Want to gel stain kitchen cabs. Look ok? - Home Decorating

Hi guys. Id like to bounce some ideas that Ive been pondering. I need a change. My cabinets have turned that horrid orange color. If I were giving advice my knee jerk response would be to paint them white but I dont want to for a number of reasons. The main one being I prefer stained wood . The appliances arent that old so they need to stay for now.

Im thinking a rich brown color. Im leaning gel stain and maybe a glaze. I have products in mind, but to keep this thread simple, Ill try and focus on the stain color.

My kitchen and DR.
 photo 1DSC_2563_zpsd8942a79.jpg
 photo 2DSC_2560_zps322aad7e.jpg

Close up of counter, cabinets, and floor.
 photo DSC_2458_zps39c444e6.jpg

DR side
*note - The hutch is sentimental and Im not willing to alter it.
 photo 3DSC_2571_zps1f4579cf.jpg
 photo 5P1120301_zps5ba2742f.jpg
*note - Theres a white pantry door on the left wall (not shown) across from the island.
 photo 4P1120305_zpseb0c85d7.jpg

I think this color works with the counters but will this make the kitchen more disjointed with the DR? The wood tones dont currently match but are similar. I do have a small table in the corner of the DR (see above - holds a computer) and its similar to the stain color Im aiming for. I think it looks fine but its a small piece in the room vs. all the cabinets.

Heres the bottom piece of the table. Looking a wee bit rugged but you get the idea.
 photo DSC_2543_zpsff7d22e2.jpg

Here are some inspiration pics with cabinet tones I like. These first two photos look really close to the table in my DR.
1 I like the 2nd piece of furniture. - its glazed which I like very much. EDIT - 1st piece done in General Finishes gel stain in Candlelite. 2nd piece Java over the Candlelite as a glaze.
 photo genfinishesfirstiscandlelitethesecondhasbeenglazedwithjava_zpsd627a265.jpg

2 Fireplace EDIT - General Finishes 50/50 mix of Candlelite and Java gel stains.
 photo genfinishes50-50mixofjavaandcandlelitegelstaingiveswarmerlooktojavaandnotasdark_zps799f37ab.jpg

3 Looking at the island in this photo with similar countertop.
 photo Photo_Video_af636281-f544-4ac7-9bee-1e9299e98b53_medium_zpsad2e47c0.jpg

4. The floor and countertop on this one is very similar to mine. I wouldnt have the slate (?) backsplash so it would be paint or Ive been tossing the idea of beadboard wallpaper (have some left from another project).
 photo similartomine_zps7a6290c4.jpg

5 Another option - EDIT General Finishes Brown Mahogany gel stain.
 photo generalfinsihesgelbrownmahoganyfinishedvanity_zps6ea4267b.jpg

6 Gel stained oak kitchen with similar counters and painted island. I like that the grain shows. I like this one but its very brown.
 photo gel-stainoveroriginalgoldenoak_zps3e58beaf.jpg

7 I absolutely dont want them dark opaque or this color.
 photo photo-Bordeaux-Shaker-Kitchen-Cabinets_zps1a8f80e5.jpg

Other things Im willing and/or want to change!
-PAINT - Id probably want to go the lighter/so called neutral direction. Getting ahead of myself, BM Shaker Beige works well with the counters and floors but might be too dark. FWIW, Im planning to paint my LR and foyer/hall this color.

Here are some photos showing similar features. Yes, Im a visual person! (Hoping this helps some of you too!)

8 I think the lighting makes these cabinets appear a little darker but I wanted to show with a white island.
 photo whiteisland_zpscab6b2c2.jpg

9 These are too dark and opaque but they too have white appliances.
 photo mlraff53gelstainoakcabinets_zps46f62a4f.jpg

10 Again too dark but wanting to show with white in the room.
 photo javagelstainkitchenbefore_zpsa6d93ead.jpg

A few more.
11 Thriftydecorchic
 photo thriftydecorchickitchen1_zps7ce67d39.jpg

 photo 2013-Best-Paint-Colors-With-Oak-Cabinets-300x200_zps82cfca71.jpg

 photo 405386094_a7dd3675b2_zps64781230.jpg

Can I make this work with the white appliances and the open DR area? If so, do you have any thoughts as to which of the photos to go to for a color guide? I think the cabinets would look much better dark (with other changes - paint, etc.) but IMO too red (or purple) will, for sure, make it look disjointed.

Any thoughts as to what to do with the rest of the kitchen (paint, island, etc.)?


Oh and FWIW, we have dark wood (not matching) in the rest of the house and I think the kitchen looks like the odd ball. Also, I do plan to test whatever stain out but wanted feedback first.

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