Arts Sites
GeneralLanguage Arts Sites
AAASpell - http://aaaspell.com
Learn to spell with these great games -- by grade level.
ABSOLUTEWHOOTIE:STORIES TO GROW BY - http://hazel.forest.net/whootie/default.html
FREE PLAY SCRIPTS TO PRINT AND PERFORM after you close all the pop=upwindows. A selection of fairy tales andfolk tales from around the world,includinga story of the month, that introduce themes of courage, justice,kindness and other positive behavior. Stories are fun, upbeat,kid-tested,copyright-available, and nondenominational, with illustrations by kidsartwork. Question sets follow each story. Kids can click to see whatotherkids had to say about the story, too. Grade Level: Elementary
ACRONYM FINDER - http://www.AcronymFinder.com/
Lots of advertisements, but if you need a searchable databasecontainingcommon acronyms and abbreviations about all subjects, with a focus oncomputers,technology, telecommunications, and the military; 61,000 acronyms &their meanings, this is the site.
AMERICAN SLANGUAGES -http://www.slanguage.com/
Asks you to "choose a city and talk like the locals" - foreign citiestoo. You'll need to be careful with this one, but the rich uses oflanguagehere outweigh the inherent dangers!
AWESOMESTORIES.COM - http://www.awesomestories.com
AwesomeStories.com takes relevant source material from archives,libraries, museums and institutions and presents it within the contextof clear, concise, entertaining stories. Coverage includes Flicks,Famous Trials, History, Biography, Religion, Disasters, LawBuzz (skipInspiration-doesn't seem to fit). Short chapters and lots of links toexternal sources will help keep students interested. Flash-based andnon-Flash versions available.
BARTLETT'S FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS - http://www.bartleby.com/100/
This is 10th edition from 1919. Has a keyword search tool, index ofauthors and more. If you get stuck on the site - use your go to buttonto return to this page.
This research guide goes step by stepthrough the research process; but one of the best parts is the Tipsection.The tip sheets quickly locate whichever part ofthe process a student needs. Tips include: Selecting a research topic;Making source cards; Finding information within sources; Writing astatement of purpose; Brainstorming research questions; Writing athesis statement; Citing sources; Writing a conclusion, etc. This sitewas created by Holly Samuels, Librarian, Cambridge Rindge and LatinSchool.
BEHIND THE NAME - ETYMOLOGY OF NAMES - http://www.behindthename.com/
Introduction to etymology and first names, languages, elements in firstnames, and most popular names - interesting.
BIBME - http://www.bibme.org/
Search for a book, article, website, or film, or enter the informationyourself. Add it to your bibliography and continue citing to build yourworks cited list. Then download your bibliography in either the MLA,APA, Chicago or Turabian formats. It's that easy! WHAT AWONDERFUL RESOURCE!!!
BOOKPALSinclude Storyline (http://www.bookpals.net/storyline.html- children can dial a toll-free-number to hear a book read by an actoranytime, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week); PENCILPALS- http://www.bookpals.net/pencilpals.html- designed to make reading and writing a first person experience forchildren in elementary and middle schools by setting up "pen pals"; andBOOKFINDER - http://www.bookpals.net/cgi-bin/bookfinder/index.pl- a searchable database of read-aloud picture books on a wide range oftopics). Additional programs are available in different parts of theU.S.
BOOKS FOR RESULTS - http://www.books4results.com/
This website was designed for elementary teachers searching forlanguage arts resources or workshops on reading and story writing.Check out the student written book evaluations and original stories.
CATCH THE SPELLING - http://www.manythings.org/cts/
Has a huge collection of spelling games. Game have falling letters, youcatch with a paddle, much like the popular arcade game Breakout. Selectfrom word categories (birds, kitchen, body parts), difficulty, level ofhints provided, or grade level. (Dolch site words for kindergartenthrough third grade.)
CHILDREN'SCREATIVE THEATER GUIDE - http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org/5291/
This ThinkQuest entry takes you inside the theater through links,games,skits and virtual tours to provide for a truly authentic onlineexperience- a real winner for elementary and middle school!
When citing sources, you can have this link write the sources correctlyfor you. Check it out.
COMMON ERRORS IN ENGLISH - http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html
An intensive listing of words which are commonly misused. Sometimes theeasiest way to learn proper grammar, is to learn what NOT to say. Thealphabetical listing makes it easy to find a word. Go to the link ofnon-errors and justify your idiom!
CREATE A WORDFIND - http://www.edhelper.com/wordfind.htm
EdHelper generates a variety of puzzles, but not all are free, sonavigating the choices can be confusing. To make a custom wordsearch, enter your words, and click "Create Word SearchNow!" The next page displays dozens of formatting options, butonly the first three are free, the balance are for paid subscribersonly. Your selection includes upper case, lower case, or nobackward and diagonal words (for an easier puzzle.) Customcrossword puzzles are also free. You find the link on thehorizontal "Also Try" menu. (Reviewed by Barbara J. Feldman)
CREATIVEDRAMAAND THEATER - http://www.creativedrama.com/
A resource site which offers activities for teachers and others likecreative drama, classroom ideas, theatre games, plays for performance,etc.
DAILY GRAMMAR - http://www.dailygrammar.com
Like Word a Day, you can receive a daily lesson or access the archivesfor daily grammar lesson. - This is a mail list.
From Barbara Feldman. You can get a daily serving ofvocabulary-building word activitieson the Web, in your e-mailbox, or even on your pager or cell phone.Today'ssites feature a new word, idiom, word game or quotation every day.
DECODING VISUAL LANGUAGE ELEMENTS IN NEWSCONTENT - http://www.katebrigham.com/thesis/demo.htm#
An interesting interactive demonstration of how visuals in news can bechanged to create feelings. Click on a magazine story and change thevisual or the article. Interesting for older students.
DIGITALLIBRARIAN- http://www.digital-librarian.com
A librarian's choice of the best of the web, this is a fine catalogof subject area; online book reviews, periodicals, articles and databasesat your fingertips - easily searchable.
Great activities and eleven lists for printing of Dolch Words by KathyGursky, first gradeteacher. Dolch words are the 220 most frequently found words in booksthatchildren read.
<>ESL CAFE - http://www.eslcafe.com/
Dave Sperling's site dedicated to learning English as a secondlanguage;designed to be fun for teachers with lots of opportunity forinteractionand loads of shared ideas.
ESL CYBER LISTENING LAB - http://www.esl-lab.com
This website provides a multimedia experience for those seeking tolearn the English language. The focus on the site is most definitely ondeveloping listening skills, and it provides dozens of helpful audiofeatures that quizzes students on topics such as renting an apartment,understanding credit cards, and making doctor's appointments. Anothersection of quizzes deals with subjects that students might encounter inother situations.
ESL GOLD - http://www.eslgold.com
Over twenty languages are included. This site's primary materials arethematically organized into categories such as "Speaking," "Reading,""Listening," and "Writing." Within each of these sections, visitors cantake a look through topical resources that compartmentalize differentthemes, such as "Topics for Writing" or "Organizing and Composing."There are also materials for beginning, intermediate, or advanced levelstudents.
Links for ESL Teachers includes Grammar,Vocab, Idioms, Music, Lessonsand Activities, Speaking and Pronunciation, Reading, Forums and otherusefullinks. Check it out!
FREE BOOK NOTES - http://www.freebooknotes.com/making-language-arts-fun-an-online-guide/
Making Language Arts fun is the project this site has taken on. While reading classic novels, diagramming sentences and writingfive-paragraph essays may be fun for an English teacher, it is rarelyas exciting for students. However, when you bring technology or atleast the Internet into the equation, language arts can be a lot offun. There are links to reading activities, grammar and spellinggames and activities, and writing and publishing links.FREEVOCABULARY-http://www.freevocabulary.com/
Here's a site that offers 5000 definitions to words commonly foundon standardized tests like the SAT. it's a grocery list folks, bestsavedto your hard drive so you can use your browser's Find function toquicklysort through words later. There's also a link to Texas Instrumentswherethey have created Study Cards that run on the TI-73 and TI-83 Pluscoveringvocabulary, literature, math science, social studies, the arts andmuch,much more!
FUN SCHOOL ARCADE - http://funschool.kaboose.com/arcade/language/index.html
Links to fun activities and language arts games for all ages. Othercurriculum is covered as well like math, science, geography andhistory, sports, art and music. Check it out.
GUIDE TOGRAMMAR ANDWRITING - http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/
Pull down menus, ask the site (questions), this is a great sitefor everything grammar from words and senetences to essays, paragraphs,quizzes.There is even a section that explains when to use numbers as words andwhen to use the numerals. Power point presentations include useof commas and semicolon, diagramming sentences, etc.
Ernest Hemingway was one of the most influential writers of the lastcentury. Explore this site to learn more about his adventurous life andhis groundbreaking literary work.
IDIOM OF THE WEEK - http://www.schandlbooks.com/AmericanSlangIdiom.html
American slang.
INTERNETPICTURE DICTIONARY-http://www.pdictionary.com/
The Internet Picture Dictionary is a free, online multilingual picturedictionary designed especially for ESL students and beginning English,French, German, Spanish and Italian language learners of allages. Activities for students allow them to correct the stinky spelling(misspelledwords with the picture right above) and unscramble letters to form thecorrect word.
INTERNET RESOURCES ON CITING: THE TRADEMARKOF A GOOD WRITER - http://www.marcaria.com/internet-resources-on-citing-the-trademark-of-a-good-writer.asp
This is an interesting site recommended by students from Daly City whoused my site as a starting point to learn research paper constructionand citation. This site explains why citing is important, when citingis needed, and tools to help with citation among other things. Thanks"teach" for your letter.
JAN BRETTDOLCH WORDLIST - http://www.janbrett.com/games/jan_brett_dolch_word_list_main.htm
The Dolch words are the 220 most frequently found words. Studentswho learn these words have a good base for beginning reading. Manyof these words cannot be sounded out because they do not followdecodingrules. These words must be learned as sight words.
Justin Cash of Australia has created a huge directory of theatre linksincluding: history, practitioners, genres, styles, online plays,playwrights,classroom resources, education institutions, arts organizations,set/lighting/costumedesigns and more. As with any hotlist, teachers should always checklinksfor suitability before having students access them.
KIDS CLICK - http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/KidsClick!/
A web search for Kids by librarians, includes topics like Weird &Mysterious, the Arts, Math and Science and Literature.
LANGUAGEARTS PAGE- http://members.tripod.com/teachstuff/languagearts.htm
Interesting stuff on this site, including lesson ideas, sources andlinks to other subjects.
LANGUAGE TOOLS - http://www.itools.com/lang/
Look up words, terms or just unscramble words for puzzles andcrosswords: a great site. There is also a translator
LAURACANDLER'S FILE CABINET - http://www.lauracandler.com/filecabinet/index.php
In the file drawers, you will find all sorts of activity sheets andblackline masters created for the classroom. All of them are in PDFformat,so you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in to view andprintthe files.
LEARNING VOCABULARY CAN BE FUN - http://www.vocabulary.co.il
Four online, interactive games with multi-level and multi-subjectchoices to help students learn vocabulary words. Over 100 topics with4,500+ words. Flash games include: Hangman, Word Search, Language MatchGame, Vocabulary Quiz. A "homegrown site" created and maintained byJacob Richman. Requires Flash.
LEXICALFREE NET- http://www.lexfn.com/
THIS IS COOL!Type in any two words and look for synonyms, antonyms, rhymes, anagramsand more. There's even an option to find words in the database withsimilarspellings..
Looking for a new twist to many of the English topics? Lots ofdifferentapproaches and fun links make this a fun site.
MILLENNIUMMYSTERYMADNESS - http://library.thinkquest.org/J002344/
This is ThinkQuest site. Welcome to the wonderful world of mystery! Here youaregoing to see and find facts from the early years of mystery to presentday, from how a mystery was formed, what shouldgo into a mystery, and who wrote the first mystery. Then you play somegamesto test your knowledge. "It's up to you gumshoe!"
MONSTER MOTEL- http://www.kidsonthenet.org.uk/motel/
Enter the creepy house at this address and be ready to scour the placefor monsters! Children are invited to read about monsters other kidshavecreated and then try their hand at making and writing about their own.
There are an amazing assortment of resources on this site; but thewebquest links are great. They are divided up by grade and presented inan easy to see table. Elementary webquests are located at http://www.nelliemuller.com/elementary_school.htm;grades 7-9 at http://www.nelliemuller.com/Junior_High_WebQuests.htm This is one of the largest collection of webquests links so far, but itis not annotated.
NEW YORK TIMES LEARNING NETWORK - http://www.nytimes.com/learning/
News summaries, news quizzes, lesson plans, Newspaper in Educationresources, and much more from those who promise 'all the news that'sfitto print.
ONLINE ENGLISH GRAMMAR - http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/
Pages of information about everything you wanted to know about English grammar. Searchable.
PARTS OF SPEECH GAMES - http://www.surfnetkids.com/parts_of_speech_games.htm
Links to sites of fun-filled games, helping to learn parts of speech,researched by Barbara J. Feldman. Great links.
PICTURE DICTIONARIES - http://www.surfnetkids.com/picture_dictionaries.htm
Another great site by Barbara J. Feldman. "a picture is worth athousandwords. Although traditionally used for early childhood education, a fewof these picks use picture-dictionary metaphor to explore more advancedtopics such as astronomy, architecture and anatomy."
OUTTARAY'SHEAD - http://home.cogeco.ca/~rayser3/
A collection of lesson plans with handouts by Ray Saitz and manycontributors; all of the lessons have been used and refined in theclassroom. Contents contain literature, writing and poetry.
QUIZLET - http://quizlet.com/
Started by Andrew Sutherland when he was 15, you can play this greatsite without an account. But you'll want to sign up for a free accountto build your own interactive flashcard sets to study in five differentmodes: Familiarize, Learn, Test, Scatter Game, and Space Race Game.Sets are organized by tags, and can be coded private or public, orexported in a variety of formats to use elsewhere.
RANDOMHOUSE FORTEACHERS-http://www.randomhouse.com/teachers
A website for K-12 teachers and librarians with guides for teachers,thematic and interdisciplinary indexes, readers' companions, author andillustrator biographies, and more.
READER'STHEATERPAGE - http://www.aaronshep.com/rt/RTE.html
Aaron Shepard's Reader's Theater page with scripts and a guide forwriting your own scripts, how to use them and why they work.
READERSTHEATERSITES - http://www.jbonzer.com/readerstheatersites.html
From first grade teacher J. Bonzer, there are lists of places tofind readers theater sites and other sources.
Really cool.
SMITHSONIANLESSONPLANS -http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/educators/lesson_plans/lesson_plans.html
This is the Smithsonian site for teachers. Great classroom readylessons and activities for arts, language arts, science and socialstudies.
THE TEACHERSDESK - http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/lessonplans.jsp
Includes spelling and vocabulary activities. Click on LanguageArts. Also a Reading site. Cute.
Help your students use a discovery process to learn rules related toforming plurals and adding suffixes and prefixes to base words. And SPELLING STRATEGIES: MAKE SMART USEOFSOUNDS AND SPELLING PATTERNS K-2
http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonplans/index.asp These strategies will help students hear sounds in words by developingphonemic awareness and exploring sound/symbol relationships andspelling patterns.
SPELLINGWORKSHEETSFOR GRADE 1 + - http://www.edhelper.com/spelling_grade1.html
Complete Spelling Lessons! Reproducible Worksheets, Word Lists, WordFind, Fill in Missing Letter, Unscramble, Circle the Correct Word,Pronunciation. You can Receive the Answer Guide to Any Lesson! Receive thecompleteanswers to a lesson condensed into only one e-mail! Click on theTable of Contents for grades 1-12.
STORIES FROM THE WEB -http://www.storiesfromtheweb.org/
Developed by Birmingham Libraries to help motivate childrento respond to literature and produce their own writing; students canread, critique and write their own stories which can be posted in theGallery.
SUPERKIDS VOCABULARY BUILDERS - http://www.superkids.com/aweb/tools/words/
Looking for an easy way to improve your students' (or your own)vocabulary? These should help - and hopefully be fun, too! PSAT and SATVocabulary Flashcards and Matching Game; Word of the Day -- by gradelevel, including SAT words; Hangman -- fun subjects, as well asvocabulary; Hidden Word Puzzles -- make your own! Word Scrambler --great for vocabulary, spelling, and reading! Mumbo Jumbo (likeTextTwist® ) -- Quick, what words can you spell with "QMZYXL"?(Also available for purchase in a downloadable, enhanced version)
TEACHERS HUB - http://www.teachershub.com/teaching/teaching.cfm
Interactive Learning Center for Elementary, Middle School, and HighSchool, with Teacher Resources, a Quiz Hub, Spelling Hub, and Words Hub
THEATRE HISTORY ON THE WEB - http://www.videoccasions-nw.com/history/jack.html
The University of Washington, School of Drama created this siteto aid in online research of theatre throughout the ages. Links underCulturalSites/Theatre Resources are very extensive; links are also grouped byhistoricalperiod. Online journals and books are also linked.
VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES - http://www.surfnetkids.com/vocabulary_activities.htm
Another great websearch by Barbara Feldman. "Word experts agreethat vocabulary is a vital part of school success, and that reading isthe best way to develop one's vocabulary. But online games and quizzesare one way of shaking it up, and it never hurts to have a littlevariety in one's learning toolbox." Check this out.
VOCABULARY BOOKMARKS - http://www.dositey.com/language/bookmark58.htm
Interesting idea. The students can write down words that they want toshare, look up, or add to the word wall while they are reading theirbook. Rest of the site is at http://www.dositey.com/2008/index.php?
VOCABULARY COACH - http://www.vocabularycoach.com/
Three parts words on standaradized tests,, word power, and 5 minutegames to help. There are over 4,000 words, games and activities, andhands-free games to watch and learn. FREE.
VOCABULARY.COM - http://www.vocabulary.com/index.html
Home of "Vocabulary University", a great place for games and puzzlesthat promote word power including thematic word puzzles on a range oftopics;everything you need is right online. I love "root word lessons."
WEB ENGLISHTEACHER - http://www.webenglishteacher.com/
After clicking the pop up windows closed...This is a very comprehensiveHotlist for English teachers, with linksto prose, drama, poetry, and vocabulary sites, as well as Shakespeare,Olympics, Journalism, and Critical thinking.
WORD WISE - http://www.factmonster.com/funfacts.html
All about books, mythology, language, and more. Check the grammarand spelling selections like frequently misspelled words. FromFact Monster.
WORDTURTLE - http://www.funbrain.com/detect/
This is a custom seek and find word search game. You give FunBrain alist of words which it then hides in the puzzle. Select a level and ifyou want to play against FunBrain or want the puzzle to be printed outon paper. Also you can do a puzzle creaed by FunBrain on booksyou've read like Harry Potteror The Lion, the Witch andthe Wardrobe, etc. You can even choose from easy, medium, hard,and superbrain.
WRITINGDEN - http://www2.actden.com/writ_den/
This site, designed for students in grades 6 to 12, provides tips onwriting, help with reading comprehension and even tools to improvevocabularyskills.
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Last Updated April, 2013
Arts Sites
GeneralLanguage Arts Sites
AAASpell - http://aaaspell.com
Learn to spell with these great games -- by grade level.
ABSOLUTEWHOOTIE:STORIES TO GROW BY - http://hazel.forest.net/whootie/default.html
FREE PLAY SCRIPTS TO PRINT AND PERFORM after you close all the pop=upwindows. A selection of fairy tales andfolk tales from around the world,includinga story of the month, that introduce themes of courage, justice,kindness and other positive behavior. Stories are fun, upbeat,kid-tested,copyright-available, and nondenominational, with illustrations by kidsartwork. Question sets follow each story. Kids can click to see whatotherkids had to say about the story, too. Grade Level: Elementary
ACRONYM FINDER - http://www.AcronymFinder.com/
Lots of advertisements, but if you need a searchable databasecontainingcommon acronyms and abbreviations about all subjects, with a focus oncomputers,technology, telecommunications, and the military; 61,000 acronyms &their meanings, this is the site.
AMERICAN SLANGUAGES -http://www.slanguage.com/
Asks you to "choose a city and talk like the locals" - foreign citiestoo. You'll need to be careful with this one, but the rich uses oflanguagehere outweigh the inherent dangers!
AWESOMESTORIES.COM - http://www.awesomestories.com
AwesomeStories.com takes relevant source material from archives,libraries, museums and institutions and presents it within the contextof clear, concise, entertaining stories. Coverage includes Flicks,Famous Trials, History, Biography, Religion, Disasters, LawBuzz (skipInspiration-doesn't seem to fit). Short chapters and lots of links toexternal sources will help keep students interested. Flash-based andnon-Flash versions available.
BARTLETT'S FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS - http://www.bartleby.com/100/
This is 10th edition from 1919. Has a keyword search tool, index ofauthors and more. If you get stuck on the site - use your go to buttonto return to this page.
This research guide goes step by stepthrough the research process; but one of the best parts is the Tipsection.The tip sheets quickly locate whichever part ofthe process a student needs. Tips include: Selecting a research topic;Making source cards; Finding information within sources; Writing astatement of purpose; Brainstorming research questions; Writing athesis statement; Citing sources; Writing a conclusion, etc. This sitewas created by Holly Samuels, Librarian, Cambridge Rindge and LatinSchool.
BEHIND THE NAME - ETYMOLOGY OF NAMES - http://www.behindthename.com/
Introduction to etymology and first names, languages, elements in firstnames, and most popular names - interesting.
BIBME - http://www.bibme.org/
Search for a book, article, website, or film, or enter the informationyourself. Add it to your bibliography and continue citing to build yourworks cited list. Then download your bibliography in either the MLA,APA, Chicago or Turabian formats. It's that easy! WHAT AWONDERFUL RESOURCE!!!
BOOKPALSinclude Storyline (http://www.bookpals.net/storyline.html- children can dial a toll-free-number to hear a book read by an actoranytime, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week); PENCILPALS- http://www.bookpals.net/pencilpals.html- designed to make reading and writing a first person experience forchildren in elementary and middle schools by setting up "pen pals"; andBOOKFINDER - http://www.bookpals.net/cgi-bin/bookfinder/index.pl- a searchable database of read-aloud picture books on a wide range oftopics). Additional programs are available in different parts of theU.S.
BOOKS FOR RESULTS - http://www.books4results.com/
This website was designed for elementary teachers searching forlanguage arts resources or workshops on reading and story writing.Check out the student written book evaluations and original stories.
CATCH THE SPELLING - http://www.manythings.org/cts/
Has a huge collection of spelling games. Game have falling letters, youcatch with a paddle, much like the popular arcade game Breakout. Selectfrom word categories (birds, kitchen, body parts), difficulty, level ofhints provided, or grade level. (Dolch site words for kindergartenthrough third grade.)
CHILDREN'SCREATIVE THEATER GUIDE - http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org/5291/
This ThinkQuest entry takes you inside the theater through links,games,skits and virtual tours to provide for a truly authentic onlineexperience- a real winner for elementary and middle school!
When citing sources, you can have this link write the sources correctlyfor you. Check it out.
COMMON ERRORS IN ENGLISH - http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html
An intensive listing of words which are commonly misused. Sometimes theeasiest way to learn proper grammar, is to learn what NOT to say. Thealphabetical listing makes it easy to find a word. Go to the link ofnon-errors and justify your idiom!
CREATE A WORDFIND - http://www.edhelper.com/wordfind.htm
EdHelper generates a variety of puzzles, but not all are free, sonavigating the choices can be confusing. To make a custom wordsearch, enter your words, and click "Create Word SearchNow!" The next page displays dozens of formatting options, butonly the first three are free, the balance are for paid subscribersonly. Your selection includes upper case, lower case, or nobackward and diagonal words (for an easier puzzle.) Customcrossword puzzles are also free. You find the link on thehorizontal "Also Try" menu. (Reviewed by Barbara J. Feldman)
CREATIVEDRAMAAND THEATER - http://www.creativedrama.com/
A resource site which offers activities for teachers and others likecreative drama, classroom ideas, theatre games, plays for performance,etc.
DAILY GRAMMAR - http://www.dailygrammar.com
Like Word a Day, you can receive a daily lesson or access the archivesfor daily grammar lesson. - This is a mail list.
From Barbara Feldman. You can get a daily serving ofvocabulary-building word activitieson the Web, in your e-mailbox, or even on your pager or cell phone.Today'ssites feature a new word, idiom, word game or quotation every day.
DECODING VISUAL LANGUAGE ELEMENTS IN NEWSCONTENT - http://www.katebrigham.com/thesis/demo.htm#
An interesting interactive demonstration of how visuals in news can bechanged to create feelings. Click on a magazine story and change thevisual or the article. Interesting for older students.
DIGITALLIBRARIAN- http://www.digital-librarian.com
A librarian's choice of the best of the web, this is a fine catalogof subject area; online book reviews, periodicals, articles and databasesat your fingertips - easily searchable.
Great activities and eleven lists for printing of Dolch Words by KathyGursky, first gradeteacher. Dolch words are the 220 most frequently found words in booksthatchildren read.
<>ESL CAFE - http://www.eslcafe.com/
Dave Sperling's site dedicated to learning English as a secondlanguage;designed to be fun for teachers with lots of opportunity forinteractionand loads of shared ideas.
ESL CYBER LISTENING LAB - http://www.esl-lab.com
This website provides a multimedia experience for those seeking tolearn the English language. The focus on the site is most definitely ondeveloping listening skills, and it provides dozens of helpful audiofeatures that quizzes students on topics such as renting an apartment,understanding credit cards, and making doctor's appointments. Anothersection of quizzes deals with subjects that students might encounter inother situations.
ESL GOLD - http://www.eslgold.com
Over twenty languages are included. This site's primary materials arethematically organized into categories such as "Speaking," "Reading,""Listening," and "Writing." Within each of these sections, visitors cantake a look through topical resources that compartmentalize differentthemes, such as "Topics for Writing" or "Organizing and Composing."There are also materials for beginning, intermediate, or advanced levelstudents.
Links for ESL Teachers includes Grammar,Vocab, Idioms, Music, Lessonsand Activities, Speaking and Pronunciation, Reading, Forums and otherusefullinks. Check it out!
FREE BOOK NOTES - http://www.freebooknotes.com/making-language-arts-fun-an-online-guide/
Making Language Arts fun is the project this site has taken on. While reading classic novels, diagramming sentences and writingfive-paragraph essays may be fun for an English teacher, it is rarelyas exciting for students. However, when you bring technology or atleast the Internet into the equation, language arts can be a lot offun. There are links to reading activities, grammar and spellinggames and activities, and writing and publishing links.FREEVOCABULARY-http://www.freevocabulary.com/
Here's a site that offers 5000 definitions to words commonly foundon standardized tests like the SAT. it's a grocery list folks, bestsavedto your hard drive so you can use your browser's Find function toquicklysort through words later. There's also a link to Texas Instrumentswherethey have created Study Cards that run on the TI-73 and TI-83 Pluscoveringvocabulary, literature, math science, social studies, the arts andmuch,much more!
FUN SCHOOL ARCADE - http://funschool.kaboose.com/arcade/language/index.html
Links to fun activities and language arts games for all ages. Othercurriculum is covered as well like math, science, geography andhistory, sports, art and music. Check it out.
GUIDE TOGRAMMAR ANDWRITING - http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/
Pull down menus, ask the site (questions), this is a great sitefor everything grammar from words and senetences to essays, paragraphs,quizzes.There is even a section that explains when to use numbers as words andwhen to use the numerals. Power point presentations include useof commas and semicolon, diagramming sentences, etc.
Ernest Hemingway was one of the most influential writers of the lastcentury. Explore this site to learn more about his adventurous life andhis groundbreaking literary work.
IDIOM OF THE WEEK - http://www.schandlbooks.com/AmericanSlangIdiom.html
American slang.
INTERNETPICTURE DICTIONARY-http://www.pdictionary.com/
The Internet Picture Dictionary is a free, online multilingual picturedictionary designed especially for ESL students and beginning English,French, German, Spanish and Italian language learners of allages. Activities for students allow them to correct the stinky spelling(misspelledwords with the picture right above) and unscramble letters to form thecorrect word.
INTERNET RESOURCES ON CITING: THE TRADEMARKOF A GOOD WRITER - http://www.marcaria.com/internet-resources-on-citing-the-trademark-of-a-good-writer.asp
This is an interesting site recommended by students from Daly City whoused my site as a starting point to learn research paper constructionand citation. This site explains why citing is important, when citingis needed, and tools to help with citation among other things. Thanks"teach" for your letter.
JAN BRETTDOLCH WORDLIST - http://www.janbrett.com/games/jan_brett_dolch_word_list_main.htm
The Dolch words are the 220 most frequently found words. Studentswho learn these words have a good base for beginning reading. Manyof these words cannot be sounded out because they do not followdecodingrules. These words must be learned as sight words.
Justin Cash of Australia has created a huge directory of theatre linksincluding: history, practitioners, genres, styles, online plays,playwrights,classroom resources, education institutions, arts organizations,set/lighting/costumedesigns and more. As with any hotlist, teachers should always checklinksfor suitability before having students access them.
KIDS CLICK - http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/KidsClick!/
A web search for Kids by librarians, includes topics like Weird &Mysterious, the Arts, Math and Science and Literature.
LANGUAGEARTS PAGE- http://members.tripod.com/teachstuff/languagearts.htm
Interesting stuff on this site, including lesson ideas, sources andlinks to other subjects.
LANGUAGE TOOLS - http://www.itools.com/lang/
Look up words, terms or just unscramble words for puzzles andcrosswords: a great site. There is also a translator
LAURACANDLER'S FILE CABINET - http://www.lauracandler.com/filecabinet/index.php
In the file drawers, you will find all sorts of activity sheets andblackline masters created for the classroom. All of them are in PDFformat,so you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in to view andprintthe files.
LEARNING VOCABULARY CAN BE FUN - http://www.vocabulary.co.il
Four online, interactive games with multi-level and multi-subjectchoices to help students learn vocabulary words. Over 100 topics with4,500+ words. Flash games include: Hangman, Word Search, Language MatchGame, Vocabulary Quiz. A "homegrown site" created and maintained byJacob Richman. Requires Flash.
LEXICALFREE NET- http://www.lexfn.com/
THIS IS COOL!Type in any two words and look for synonyms, antonyms, rhymes, anagramsand more. There's even an option to find words in the database withsimilarspellings..
Looking for a new twist to many of the English topics? Lots ofdifferentapproaches and fun links make this a fun site.
MILLENNIUMMYSTERYMADNESS - http://library.thinkquest.org/J002344/
This is ThinkQuest site. Welcome to the wonderful world of mystery! Here youaregoing to see and find facts from the early years of mystery to presentday, from how a mystery was formed, what shouldgo into a mystery, and who wrote the first mystery. Then you play somegamesto test your knowledge. "It's up to you gumshoe!"
MONSTER MOTEL- http://www.kidsonthenet.org.uk/motel/
Enter the creepy house at this address and be ready to scour the placefor monsters! Children are invited to read about monsters other kidshavecreated and then try their hand at making and writing about their own.
There are an amazing assortment of resources on this site; but thewebquest links are great. They are divided up by grade and presented inan easy to see table. Elementary webquests are located at http://www.nelliemuller.com/elementary_school.htm;grades 7-9 at http://www.nelliemuller.com/Junior_High_WebQuests.htm This is one of the largest collection of webquests links so far, but itis not annotated.
NEW YORK TIMES LEARNING NETWORK - http://www.nytimes.com/learning/
News summaries, news quizzes, lesson plans, Newspaper in Educationresources, and much more from those who promise 'all the news that'sfitto print.
ONLINE ENGLISH GRAMMAR - http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/
Pages of information about everything you wanted to know about English grammar. Searchable.
PARTS OF SPEECH GAMES - http://www.surfnetkids.com/parts_of_speech_games.htm
Links to sites of fun-filled games, helping to learn parts of speech,researched by Barbara J. Feldman. Great links.
PICTURE DICTIONARIES - http://www.surfnetkids.com/picture_dictionaries.htm
Another great site by Barbara J. Feldman. "a picture is worth athousandwords. Although traditionally used for early childhood education, a fewof these picks use picture-dictionary metaphor to explore more advancedtopics such as astronomy, architecture and anatomy."
OUTTARAY'SHEAD - http://home.cogeco.ca/~rayser3/
A collection of lesson plans with handouts by Ray Saitz and manycontributors; all of the lessons have been used and refined in theclassroom. Contents contain literature, writing and poetry.
QUIZLET - http://quizlet.com/
Started by Andrew Sutherland when he was 15, you can play this greatsite without an account. But you'll want to sign up for a free accountto build your own interactive flashcard sets to study in five differentmodes: Familiarize, Learn, Test, Scatter Game, and Space Race Game.Sets are organized by tags, and can be coded private or public, orexported in a variety of formats to use elsewhere.
RANDOMHOUSE FORTEACHERS-http://www.randomhouse.com/teachers
A website for K-12 teachers and librarians with guides for teachers,thematic and interdisciplinary indexes, readers' companions, author andillustrator biographies, and more.
READER'STHEATERPAGE - http://www.aaronshep.com/rt/RTE.html
Aaron Shepard's Reader's Theater page with scripts and a guide forwriting your own scripts, how to use them and why they work.
READERSTHEATERSITES - http://www.jbonzer.com/readerstheatersites.html
From first grade teacher J. Bonzer, there are lists of places tofind readers theater sites and other sources.
Really cool.
SMITHSONIANLESSONPLANS -http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/educators/lesson_plans/lesson_plans.html
This is the Smithsonian site for teachers. Great classroom readylessons and activities for arts, language arts, science and socialstudies.
THE TEACHERSDESK - http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/lessonplans.jsp
Includes spelling and vocabulary activities. Click on LanguageArts. Also a Reading site. Cute.
Help your students use a discovery process to learn rules related toforming plurals and adding suffixes and prefixes to base words. And SPELLING STRATEGIES: MAKE SMART USEOFSOUNDS AND SPELLING PATTERNS K-2
http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonplans/index.asp These strategies will help students hear sounds in words by developingphonemic awareness and exploring sound/symbol relationships andspelling patterns.
SPELLINGWORKSHEETSFOR GRADE 1 + - http://www.edhelper.com/spelling_grade1.html
Complete Spelling Lessons! Reproducible Worksheets, Word Lists, WordFind, Fill in Missing Letter, Unscramble, Circle the Correct Word,Pronunciation. You can Receive the Answer Guide to Any Lesson! Receive thecompleteanswers to a lesson condensed into only one e-mail! Click on theTable of Contents for grades 1-12.
STORIES FROM THE WEB -http://www.storiesfromtheweb.org/
Developed by Birmingham Libraries to help motivate childrento respond to literature and produce their own writing; students canread, critique and write their own stories which can be posted in theGallery.
SUPERKIDS VOCABULARY BUILDERS - http://www.superkids.com/aweb/tools/words/
Looking for an easy way to improve your students' (or your own)vocabulary? These should help - and hopefully be fun, too! PSAT and SATVocabulary Flashcards and Matching Game; Word of the Day -- by gradelevel, including SAT words; Hangman -- fun subjects, as well asvocabulary; Hidden Word Puzzles -- make your own! Word Scrambler --great for vocabulary, spelling, and reading! Mumbo Jumbo (likeTextTwist® ) -- Quick, what words can you spell with "QMZYXL"?(Also available for purchase in a downloadable, enhanced version)
TEACHERS HUB - http://www.teachershub.com/teaching/teaching.cfm
Interactive Learning Center for Elementary, Middle School, and HighSchool, with Teacher Resources, a Quiz Hub, Spelling Hub, and Words Hub
THEATRE HISTORY ON THE WEB - http://www.videoccasions-nw.com/history/jack.html
The University of Washington, School of Drama created this siteto aid in online research of theatre throughout the ages. Links underCulturalSites/Theatre Resources are very extensive; links are also grouped byhistoricalperiod. Online journals and books are also linked.
VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES - http://www.surfnetkids.com/vocabulary_activities.htm
Another great websearch by Barbara Feldman. "Word experts agreethat vocabulary is a vital part of school success, and that reading isthe best way to develop one's vocabulary. But online games and quizzesare one way of shaking it up, and it never hurts to have a littlevariety in one's learning toolbox." Check this out.
VOCABULARY BOOKMARKS - http://www.dositey.com/language/bookmark58.htm
Interesting idea. The students can write down words that they want toshare, look up, or add to the word wall while they are reading theirbook. Rest of the site is at http://www.dositey.com/2008/index.php?
VOCABULARY COACH - http://www.vocabularycoach.com/
Three parts words on standaradized tests,, word power, and 5 minutegames to help. There are over 4,000 words, games and activities, andhands-free games to watch and learn. FREE.
VOCABULARY.COM - http://www.vocabulary.com/index.html
Home of "Vocabulary University", a great place for games and puzzlesthat promote word power including thematic word puzzles on a range oftopics;everything you need is right online. I love "root word lessons."
WEB ENGLISHTEACHER - http://www.webenglishteacher.com/
After clicking the pop up windows closed...This is a very comprehensiveHotlist for English teachers, with linksto prose, drama, poetry, and vocabulary sites, as well as Shakespeare,Olympics, Journalism, and Critical thinking.
WORD WISE - http://www.factmonster.com/funfacts.html
All about books, mythology, language, and more. Check the grammarand spelling selections like frequently misspelled words. FromFact Monster.
WORDTURTLE - http://www.funbrain.com/detect/
This is a custom seek and find word search game. You give FunBrain alist of words which it then hides in the puzzle. Select a level and ifyou want to play against FunBrain or want the puzzle to be printed outon paper. Also you can do a puzzle creaed by FunBrain on booksyou've read like Harry Potteror The Lion, the Witch andthe Wardrobe, etc. You can even choose from easy, medium, hard,and superbrain.
WRITINGDEN - http://www2.actden.com/writ_den/
This site, designed for students in grades 6 to 12, provides tips onwriting, help with reading comprehension and even tools to improvevocabularyskills.
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Last Updated April, 2013
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