Rust-Oleum Transformations Dark Color Cabinet Kit (9-Piece

Rated 4.1 out of 5 by 78reviewers.

Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 by $75 for new cabinets1 This is the perfect option to update your cabinets for very little money. However, what you save in money you make up for in time invested. I'm very happy with the results. It's worth the time and effort. I've refinished my kitchen (rustic color) and both of my bathrooms (chocolate color) using this product!TIP: If you don't want/cant use nails & a 2x4 to use in your work space to prop up the doors, I have found red Solo cups to be helpful. TIP FOR THE TIP: There maybe some residue build-up on the cups after a while that makes the cups stick to the cabinet doors and compromising the paint. Cover the cups with an old t-shirt or towel, and the doors won't stick to the cups, keeping your paint perfect!Clean up is a breeze with soap and water (maybe a scouring sponge if dry). July 5, 2014

Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 by Saved thousands on cabinet refinishing Got several quotes for refinishing my kitchen cabinets from local painters ranging from $1800-$2400. Saw the reviews of this product and decided to try it myself before paying someone else to do it. I don't have a huge workspace, so it took me several weekends because of the multiple coats it took for each cabinet door. Everything you need is in the kit. The one kit covered over 21 individual cabinet doors and all the trim (not inside the cabinets). I've received many compliments on the project and I felt good about it, since it's my first attempt at refinishing. Definitely brought our cabinets from the early 80s into 2014! February 27, 2014

Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 by I love my "new" cabinets!!! This is a great product! It is very time consuming, but so worth it. My cabinets look better than I ever thought they would. The only problem I had was with the glaze. Since the glaze is "optional" I wanted to see the difference it would make. I put the glaze on one door and when I went to wipe it with the cheese cloth the base coat started to come off. The glaze did not make that much of a difference so I opted not to use the glaze and they look amazing! I bought one box and I did two full-size bathrooms and my laundry room and I still have a can of the base coat and about 3/4 of a can of the protective coat left so I will be doing my kitchen next - it does a lot. November 11, 2013

Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 by Rust-Oleum Transformation Kit Works GREAT! I re-faced a 50 sq. foot 1970's kitchen in four days. Product is easy to use, odorless, water base. Instructional CD is easy to understand. Product really does what it says. I love the new kitchen and I did it all for under $500.00. Cabinet Kit $75.00, Backsplash tile for 50 sq ft $230.00. Stainless steel fan over cook top $89.00. Hardware handles $104.00. All purchased at Home Depot. Use your HD Credit Card and receive a discount. See before and after photo's below December 22, 2013

Rated 3.0 out of 5.0 by Not as easy as it looks... Cheapest option out there to make a significant change to your cabinets, by far. We bought the kit and chose the Rustic color. We did use the Glaze coating, as well. I would HIGHLY recommend the glaze because it makes your cabinets look more stained rather than just painted, which is the whole point of this stuff. The clear finish coat was challenging because it cures so fast. I spent A LOT of extra time prepping the cabinets first because they had almost 20 years of never getting a thorough cleaning/de-greasing. Preparation is EVERYTHING for this project. Every step gets layered on top of the previous one. So, whatever imperfections you start with will only get highlighted as you go. Pay the extra few bucks and get a couple premium brushes for best results.Preparation: Buy another stack of abrasive pads. The two they give you will not be enough. They'll be fouled up by your fourth cabinet door. Use a scraper and some degreaser to hit the heavy grease spots before you use the deglosser. Use some elbow grease on this part. These abrasive pads are meant to create a profile for the base coat to FIRMLY bond to the wood.Base Coat: Very easy to use. Go with the grain. Two coats is good.Glaze Coat: The less it takes to get full coverage, the less you're wiping off. That's all it is: brushing it on and wiping it off. They DO give you plenty of cheese cloth though. It highlights the grain beautifully.Top Coat: This stuff cures fast, so time is of the essence. If you lay it on too thick the white color will not disappear. I recommend having damp paper towels on hand to lightly wipe along the sides and edges that you can't see well after you brush the top coat on to make sure you don't get the ugly white skid marks. Touch up is NOT easy with this stuff either. Be EXTREMELY careful if you choose to sand these marks off as it is VERY easy to sand the glaze and base coats right off in the process.Do your frame and the inside of your doors first to get used to this stuff. It does seem to be pretty durable, however as spills and such seem to clean up easily. One coat is DEFINITELY enough as long as it's thoroughly applied.If you've painted cabinets before then you should have no problem making the job look good. It took me over a month of seemingly endless late nights of painting cabinet doors before I was finally able to hang them back up and call it done. So, this project will take more time than it may suggest. But again, preparation is key as each step of the process covers the previous one. If you have questions, do call their customer service. I did twice and they were quite friendly and helpful. September 3, 2014

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