80's Laminate Cabinet Kitchen Update Advice

80's Laminate Cabinet Kitchen Update Advice
I just bought a new house and I'm planning some small projects to get done before my wife and I move in. The kitchen is in good condition, but it could badly use an update. So far the plan is to tear up the laminate tile flooring and expose the hardwood underneath (we're removing all of the carpets/laminate in the entire house and stripping, staining everything one color). We're thinking of going with a dark brown for the flooring.

The problem is the cabinets: based on my research, the best plan I've come up with is to re-laminate them or to paint them (leaning towards painting them). We were thinking a dark charcoal for the base cabinets and a white or shade of grey for the top. I also figured I would add some nice flat bar pulls to give them the modern look that my wife and I love. Where I'm stuck is the "wood" trim and what to do with it. Do I paint it all one color, do I paint it a different color? Will it look weird to have the pull handles AND the flat bar pulls on the cabinets/drawers? Can I cover them up/remove them? Any ideas would be awesome.

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80's Laminate Cabinet Kitchen Update Advice

I just bought a new house and I'm planning some small projects to get done before my wife and I move in. The


is in good condition, but it could badly use an update. So far the plan is to tear up the laminate tile flooring and expose the hardwood underneath (we're removing all of the carpets/laminate in the entire house and stripping, staining everything one color). We're thinking of going with a dark brown for the flooring.

The problem is the cabinets: based on my research, the best plan I've come up with is to re-laminate them or to paint them (leaning towards painting them). We were thinking a dark charcoal for the base cabinets and a white or shade of grey for the top. I also figured I would add some nice flat bar pulls to give them the modern look that my wife and I love. Where I'm stuck is the "wood" trim and what to do with it. Do I paint it all one color, do I paint it a different color? Will it look weird to have the pull handles AND the flat bar pulls on the cabinets/drawers? Can I cover them up/remove them? Any ideas would be awesome.

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80's Laminate Cabinet Kitchen Update Advice
Can you possible replace these? I know these 80's cabinets very well. A good friend of mine had them and the doors kept falling off because the area where the hinges

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The 80 s Laminate Cabinet Kitchen Update Advice. Steam from my electric kettle has caused the veneer of one of my kitchen cabinets to separate from the doors and I

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80s Laminate Cabinet Kitchen Update Advice Houzz | Manual ...
Update Advice Houzz and read our other article related to 80s Laminate Cabinet Kitchen Update Advice the cabinets, etc. Need kitchen update advice

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Need Kitchen Update Advice but on a Tight Budget. but painting the laminate is a lot of work ,so maybe, Your cabinets were popular in the mid to late '80s,

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80's Laminate Cabinet Kitchen Update Advice Honestly, you may be best off just putting up with this kitchen until you can do it right. By the time you put in new

80s Laminate Cabinet Kitchen Update Advice Houzz
Read our post that discuss about 80s Laminate Cabinet Kitchen Update Advice Houzz, Honestly, you may be best off just putting up with this kitchen until you can do it

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