sliding shelves that slide pull out kitchen shelfs

There are many slide out websites these days any many say they make custom pull out shelves. Then you find they sell one depth shelf and that depth is really for a bathroom, they save money by making all of the shelves 20" deep and you lose 3" or more of space! They give you more choices when it comes to the shelf width, they make any size as long as it is an even one inch dimension or maybe they go up to 1/4" or maybe even 1/8". We make shelves in 1/16" increments so you can get a sliding shelf that actually fits your cabinet. We make the depths in 2" increments with 22" being the most common for kitchen cabinet shelving. We even offer a 23" deep shelf which has a finished shelf depth of 22 3/4"

We have been making custom pull out shelves for over 20 years now. Sliding shelving or kitchen drawers it really does not matter what you call them. Others call them pull out shelving, roll out shelfs, pull-outs, sliding shelves, rolling shelfes, rollout shelve, whatever you call them our pull-out shelves that slide out can make your life easier.   At Sliding Shelves we make high quality pullout kitchen sliding shelving and sell them for less you install it yourself and save

Please take a look at our constructionpage to find out more information on the high quality materials that go into our custom made pull out sliding shelves for your kitchen cabinets. No 3/4"construction plywood used here or low cost poplar. While some companies may uselumber that can warp and split we use 9 ply birch, the best material made forbuilding rollout shelving. We offer a highquality affordable custom made slideout shelf that is easy to install into your existingcabinets. The rolling shelving comes with all of the hardware necessary for a standardinstallation including drawer slides and drawer slide mounting brackets.Installation can take as little as five minutes when mounting roll out shelfs on existingshelves or kitchen cabinet base with our optional "L" shaped mounting brackets. 
That'skitchen storage made easy!

All of our rollout shelving for kitchen storage, pantry cabinets and bathroom cabinets are custom made to your order. The sliding shelf hardware needed for standardkitchen shelves installation is included with our slide-out shelves. There are several different mounting styles to choose from so that you can install these shelves in your kitchen cabinets. We warranty ourroll out shelfs to be free from manufacturer's defects for one yearfrom date of purchase. If you have never had pull out shelves for kitchen storageyou don't know whatyou are missing. If you have had them then you know you will never want to live without them

"Once you have had pull out shelves installed you willwonder how and why you ever lived without them"

Pull out shelving makes kitchen storage or getting to that pot or pan in the back ofyour cabinet a breeze. There is no need to get down on your hands and knees toget what is in the back of your kitchen cabinet, not with pullout shelves from Simply open the cabinet door, slide out your slidingshelf and the items in the back of your cabinet rollout to you. Think about howoften you go into your cabinets, now think about what is in the back of yourcabinets. Don't feel bad if you can't remember what is in the back of thecabinet, you don't use it and that is why it is in the back. Now think about hownice it would be to utilize all that space that is just too hard to reach. Yourdishwasher has a slide-out shelfes, why doesn't your kitchen cabinet. 

How about your pantry cabinet?

People are amazed when they get a sliding shelf for theirpantry cabinet. Not just how easy it is to install. Not just how amazed they arewith the high quality of our pantry shelfes. Not just being amazed about howthey lived without a rolling shelf and why they waited so long. What reallyamazes them is when clean out their pantry cabinet to get ready for theinstallation of a slide out shelf. They can't believe what they find in the backof the cabinet. Sometimes it is something they have been looking for, often formany years. Sometimes they find cans that are domed with the evidence of botulism.Sometimes they just find more food than they realized they had. I was installinga pullout shelf one day when the customer told me "I found three cans ofclam chowder in the back of my cabinet". I looked at her with a puzzledlook and she said "You don't understand, I hate clam chowder". You mayhate clam chowder but you will love your kitchen storage with pull out shelvesfrom sliding shelves .com

Don't forget the bathroom!

So you have sliding shelves already in your kitchen cabinets(not just the upper shelf but the lower one too). You even have a lazy Susan inyou pantry that works great (ever hear about a round peg in a square hole). Wellwhat about your bathrooms? You are in and out of the bathroom cabinet every day.Do you really enjoy bending over and reaching for your toiletries first thing inthe morning? It does not have to be like that, not when you can have roll outshelves in your bathroom cabinets too!

OK already, so I know I need pull out shelves, but can Iafford them?

With our sliding kitchen pull out shelves starting at just $15.95 of course you can afford them. Especiallywhen you buy your sliding shelves from sliding shelvesand when you install them yourself with help from our do it yourself installationguide.

Do it yourself? I don't know if I can do that!

DIY (do-it-yourself) installation of kitchen shelves is easy with the help of sliding shelves.Can you work a screwdriver? Great, then you can do-it-yourself and install ourcustom kitchen sliding shelves! Most kitchenstorage slide out shelf installations are as simple as installing eight screws. The easiest installation is floor mount option mounting onto an existing shelf. Just set the shelfslides with L brackets attached in place. Use the sliding shelf as youralignment tool and simply screw the L brackets to your cabinet base or existingfull depth shelf. For more information take a look at our measuringguide and our installation tips and tricks.DIY and save $$$

What about the quality?

Great question! We understand your concern about buying slideout shelves on-line. It is difficult to show details of the high quality of oursliding shelves in pictures. Especially with pictures that don't take forever toload. We have never had a customer that has been disappointed with the qualityof our sliding kitchen shelves. If fact most of our customers are surprised to find thatour quality slide out shelves far exceed their expectations. But don't trust us,try one yourself. We recommend you purchase one sliding shelf to start. We arevery confident that you will be pleased with our products. We know that afteryou get one slide out shelf you will not only come back for more, you will be telling yourfriends and neighbors about what a great deal on pull out shelves that you have found.

So what if I am not satisfied?

We are so confident that you will be thrilled with pullout kitchen shelves from sliding shelves that if for any reason you are not satisfied simply return the slide out shelf within fifteen days of delivery and we will refund your original purchase price minus shipping charges. As stated before all of our sliding shelves are custom made so we could not afford to make an offer like that unless we were confident in our product. Now because of the day and age that we live in we need to add some stipulations to that offer. We will return the full price of one shelf minus the shipping charge, you are responsible for the shipping. As the sliding shelves are custom made we do not accept returns on additional shelves beyond the first shelf ordered. So go ahead and order onepull out shelf and see what you think. We are confident in the quality of ourpull out shelves and we can wait for the rest of your order. 

So what are you waiting for?

Go ahead, get out your tape measure and measure up yourkitchen cabinets for custom pullout shelves. You will be glad you did! We are waiting to make sawdust withyour name on it.

One last thing!

By the way, before I forget, we do ask for something from you.After you have installed your rollout shelves in your kitchen cabinets, afteryou have installed the slideout shelf in your bathroom cabinet and maybe evenafter you are done with the pull out shelf in your pantry cabinet we do have arequest for you. Please let us know how you like your new sliding shelves. Justdrop us a note and give us your honest appraisal of your experience atsliding shelves  We really want to do what ever we can to makeyour experience here an enjoyable one. If you like our products and you likeyour friends, family and neighbors, why not bring them together and show offyour new rolling shelves. They will thank you for many years to come. What'sthat, would we mind if you put a link on your web site to spread the word about Of course we wouldn't mind, in fact we would behonored!

Latest customer comments and pull out shelf reviews (for all comments see ourtestimonial page)

just wanted you to know that our shelves came in at 3:00 PM, Installed my 5PM. Not bad for a person who has never installed your shelves before. They work great, other then I have no clue what the orange thing is on the runner that looks like it should slide back and forth, lol But, they are ready to load up and head out. Oh, these 4 shelves are in our Motor home panty.  The wife will no longer have to use the broom handle to try and get that lost box of oatmeal from the back of the old shelve. Thanks, Great job of packing too and the units look great. BnA

Received the shelves ...

Fantastic packaging ... installed BEAUTIFULLY!

I will be buying more for an antique breakfront cupboard.


Thank you so much for your Internet offering and workmanship.

Nancy Carter

love your shelves. this is my third order ;-) I am almost done converting my old cabinets. These are easy to install and great for my budget.

Good day

Received and installed shelves, my wife and I are very happy with the results.  The purpose of the this email is for a WHITE THING.  Our dog chewed on one and its totally destroyed.

How do I get a replacement?

Best regards,

Richard Flaherty

I just wanted to let you know how happy I am with the sliding shelves. I ordered four shelves; 2 floor mount and 2 half shelf mount on Oct. 23rd. They arrived yesterday and were pretty easy to install. They appear to be well made and are exactly what I was looking for, and as you presented on the website. Thank you for prompt, efficient service and for a product I am sure will prove to be a wise purchase.

I will definitely be recommending your website to friends.

 Diane Scott
Order # 003154

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Custom made pull out shelves for your kitchen, bathroom, and pantry. Made to fit your existing cabinets. Sts Garage storage cabinets.

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Find a large selection of pull out shelves and drawers made to fit your kitchen bath or pantry cabinets. Sliding shelves that slide from Slide Out Shelves LLC

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Sliding Shelves That Slide offers pull out pantry shelving solutions for shelving for kitchen pantry and to the bottom of the shelfs sides and then

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Save on quality pull out shelving for kitchen cabinets and Pantries . We have been supplying contractors, homeowners and design centers with quality sliding shelves

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Find great deals on eBay for sliding kitchen shelves sliding cabinet shelf. Shop with confidence. Kitchen cabinet pull out shelf 33x22 Slide Out Shelves LLC

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