Jacksonian Era: American History 1829 - 1841 ***


Jacksonian Era: United States History from 1829 - 1841
Andrew Jackson Presidency (1829-1833) & (1833-1837)

1830 Indian Removal ActThe start of the forced removal of Native American Indians fro their lands  Tariff of 1832Protective tariff to ease the conflict created by the 1828 tax referred to as the Tariff of Abominations.  Force BillAgainst the South Carolina legislature who had declared the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within the state borders of South Carolina.  Nullification CrisisThe crisis was due to the South opposing protective tariffs which damaged their economy  1833 Compromise TariffDefused the gravity of the Nullification Crisis.  Bank WarJackson's destruction of the Second Bank of the United States  Pet Banks and Wildcat BanksThe emergence of the Pet Banks that were favored by Andrew Jackson and the rise of 'Wildcat Banks'  Specie CircularAll government owned lands must be paid for exclusively in gold or silver (specie)  Peggy Eaton affairThe scandal that involved members of President Jackson's Cabinet and their wives  The Kitchen CabinetJackson chose his friends as advisors rather than use the cabinet  The Spoils SystemJobs for the Boys  Battle of the Alamo180 American rebels fought for Texan independence from Mexico.  Victory or Death letterThe "Victory or Death" letter sent by Colonel William B. Travis during the Battle of the Alamo  Texas RevolutionResulted in the establishment of the Republic of Texas  Cyrus McCormick reaperThe McCormick reaper speeded the process of harvesting with a new machine.  Nat Turner's RebellionThe history of the short lived slave revolt led by Nat Turner  Abolitionist MovementOver 50 facts about the history of the Abolitionist Movement  Fugitive Slave ActGuaranteed the right of a owners to recover an escaped slave and for fugitives to be returned  1836 Gag RuleThe gag rule prevented abolitionist petitions.  The "Underground Railroad"The secret organization that helped slaves escape from slavery in the Southern slave states to freedom in the Northern free states and Canada  Underground Railroad MapsRoutes of the Underground Railways and details of the Free and Slave Staes  Underground Railroad Symbols & Secret CodesThe history of the secret codes used by slaves escaping from slavery  

Jacksonian Era: United States History from 1829 - 1841 - Andrew Jackson Presidency

Jacksonian Era: American History 1829 - 1841 ***
Crash Course in American History: Summaries of Events in the Jacksonian Era A fast overview, or crash course in American History, during the Jacksonian Era can be

Nullification Crisis: American History for Kids ***
Nullification Crisis Andrew Jackson was the 7th American President who served in office from March 4, 1829 to March 4, 1837. One of the important events during his

APUSH-Wiki-Marlborough-School - Jacksonian Democracy (1829 ...
jacksonian democracy; jacksonian reforms; Export (PDF) JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY (1829-1841) Start of Jacksonian Democracy. Favored Henry Clays American System;

23f. Jacksonian Democracy and Modern America - US History
A new era of American politics began with Jackson's election labeled as one of the dirtiest in history; order of the day during the era of Jacksonian

October 28: The Jacksonian Era, 1829-1841 | U.S. History ...
October 28: The Jacksonian Era, 1829-1841. african americans albany congress american revolution announcements articles of Hosted by Cleveland History

The Jackson Era/Antebellum America - Ste. Genevieve R-II ...
AMERICAN HISTORY NOTES . Chapters 10-15: The Jackson Era/Antebellum America 1. The The Martin Van Buren Administration 1837-1841 :

Chapter 10 Jacksonian Era - Rose State College
political leaders in American history. Ch 10 Jacksonian Era 1824-45 (16) 11 1841. a true Jacksonian.

State Legislative Parties in the Jacksonian Era: New ...
State Legislative Parties in the Jacksonian during the Jacksonian Era," Jour- nal of American History, During the Era of Andrew Jackson, 1829

WWW-VL: History: United States: The Age Of Jackson, 1830 ...
The Administration of Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837; First Inaugural, AmDocs: American History Documents; Internal Improvements; Indian Policy in the Jacksonian Era;

Politics of the Jacksonian Era - CliffsNotes Study Guides ...
Even though Andrew Jackson was president only from 1829 to 1837, his influence on American politics U.S. History I Jacksonian Era;

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