Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness Online Course : Statewide

TEKS Addressed

(5) The student demonstrates knowledge of food management principles.

  • (A) read and comprehend standard recipes
  • (B) correctly use standard measuring techniques and equipment
  • (C) demonstrate correct food preparation techniques, including nutrient retention
  • (D) use food buying strategies such as calculating food costs, planning food budgets, and creating grocery lists
  • (E) demonstrate food preparation techniques to reduce overall fat and calories
  • (F) practice etiquette, food presentation, and table service appropriate for specific situations
  • (G) apply food storage principles

Module Content

Food Management Principles is the fourth unit of study in the Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness course. This section contains four TEA units of study that include:

  • A. Recipes and Measurements
  • B. Preparation Techniques
  • C. Purchasing and Storage Strategies
  • D. Table Service, Presentation, and Etiquette

Refer to Successful Lab Management Guidelines for lesson ideas.

Refer to Table Settings, Etiquette and Presentation for lesson ideas.

Module IV Handouts

Recipes and Measurements

A recipe is a set of directions for making a food or beverage. A well-written recipe should have the following:

  • Recipe name
  • List of ingredients
  • Yield
  • Cooking method, temperature, and time
  • Equipment needed
  • Step-by-step directions
  • Nutrition analysis

As you know, anyone can write a recipe and post it on the internet and write cookbooks. But are they easy to follow? Use the graphic organizer Recipe Breakdown with your students and have them locate any recipe from cookbooks, magazines, or the internet to complete the information.

Recipes usually turn out best when you use each ingredient in exactly the right amount. Allow students to work with measuring dry and wet ingredients using the correct measuring cups and small amount ingredients using measuring spoons. You may use the handouts Measurement Standards, Measurement Standards (Key), Standards of Measurement and Substitutions for Healthier Cooking and Baking so that students become familiar with increasing and decreasing ingredient amounts and making healthier meals.

USDAs SNAP Connection has a collection of easy, healthy recipes that include the nutritional analysis and cost analysis. We have compiled these suggested recipes in cookbooks for you to choose from. Be sure and check them out.

USDA SNAP-Ed Cookbooks:

  • Beverage
  • Fast and Easy
  • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Healthy
  • More Great Recipes!
  • Whole Grain

Preparation Techniques

Tools and Equipment
A well-equipped kitchen has a variety of tools and cooking and serving equipment. You may have most of these or more. Allow your students to study what you have available.

Tools can be divided into categories and can include:

  • I. Measuring Tools
    • dry measuring cups
    • liquid measuring cups
    • measuring spoons
    • measuring scale
  • II. Knives and cutting tools
    • boning knife
    • bread knife
    • chefs knife
    • cutting board
    • kitchen shears
    • paring knife
    • slicing knife
    • utility knife
    • vegetable peeler
  • III. Mixing, cooking, and baking tools
    • baster
    • ladle
    • pastry brush
    • pot holder/oven mitt
    • rolling pin
    • rubber scraper
    • sifter
    • tongs
    • turner
    • wire cooling rack
    • wire whisk
  • V. Clean up supplies
    • dishcloths
    • dish drainer
    • dishtowels
    • scouring pads

Cooking Terms
As you are aware, there are many cooking terms for students to learn. Begin with the basic terms so students become familiar with the techniques required. Handout Cooking Terms may be used and more terms added if needed. Notice that the word fry is not on the cooking terms list as this is not a nutritious preparation method. It can be used in Culinary Arts.

Planning and preparation are a key to successful labs. Make sure to plan ahead by using a

  • grocery lists
  • lab plan sheets
  • well-written recipes

Dont forget to evaluate your lab. Find out from your students what worked and what didnt work to improve the success of your labs.

Purchasing and Storage Strategies

Shopping for food is a skill just like preparing a meal. There are many choices such as:

  • supermarkets
  • warehouse stores
  • warehouse clubs
  • health food supermarkets
  • specialty stores
  • food cooperatives
  • convenience stores
  • farmers markets
  • online food retailers

Get to know your store and the layout and plan your trip to save time. Get the most for your food budget. There are many ways to save money on the foods that you eat. The three main steps are planning before you shop, purchasing the items at the best price, and preparing meals that stretch your food dollars. For more information, visit 10 tips Nutrition Education Series eating better on a budget.
10 Tips to help you stretch your food dollars

Food-Storage Guidelines

Proper storage prevents spoilage and preserves foods nutrients, flavor, texture, and appearance. Follow these guidelines to protect quality in the stored food:

  • Follow package directions for storing food.
  • Follow the FIFO rule First in, First out. Store newly purchased food behind older food.
  • Check sell by and use by dates. If no date appears, write the purchase date on them.
  • Clean storage areas regularly.
  • Buy only what you need.

Table Service, Presentation, and Etiquette

Refer to Table Settings, Etiquette and Presentation for lesson ideas.

Basic Table Service
A table should be set before people sit down to eat. Even a simple table setting can be special.
Use the graphic organizer Basic Table Setting to teach the essential pieces of a cover.

There are four types of table service:

  • Family Service serving meals in which food is placed in serving dishes and passed around the table.
  • Plate Service serving meals in which food is portioned out on individual plates in the kitchen and brought to the table.
  • Modified English Service a more formal way of serving a meal for a small group as foods for the main course are brought to the table in serving dishes and are placed in front of the host, along with a stack of dinner plates. The host then serves the main course and vegetables on each dinner plate and passes the plate to the right to the person at the end of the table.
  • Buffet a method of serving food in which people help themselves to food set out on a table.

Use the graphic organizer Meal Service to discuss the differences with your students.

The courtesy you show to others by using good manners when eating. It is an important part of serving and enjoying food.
Knowing table etiquette can also be an asset in the working world as some job interviews and business meetings take place during a meal. View the How To videos as they include steps and tips and needed supplies.


Allow your students to use creativity when serving meals to make the dinner table interesting and special by:

  • filling a small basket of flowers, fruit, or colorful decorations
  • using candles as centerpieces
  • creating themed centerpieces
  • playing soft music
  • folding beautiful napkins

Handouts/Graphic Organizers

Module IV Handouts

  • Baking and Cooking Skills Check List
  • Baking and Cooking Terms (Key)
  • Baking and Cooking Terms Flashcards
  • Baking and Cooking Terms
  • Basic Table Setting
  • Basic Table Setting (Key)
  • BINGO Templates
  • Cooking Terms
  • Following Directions
  • Lab Duty Assignments 4 blank
  • Lab Duty Assignments 5 blank
  • Lab Duty Assignments
  • Meal Service
  • Meal Service (Key)
  • Measurement Standards
  • Measurement Standards (Key)
  • Recipe Breakdown
  • Rubric for Laboratory Experience
  • Rubric for Table Settings and Napkin Folds
  • Sample Lab Plan (blank)
  • Sample Lab Plan
  • Sample Lab Prep Sheet
  • Standards of Measurement
  • Start a Conversation Cards
  • Substitutions for Healthier Baking and Cooking
  • Successful Lab Management Guidelines Notes
  • Suggested Guidelines for Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness Lab
  • Table Etiquette
  • Tableware Identification
  • Tableware Identification (Key)

Teaching Strategies/Lesson Ideas

  • When teaching the table service, demonstrate the correct place settings to students using dishes from your kitchens.
  • Use recipes from the internet, cookbooks, magazines to teach how to read a recipe so students can see the not all recipes are written correctly.
  • Search for a handout on different napkin folds that your students can practice. Make sure to have ironing boards, irons, a spray bottle with water, and starch available. Use the water for practice and the starch for the formal events. Students will learn geometry skills folding napkins (angles, lines, circle, etc.) and impress their family and friends with their skills
  • Flashcards for cooking terms can be made using
    Quizlet is the largest flash cards and study games website with over 12 million free sets of flashcards covering every possible subject. Its the best place to play educational games, memorize vocabulary and study online.
  • Allow students to practice different napkin folds. They are actually using geometry when they fold napkins into triangles, rectangles, and so forth.
  • Create Bingo cards for the utensils and terms to review before a test. Search for a website that will allow you to make your own bingo cards. Prizes can be nutritious snacks encouraging students to make wise choices.

References and Resources


  • (2010). Food for today. Columbus, Ohio: McGraw-Hill Glencoe


Lifetime Nutrition and Wellness Pre-Assessment Questions

1. To cook quickly in a little oil, butter, or margarine is to

  • a. stir-fry.
  • b. simmer.
  • c. saute.
  • d. steam.

2. To cook in an oven is to

  • a. broil.
  • b. preheat.
  • c. roast.
  • d. bake.

3. Buying fruits and vegetables in season

  • a. can lower the cost and add to the freshness.
  • b. will spoil faster.
  • c. will taste better.
  • d. can be more expensive.

4. FIFO means

  • a. fire in, fire on.
  • b. flies in, flies out.
  • c. first in, first out.
  • d. fire in, first out.

5. The way of serving meals in which food is portioned out on individual plates in the kitchen and brought to the table is called

  • a. Family service.
  • b. Plate service.
  • c. Modified English service.
  • d. Formal service.

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