna kuhinja kuhinjica kokvrå, pentry küçük mutfak bp nh


kuchyn køkken Küche cocina keittiö cuisine kuhinja cucina keuken kjøkken kuchnia cozinha kök mutfak bp

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kitchen - definition of kitchen by The Free Dictionary
kitch·en (kchn) n. 1. A room or an area equipped for preparing and cooking food. 2. A style of cooking; cuisine: a restaurant with a fine French kitchen.

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