APUSH-CH13-01. Corrupt Bargain
The term used to refer to JQA's election to the presidency. It was believed that there was an agreement for Henry Clay to promote JQA to become president and in return JQA would make Henry Clay the secretary of state.
APUSH-CH13-02. 1828 election as a revolution
The Jacksonians gained much ground as Andrew Jackson, a man for the people, became president. The focus on national power diminished as the power to the people grew.
APUSH-CH13-03. Spoils System
Jackson's patronage system, which allowed men to buy their way into office. This resulted in a very corrupt governmental office.
APUSH-CH13-04. Kitchen cabinet
Jackson's cabinet met in the kitchen, resulting in the name of the "kitchen cabinet"
APUSH-CH13-05. Tariff of Abominations- consequences
The south began to call for nullification as the tariff affected them so negatively and provided for no benefits. This late led to a conflict between Jackson and the state of SC. The issue was resolved by Henry Clay and his compromise bill. Nullification crisis. Force Bill. Compromise Tariff
APUSH-CH13-06. South Carolina Exposition and Protest
A pamphlet written by John Calhoun. The pamphlet called for nullification of the tariff. Based on VA/KY resolutions.
APUSH-CH13-07. South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification
This was SC's message to the nation that it would refuse to pay the tariff because of its unfair burden.
APUSH-CH13-08. Force Bill of 1833
This allowed the President to call up a militia to enforce laws.
APUSH-CH13-09. Webster-Hayne Debate
This was the issue of whether it was right for South Carolina to declare nullification of the tariff.
APUSH-CH13-10. Resolution of the nullification crisis
Henry Clay provided the compromise tariff which listed that the tariff would be slightly decreased over a period of eight years.
APUSH-CH13-11. Cherokees and the Supreme Court
As the other Americans were trying to fight against their forced removal through physical attacks, the Cherokees decided to take the issue to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court decided that the Cherokees were right, yet Jackson believed otherwise, and he came out with the Indian Removal Act.
APUSH-CH13-12. Seminoles and the Indian Removal
The Indian Removal Act stated that the Native Americans in the east of the Mississippi must move to the west. The Seminole Indians took a stand in the Florida Everglades. They fought a guerrilla warfare.
APUSH-CH13-13. BUS - reason for Jacksonian opposition
Says that it favors the elite. Government deposits are used only for private loans, and only the rich make money off of government tax money.
APUSH-CH13-14. 1832 election - main issue
The main issue was the debate over the BUS.
APUSH-CH13-15. Banking system under Jackson
Jackson took the deposits out of the BUS, and placed them in the wildcat banks, which gave away loans very easily to the state governments.
APUSH-CH13-16. Whig Party
Combination of many anti- Jacksonian supporters.
APUSH-CH13-17. Panic of 1837
1/3 of the nation was in unemployment. Van Buren did not try to improve the economy because he felt it wasn't his responsibility. The independent treasury is established, so that Federal money could not be spent.
APUSH-CH13-18. Independent Treasury
a holding place for the government's money, where money could not be taken out.
APUSH-CH13-19. Texas Mexican policy toward, annexation
Mexico invited Americans to fill as a buffer supply. Required that settlers were to be Catholic. Slave trade is prohibited. Texas later breaks free from Mexico and applies for statehood, but is denied due to the issues over slavery.
APUSH-CH13-20. Alamo
The a battle fought for Texan independence against the Spanish. The battle ends in American defeat.
APUSH-CH13-21. San Jacinto
A victory for the American which led to a legal break away from the Mexican Empire.
APUSH-CH13-22. Jacksonian Democrat beliefs
Believed in the power of the people. The patronage system. The belief that people should be on top above all else.
APUSH-CH13-23. Two Party-System - reasons for
Needed to prevent radical ideas. There was both geographical and societal diversities, so no sectional differences came out as a result.
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